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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/The_Mother's_Light.htm
S E C T I O N  F O U R SECTION  FOUR   THE MOTHER'S LIGHT   Page-34 The Mother's Light   The Mother's consciousness is the divine consciousness and the Light that comes from it is the light of the Divine Truth. One who receives and accepts and lives in the Mother's light, will begin to see the truth on all the planes, the mental, the vital, the physical. He will reject all that is undivine, - the undivine is the falsehood, the ignorance, the error of the dark forces; the undivine is all that is obscure and unwilling to accept the Divine Truth and its light and force. The undivine, therefore, is all that is unwilling to accept the light and force of the Mot
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/Working_of_the_Mother's_Force.htm
S E C T I O N  F I V E SECTION   FIVE   WORKING OF THE MOTHER'S FORCE   Page-38 The Mother's Force     Nothing can be done except through the force of the Mother.     The Force of Prakriti and the Mother's Force   When I speak of the Mother's force I do not speak of the force of Prakriti which carries in it things of the Ignorance but of the higher Force of the Divine that descends from above to transform the nature.   No, there was no intention on the Mother's part. It is yourself who by coming to Mother became aware of your mistake.     The Yoga-Shakti of the Mother   There is a forc
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/The_Significance_of_the_Divine_Mother.htm
SECTION  TWO   THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE DIVINE MOTHER   Page-15 The Divine Mother   The Divine Mother is the Consciousness and Force of the Divine - which is the Mother of all things.     The Mother and the Lower Prakriti   It is a mistake to identify the Mother with the lower Prakriti and its mechanism of forces. Prakriti here is a mechanism only which has been put forth for the working of the evolutionary Ignorance. As the ignorant mental, vital or physical being is not itself the Divine, although it comes from the Divine - so the mechanism of Prakriti is not the Divine Mother. No doubt something of her is there in
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/The_Mother's_Presence.htm
SECTION   SIX     THE MOTHER'S PRESENCE   Page-47 The Constant Presence of the Mother   (1)   Live always as if you were under the very eye of the Supreme and of the Divine Mother. Do nothing, try to think and feel nothing that would be unworthy of the Divine Presence.   (2)   The constant presence of the Mother comes by practice; the Divine Grace is essential for success in sadhana, but it is the practice that prepares the descent of the Grace. You have to learn to go inward, ceasing to live in external things only, quiet the mind and aspire to become aware of the Mother's workings in you.   (3)   He must go into
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/precontent.htm
    Letters   of   Sri Aurobindo   On   The Mother         SRI AUROBINDO CIRCLE   BOMBAY PUBLISHERS:    SRI AUROBINDO CIRCLE    32, RAMPART ROW   BOMBAY       All Rights Reserved     First Published in 1951     SRI AUROBINDO ASHRAM PRESS   PONDICHERRY   P R I N T E D  I N  I N D I A     576/7/51/3,000 Photo: Henri Cartier Bresson  
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/The_Mother_and_the_Working_of_the_Ashram.htm
SECTION   EIGHT     THE MOTHER AND THE WORKING OF THE ASHRAM   Page-62 Differences in the Mother's Dealing with Sadhaks   (1)   The Mother and myself deal with all according to the law of the Divine. We receive alike rich and poor, those who are high-born or low-born according to human standards, and extend to them an equal love and protection. Their progress in sadhana is our main concern - for they have come here for that, not to satisfy their palates or their bellies, not to make ordinary vital demands or to quarrel about position or place or comforts. That progress depends on how they answer to the Mother's
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/ publishers_Note.htm
PUB LISHER'S NOTE   AFTER The Mother came to India and joined Sri Aurobindo in his spiritual work, a number of questions were put to him by his disciples and others about her. The answers given by Sri Aurobindo to these questions have been compiled in this book and presented in different sections to facilitate proper understanding. Some of these letters have already been published in various books of Sri Aurobindo's letters but quite a number of them are being published for the first time. In some cases where the whole letter dealt with many topics, only the portion dealing with The Mother has been extracted for inclusion in this book. The extract on "The World Mother" at the end
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/True_Relation_with_the_Mother.htm
SECTION   SEVEN     TRUE RELATION WITH THE MOTHER   Page-51 Relation between the Mother and the Sadhaks   (1)   The relation which exists between the Mother and all who accept her is a psychic and spiritual motherhood. It is a far greater relation that that of the physical mother to her child; it gives all that human motherhood can give, but in a much higher way, and it contains in itself infinitely more. It can therefore, because it is greater and more complete, take altogether the room of the physical relation and replace it both in the inward and the outward life. There is nothing here that can confuse an
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/Sadhana_Through_Work_for_the_Mother.htm
SECTION  NINE     SADHANA THROUGH WORK FOR THE MOTHER   Page-80 Sadhana through Work for the Mother   Work for the Mother done with the right concentration on her is as much a sadhana as meditation and inner experience.     Preparation through Work for the Mother   Those who do work for the Mother in all sincerity, are prepared by the work itself for the right consciousness even if they do not sit down for meditation or follow any particular practice of Yoga. It is not necessary to tell you how to meditate; whatever is needful will come of itself, if in your work and at all times you are sincere and
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Letters of Sri Aurobindo on The Mother/The_Mother's_Help_in_Difficulties.htm
S E C T I O N   T E N SECTION   TEN     THE MOTHER'S HELP IN DIFFICULTIES   Page-88 Assurance of Victory   Be sure that the Mother will always be with you to carry you upon the path. Difficulties come and difficulties go, but, she being with you, the victory is sure.   18-7-1936     The Mother and the Path   No. It is perhaps how some part of the vital or physical consciousness figured it. But the path is not a desert nor are you alone, since the Mother is with you.   2-11-1933     Action of the Mother's Grace   Q: Can it be believed that the Mother's Grace is acting even whe