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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/The Ideal of the Karmayogin.htm
The Ideal of the Karmayogin A NATION is building in India today before the eyes of the world so swiftly, so palpably that all can watch the process and those who have sympathy and intuition distinguish the forces at work, the materials in use, the lines of the divine architecture. This nation is not a new race raw from the workshop of Nature or created by modern circumstances. One of the oldest races and greatest civilisations on this earth, the most indomitable in vitality, the most fecund in greatness, the deepest in life, the most wonderful in potentiality, after taking into itself numerous sources of strength from foreign strains of blood and other type
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/Beadon Square Speech.htm
Beadon Square Speech SJ. Aurobindo Ghose said that when in jail he had been told that the country was demoralised by the repression. He could not believe it then, because his experience of the movement had been very different. He had always found that when Swadeshi was flagging or the Boycott beginning to relax, it only needed an act of repression on the part of the authorities to give it redoubled vigour. It seemed to him then impossible that the deportations would have a different effect. When nine of the most active and devoted workers for the country had been suddenly hurried away from their homes without any fault on their part, without the Government being able
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/The Past and Future.htm
The Past and the Future OUR contemporary, the Statesman, notices in an unusually self-restrained article the recent brochure republished by Dr. A. K. Coomaraswamy from the Modern Review under the title, "The Message of the East". We have not the work before us but, from our memory of the articles and our knowledge of our distinguished countryman's views, we do not think the Statesman has quite caught the spirit of the writer. Dr. Coomaraswamy is above all a lover of art and beauty and the ancient thought and greatness of India, but he is also, and as a result of this deep love and appreciation, an ardent Nationalist. Writing as an artist, he calls attention to th
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/Bibliographical Note.htm
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The Karmayogin, "a Weekly Review of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy etc.", was started by Sri Aurobindo in 1909, after his acquittal in the Alipore Conspiracy Case. The first issue appeared on June 19, 1909. In February, 1910, when he left for Chandernagore, he requested Sister Nivedita to conduct the journal. But after eight more issues, on April 2, 1910, the Karmayogin came to a stop. Some of the editorials in the last few issues from February 12 onwards seem to us, however, to have been Sri Aurobindo's. Probably they were written earlier and left behind in the office. In his editorials in this journal Sri Aurobind
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/Mr Mackarness' Bill.htm
-11_Mr Mackarness' Bill.htm Mr. Mackarness' Bill we FIND in India to hand by mail last week the full text of Mr. Mackarness' speech in introducing the Bill by which he proposes to amend the Regulation of 1818 and safeguard the liberties of the subject in India. We are by no means enamoured of the step which Mr. Mackarness has taken. We could have understood a proposal to abolish the regulation entirely and disclaim the necessity or permissibility of coercion in India. This would be a sound Liberal position to take, but it would not have the slightest chance of success in England and would be no more than an emphatic form of protest not expected or intended to go farther. B
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/The Boycott Celebraton.htm
The Boycott Celebration A NATIONAL festival is the symbol of the national vitality. All outward action depends eventually on the accepted ideas and imaginations of the doer. As these are, so is his aspiration; and although it is not true that as is his aspiration, so is his action, yet it is true that as is his aspiration, so will his action more and more tend to be. If it is the idea that finally expresses itself in all material forms, actions, institutions and consummations, it is the imagination that draws the idea out, suggests the shape and gives the creative impulse. Hence the importance of celebrations like the 7th of August, especially in the first moveme
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/The Doctrine of Sacrifice.htm
The Doctrine of Sacrifice THE genius of self-sacrifice is not common to all nations and to all individuals; it is rare and precious, it is the flowering of mankind's ethical growth, the evidence of our gradual rise from the self-regarding animal to the selfless divinity. A man capable of self-sacrifice, whatever his other sins, has left the animal behind him; he has the stuff in him of a future and higher humanity. A nation capable of a national act of self-sacrifice ensures its future. Self-sacrifice involuntary or veiled by forms of selfishness is, however, the condition of our existence. It has been a gradual growth in humanity. The first sacrifices are alway
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/The Alipur Judgement.htm
The Alipur Judgment THE judgment of the Appeal Court in the Alipur Case has resulted in the reduction of sentences to a greater or less extent in all but two notable instances, and on the other hand, the maintenance of the finding of the Lower Court in all but six cases, on five of which there is a difference of opinion between the Chief Justice and Justice Carnduff. So long as these cases are still sub judice, we reserve our general comments on the trial. At present we can only offer a few remarks on special features of the judgment. The acquittal of the Maratha, Hari Balkrishna Kane, must give universal satisfaction, as his conviction in the absence of any evidence
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/Sj. Aurobindo Ghose.htm
Sj. Aurobindo Ghose* WE ARE greatly astonished to learn from the local Press that Sj. Aurobindo Ghose has disappeared from Calcutta and is now interviewing the Mahatmas in Tibet. We are ourselves unaware of this mysterious disappearance. As a matter of fact Sj. Aurobindo is in our midst, and if he is doing any astral business with Kuthmi or any of the other great Rishis, the fact is unknown to his other Koshas. Only as he requires perfect solitude and freedom from disturbance for his Sadhana for some time, his address is being kept a strict secret. This is the only foundation for the remarkable rumour which the vigorous imagination of a local contemporary has set floating
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Karmayogin_Volume-02/The Reformed Councils.htm
The Reformed Councils THE great measure which is to carry down the name of Lord Morley to distant ages as the inaugurator of a new age in India, — so at least all the Anglo-Indian papers and not a few of the Moderates tell us, — is now before us in all its details. The mountains have again been in labour, and the mouse they have produced this time is enormous in size and worthy of the august mountains that produced him, but not the less ridiculous for all that. What is it that this much-trumpeted scheme gives to a people which is not inferior in education or intellectual calibre to the Turk, the Persian and the Chinese who already enjoy or are in sight of full self-go