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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/Jhalakati Speech.htm
Jhalakati Speech   FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN, delegates and people of Barisal and Bakarganj:– I have first to express to you my personal gratitude for the kindly reception you have accorded to me. For a year I have been secluded from the fellowship and brotherly embrace of my fellow-countrymen. To me, therefore, the kindliness of your welcome must awake much keener feelings than would have been the case in other circumstances. Especially is it a cause of rejoicing to me to have that welcome in Barisal. When I come to this District, when I come to this soil of Bakarganj which has been made sacred and ever memorable in the history of this
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/College Square Speech – 1.htm
122 College Square Speech ­ 1 I College Square Speech ­ 1   I THANK you for the kindly welcome that you have accorded to me. The time fixed by the law for the breaking up of the meeting is also at hand, and I am afraid I have disappointed one or two speakers by getting up so soon. But there is just one word that has to be spoken today. Recently a speech has been made in the Bengal Legislative Council by the Lieutenant-Governor of this province, a speech which I think is one of the most unfortunate and most amazing that have ever been delivered by a ruler in his position. The occasion of the speech was a reference to certain murders that have recently been commi
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/Facts and Opinions_30.htm
KARMAYOGIN A WEEKLY REVIEW of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy, &c., Vol. I  } SATURDAY 29th JANUARY 1910 { No. 30   Facts and Opinions   The High Court Assassination   The startling assassination of Deputy Superintendent Shams-ul-Alam on Monday in the precincts of the High Court, publicly, in daylight, under the eyes of many and in a crowded building, breaks the silence which had settled on the country, in a fashion which all will de
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/Facts and Opinions_18.htm
KARMAYOGIN A WEEKLY REVIEW of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy, &c., Vol. I  } SATURDAY 6th NOVEMBER 1909 { No. 18   Facts and Opinions   Mahomedan Representation   The question of separate representation for the Mahomedan community is one of those momentous issues raised in haste by a statesman unable to appreciate the forces with which he is dealing, which bear fruit no man expected and least of all
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/Facts and Opinions_5.htm
KARMAYOGIN A WEEKLY REVIEW of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy, &c., Vol. I  } SATURDAY 24th JULY 1909 { No. 5     Facts and Opinions   The Indiscretions of Sir Edward   The speech of Sir Edward Baker in the Bengal Council last week was one of those indiscretions which statesmen occasionally commit and invariably repent, but which live in their results long after the immediate occasion has been forgotten. T
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/Facts and Opinions_29.htm
KARMAYOGIN A WEEKLY REVIEW of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy, &c., Vol. I  } SATURDAY 22nd JANUARY 1910 { No. 29   Facts and Opinions   Lajpat Rai's Letters   The case of Parmanand, the Arya Samaj teacher, whom with a singular pusillanimity the D.A.V. College authorities have dismissed before anything was proved against him, has been of more than usual interest because of the parade with which Lajpat Rai's letters to him were brough
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/Facts and Opinions_31.htm
KARMAYOGIN A WEEKLY REVIEW of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy, &c., Vol. I  } SATURDAY 5th FEBRUARY 1910 { No. 31   Facts and Opinions   The Party of Revolution   Be the fault whose you will, ours or the Government's, the existence of an organised party of armed Revolution in Indian politics is now a recognised factor of the situation. The enormous strides with which events have advanced and a sky full of trouble but also of ho
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/A Task Unaccomplished.htm
A Task Unaccomplished   THERE is no question so vital to the future of this nation as the spirit in which we are to set about the regeneration of our national life. Either India is rising again to fulfil the function for which her past national life and development seem to have prepared her, a leader of thought and faith, a defender of spiritual truth and experience destined to correct the conclusions of materialistic Science by the higher Science of which she has the secret and in that power to influence the world's civilisation, or she is rising as a faithful pupil of Europe, a follower of methods and ideas borrowed from the West, a copyis
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/Facts and Opinions_15.htm
KARMAYOGIN A WEEKLY REVIEW of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy, &c., Vol. I  } SATURDAY 2nd OCTOBER 1909 { No. 15   Facts and Opinions   The Rump Presidential Election   The Lahore Special Correspondent of the Rashtra Mat telegraphs to his paper a story of the proceedings at the Presidential election for the Rump Congress at Lahore, which, if correct, sheds a singular light on the proceedings of the valiant Thre
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Karmayogin/Facts and Opinions_26.htm
KARMAYOGIN A WEEKLY REVIEW of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy, &c., Vol. I  } SATURDAY 1st JANUARY 1910 { No. 26   Facts and Opinions   The Perishing Convention   The Convention has met at Lahore and the fact that it could meet at all, has been hailed as a great triumph by the Anglo-Indian Press. But the success of this misbegotten body in avoiding immediate extinction has only served to show the marks of