
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Tribute to Mary Helen – Dimitry Melgunov.htm
Tribute to Mary Helen – Dimitry Melgunov   Dear Narad,   Words are useless in such case, still, please, accept my deep condolences. Remembering Mary Helen with most heartful feelings.  May her soul rest at peace in Mother's embrace. Please, feel my deep sympathy and support. It is remarkable, that last days I thought of you several times and was going to write a letter to you to know how are thingsÉ Now I opened my mail exactly at 00:00 and somehow I thought that a divine message should come in such an unusual time which is as if out of time. and I got the message from you. Sending some lines which I dedicate to Mary Helen. May be they are not so good poetically, but sincere
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Tribute to Mary Helen _ Genevieve and John, and Rohini.htm
Tribute to Mary Helen – Genevieve and John, and Rohini   Very Dear Narad,   Thank you for this beautiful message so purely representing Mary Helen, such a great soul, and so dearly admired and loved.   I felt blessed to speak briefly with Chali last night.  Her mother's strength and inner beauty was deeply evident.  I am so thankful that you will be together soon, to love, remember, rejoice and heal in Mother's Grace.   Our hearts are with you both.  Please tell us if there is any thing at all that we can do beyond holding you in our hearts and minds with compassion and great love.   Your devoted friends,   Genevieve and John, and Rohini
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Minna Paladino and Amal Kiran on Mary Helen.htm
Minna Paladino and Amal Kiran on Mary Helen   March 13, 2002   Dear Narad,   On the 9th I mailed a letter to Mary Helen.  And then on the 9th afternoon your letter and diary notes to Amal arrived in his letter box.  He read them on the 10th. I hardly knew her. Only met her a few times on your last visit to Pondicherry.  But I feel so close to her.  I prayed for her healing practically every day.  And even after the 10th of March when I learned of her leaving, I still pray for her. Funny thing... today when I got to the Nursing Home there were two packets of pecan nuts and dried fruits from Mary Helen waiting in front of Sri Aurobindo's photo.  One is for Amal and one is for
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Dean Nair to Narad – On Mary Helen’s Passing.htm
Dean Nair to Narad – On Mary Helen's Passing                     Much moved by your experience on Mary Helen's departure.  There Was undoubtedly a passage into another unseizable dimension.                    Remain calm and peaceful in the certainty of Mother's love and protection.   Yours, as ever,   Devan
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Tribute to Mary Helen _ Nilanjan.htm
Tribute to Mary Helen – Nilanjan   Although in pauses of our human lives Earth keeps for man some short and perfect hours When the inconscient tread of Time can seem The eternal moment which the deathless live, Yet rare that touch upon the mortals world: Hardly a soul and body here are born In the fierce difficult movement of the stars, Whose life can keep the paradisal note.                                                       Savitri – Book 6, Canto 1   was moved by the message . . . with the bereaved . . .   Empathetically,   Nilanjan
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Tribute to Mary Helen _ Madge Estes.htm
Tribute to Mary Helen – Madge Estes                     The Lord laid Mary Helen on my heart and there was nothing                   I could do but pray for her.                                                                                                                                 Madge Estes
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Tribute to Mary Helen _ Lilou.htm
Tribute to Mary Helen – Lilou, Pushpa, Maniben, Jayantibhai, Anandi and Vidyut   Dear Narad,   You are in our thoughts and in our hearts.   We remember Mary Helen with her beautiful smile and we feel she is still here.   We pray for you both.   In Their Light and Peace.   Lilou, Pushpa, Maniben, Jayantibhai, Anandi and Vidyut   Wilfy was very sad to hear about Mary Helen and sends you his love.    
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Tribute to Mary Helen _ Lilo.htm
Tribute to Mary Helen – Lilo   Dear Narad,   I still remember when I saw Mary Helen for the first time on your last visit to the Ashram.  She became like a twin sister to me, we had so much in common.  I was hoping we would get another chance to deepen our relationship.  It will be for the future.   We all know what it means to you to have lost a beautiful companion, but as Bob said you are the Mother's child and she will be more than ever with you.   Narad, we all hope you will see us soon, back here in the Ashram.  We all need you, in the Ashram and even more so in Auroville.  You are the Matrimandir gardener.   With all my love to both of you.   Lilo
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Tribute to Mary Helen _ June Maher.htm
  Tribute to Mary Helen – June Maher   Dear Narad,   I returned to find the poignant, uplifting tribute to Mary Helen's life and that she had left us on February 7th.  All my thoughts, love flow to you and Chali at this moment.  Actually it is a moment that embraces all of us who are so intimately linked and know our source of being in Them.   I slipped for a moment into a deep sense of sadness, then remembered Mary Helen was given only 3 weeks to live which became 3 years, thanks to courage, determination and an absolute faith and call to the Mother by you both.  It was a triumph.  The immersion in Savitri and the work on the Lexicon together must have illumined these last yea
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/Tributes/Tribute to Mary Helen _ B..htm
Tribute to Mary Helen – B. (Bill Sullivan)   Dear Chali   Peace I have appreciated all that I have read about Mary Helen and feel her very close.  When I first heard about her passing, I got out that book I gave you about how to raise a child because you had not remembered the two pictures in there of you and Mary Helen. I opened it to the picture of you in the backpack and set it on the table with some large yellow mums, Mother's Flower Book and a candle.  I needed to do that because there was a call for some action in the physical to represent a spiritual offering. About two weeks before, Mary Helen had come to me in a dream.  She was radiant, silent and smiling.  We sat together