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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/The Integral Perfection.htm
Chapter II The Integral Perfection A DIVINE perfection of the human being is our aim. We must know then first what are the essential elements that constitute man's total perfection; secondly, what we mean by a divine as distinguished from a human perfection of our being. That man as a being is capable of self-development and of some approach at least to an ideal standard of perfection which his mind is able to conceive, fix before it and pursue, is common ground to all thinking humanity, though it may be only the minority who concern themselves with this possibility as providing the one most important aim of life. But by some the ideal is conceived as a mundane c
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/The Delight of the Divine.htm
Chapter VI The Delight of the Divine THIS then is the way of devotion and this its justification to the highest and the widest, the most integral knowledge, and we can now perceive what form and place it will take in an integral Yoga. Yoga is in essence the union of the soul with the immortal being and consciousness and delight of the Divine, effected through the human nature with a result of development into the divine nature of being, whatever that may be, so far as we can conceive it in mind and realise it in spiritual activity. Whatever we see of this Divine and fix our concentrated effort upon it, that we can become or grow into some kind of unity with it
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/The Motives of Devotion.htm
Chapter II The Motives of Devotion ALL religion begins with the conception of some Power or existence greater and higher than our limited and mortal selves, a thought and act of worship done to that Power, and an obedience offered to its will, its laws or its demands. But Religion, in its beginnings, sets an immeasurable gulf between the Power thus conceived, worshipped and obeyed and the worshipper. Yoga in its culmination abolishes the gulf; for Yoga is union. We arrive at union with it through knowledge; for as our first obscure conceptions of it clarify, enlarge, deepen, we come to recognise it as our own highest self, the origin and sustainer of our bei
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/The Power of the Instruments.htm
Chapter XIV The Power of the Instruments THE second member of the Yoga of self-perfection is the heightened, enlarged and rectified power of the instruments of our normal Nature. The cultivation of this second perfection need not wait for the security of the equal mind and spirit, but it is only in that security that it can become complete and act in the safety of the divine leading. The object of this cultivation is to make the nature a fit instrument for divine works. All work is done by power, by Shakti, and since the integral Yoga does not contemplate abandonment of works, but rather a doing of all works from the divine consciousness and with the supreme
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/The Divine Personality.htm
Chapter V The Divine Personality ONE question rises immediately in a synthetic Yoga which must not only comprise but unify knowledge and devotion, the difficult and troubling question of the divine Personality. All the trend of modern thought has been towards the belittling of personality; it has seen behind the complex facts of existence only a great impersonal force, an obscure becoming, and that too works itself out through impersonal forces and impersonal laws, while personality presents itself only as a subsequent, subordinate, partial, transient phenomenon upon the face of this impersonal movement. Granting even to this Force a consciousness, that seems to
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/The Godward Emotions.htm
Chapter III The Godward Emotions THE principle of Yoga is to turn Godward all or any of the powers of the human consciousness so that through that activity of the being there may be contact, relation, union. In the Yoga of Bhakti it is the emotional nature that is made the instrument. Its main principle is to adopt some human relation between man and the Divine Being by which through the ever intenser flowing of the heart's emotions towards him the human soul may at last be wedded to and grow one with him in a passion of divine Love. It is not ultimately the pure peace of oneness or the power and desireless will of oneness, but the ecstatic joy of union which the d
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/The Divine Shakti.htm
Chapter XVI The Divine Shakti THE relation between the Purusha and Prakriti which emerges as one advances in the Yoga of self-perfection is the next thing that we have to understand carefully in this part of the Yoga. In the spiritual truth of our being the power which we call Nature is the power of being, consciousness and will and therefore the power of self-expression and self-creation of the self, soul or Purusha. But to our ordinary mind in the ignorance and to its experience of things the force of Prakriti has a different appearance. When we look at it in its universal action outside ourselves, we see it first as a mechanical energy in the cosmos which acts upon
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/precontent.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/The Supramental Thought and Knowledge.htm
Chapter XXII The Supramental Thought and Knowledge THE transition from mind to supermind is not only the substitution of a greater instrument of thought and knowledge, but a change and conversion of the whole consciousness. There is evolved not only a supramental thought, but a supramental will, sense, feeling, a supramental substitute for all the activities that are now accomplished by the mind. All these higher activities are first manifested in the mind itself as descents, irruptions, messages or revelations of a superior power. Mostly they are mixed up with the more ordinary action of the mind and not easily distinguishable from them in our fi
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Synthesis of Yoga_Volume-21/The Nature of the Supermind.htm
Chapter XIX The Nature of the Supermind THE object of Yoga is to raise the human being from the consciousness of the ordinary mind subject to the control of vital and material Nature and limited wholly by birth and death and Time and the needs and desires of the mind, life and body to the consciousness of the spirit free in its self and using the circumstances of mind, life and body as admitted or self-chosen and self-figuring determinations of the spirit, using them in a free self-knowledge, a free will and power of being, a free delight of being. This is the essential difference between the ordinary mortal mind in which we live and the spiritual c