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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Vyasa^s Savitri/Some Perspectives of Savitri Upakhyana.htm
The story of Savitri narrated by Rishi Markandeya to
Yudhishthira appears as a minor episode or upakhyana in
seven cantos of the Book of the Forest in the Mahabharata (Pativrata Mahatmya, Chapters 293-299, Vana
Parva, Gita Press, Gorakhpur). The immediate purpose
of the narration seems to be the alleviation of grief of the
eldest of the Pandavas, afflicted as he was by the sad
helpless plight of his brothers and more so by the plight of
their common wife Draupadi. This virtuous daughter of
Drupada, the king of Panchala Desh, was born in the
purity of a sacrificial flame and was radiant and beautifu
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Vyasa^s Savitri/Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-3.htm
-03_Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-3.htm
The Marriage of Satyavan and Savitri; by her
Work and Service Savitri's Keeping the In-Laws
and Everybody Happy and Pleased.
Markandeya said:
Then the King paid attention to the details of giving
his daughter in marriage; by arranging for the needed
materials he got everything ready for the wedding.
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He invited the elderly Brahmins, and all the priests
officiating at the holy sacrifice, and the reciters of the
Riks; choosing an auspicious day and hour he, along
with them, and his daughter, set out on the journey.
On reaching the de
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Vyasa^s Savitri/Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-5.htm
-05_Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-5.htm
The Dialogue between Savitri and
Yama; with Savitri's Commendable Utterances Yama's Getting Pleased and his
Granting her Several Boons; Satyavan's Coming back to Life and,
after Some Talk Amongst them, their Setting forth towards the Ashram.
Markandeya said:
Then he, lustrous in strength, and
helped by his wife, collected a basketful of fruits and began chopping the
But, while hewing the branches, he
started sweating profusely and, as a result of that hard labour, suffering a
severe headache.
Distressed as he was, he went closer
to his loving wife and in t
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Vyasa^s Savitri/Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-7.htm
-07_Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-7.htm
Request from the Citizens of
Shalwa to Dyumatsena to Return and to Rule over the Kingdom, the Coronation
Ceremony, and the Fulfilment of the Boons by Getting a Hundred Sons and a
Hundred Brothers.
Page – 85
Markandeya said:
When the night was over and the
solar orb had well ascended they, all rich in austerities, performed their
morning rituals and gathered again.
All those great Rishis spoke to
Dyumatsena of the extreme good fortune of Savitri and were not contented even
though they expressed it again and again.
About the same time, arriving, the
citizens of Shalwa inf
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Vyasa^s Savitri/Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-1.htm
-01_Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-1.htm
Vyasa's Savitri
R Y Deshpande
Publishers' Note
The work being presented here had first appeared in
Mother India, the monthly review of culture, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Pondicherry. We are thankful to its editor for serialising it in his periodical.
Our thanks are also due to M/S Amravan Group for the financial support to bring
out this book.
King Aswapati's Receiving a Boon from Goddess
Savitri, the Birth of a Daughter to him, Named
Savitri, and her Sojourn in Different Countries in
Search of a Husband.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Vyasa^s Savitri/Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-2.htm
-02_Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-2.htm
Savitri's Firm Decision to Marry Satyavan.
Markandeya said:
O Yudhishthira, on one particular occasion, afterwards, the King, the ruler of the Madra country, was
in the company of Narad; seated in the royal Hall, he
was engaged in conversation with him.
Then, about the same time Savitri, after visiting all
the holy places and the cloistered ashramas, returned
along with the ministers back to her father's house.
Seeing there her father seated in the company of
Narad she, the bright and graceful one, went around
and bowed respectfully at the feet of both of them.
Page – 12
Narad said:
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Vyasa^s Savitri/Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-6.htm
-06_Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-6.htm
The Grief-Stricken Parents, the
Rishis Consoling Them and Giving Them Assurances, the Return of Satyavan and
Savitri, and Savitri's Narration of the Reasons for their Coming Back Late.
Page – 72
Markandeya said:
At about the same time the mighty
King Dyumatsena got back the sight, clear and pellucid, with which he began
seeing everything very well.
But, O Yudhishthira, greatly
perturbed as he was, for his son, he along with his wife Shaibya went to the
several hermitages enquiring about him.
That night they, husband and wife,
went to the
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Vyasa^s Savitri/Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-4.htm
-04_Vyasa^s Savitri Canto-4.htm
The Three-Night Vow of Savitri and,
with the Permission of the Parents-in-Law, her Going to the Forest along with
her Husband.
Markandeya said:
O Yudhishthira, with the rolling of
several lunar" days as the time was passing, the fated hour when Satyavan was to
die, was also approaching soon.
Savitri was counting down the day
with each lost day; what Narad had foretold about the
impending doom, those words were ever fixed in her heart.
The virtuous and noble lady, now
much worried, when she saw that only four days were left, undertook
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