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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jugal Kishore Mukherjee/English/The Practice of the Integral Yoga/The Ninefold Daily Sadhana.htm
It is often seen that although many of us would like to lead a spiritual life and have for our Goal the union with the Divine, yet days and months and years pass without contributing in any way to our progress on the chosen Path. To our utter dismay we discover that we have been almost stagnating at the same spot, if not actually regressing. But what is the reason behind this bizarre but nearly universal phenomenon?
The only reason is that our seeking for the Divine and for spiritual life lacks in genuine commitment and sufficient intensity. It is not supported by any ardent will; it arises out of a tepid wish and an e
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jugal Kishore Mukherjee/English/The Practice of the Integral Yoga/By Way of Explanation.htm
By Way of Explanation
The author owes a preliminary explanation to his readers; for, at first glance the title of the book may appear to some rather odd andutlandish, if not smacking of downright self-conceit.
Like a few of the author's earlier books, this book too owes its origin to the loving request of some of his students. During the last more than thirty years, in every academic Session many of the students of the Higher Course of SAICE ('Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education', Pondicherry) have studied under the guidance of the author various books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother such as, The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, Essays on the Git
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jugal Kishore Mukherjee/English/The Practice of the Integral Yoga/On the psychic Awakening.htm
The path of spiritual sadhana has been compared to a razor 's edge, ksurasya
dhārā; it is very very difficult to tread. At every turn of the way there is
the possibility of an ambush; at every moment of the journey there arises the
dilemma of how to choose the right course of action. Besides, there are a thou
sand and one lure s and temptations to which the sadhaka is constantly exposed
by the adverse forces opposed to the successful completion of his sadhana.
How is the seeker going to contend with this ceaseless battle of the path and come out successfully out of all the deceitful traps and dangerous pits? Is it through the
-020_The Conquest of self-will and the Enthronement of the Divine wjll.htm
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One of the
principal objectives of the sadhana of the Integral Yoga is the total
eradication of self-will from the sadhaka' s consciousness and the establishment
there of the Divine's supreme Will to shape all his thoughts and feelings and
actions. Self-will is one of the three most stubborn causes of bondage, the
other two being desire and egoism. But what is actually meant by 'self-will' in
the language of sadhana? We must be clear about it before we can possibly embark
upon an attempt at its banishment from our mind and action. Sri
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jugal Kishore Mukherjee/English/The Practice of the Integral Yoga/Equality in the integral Yoga.htm
To maintain an attitude of unruffled equanimity at all times and under all circumstances is absolutely essential in the case of a sadhaka of the Integral Yoga. In the paths of sadhana followed by ascetic renunciatory spirituality, equality is not so much stressed, for the sadhakas there solve the problems by segregating them selves from the objects and occasions liable to disturb their sang-froid: there the quality cardinally called for is Vairagya or 'Dispassion'. But in the practice of the Integral Yoga which aims at the transformation of the total human nature, the sadhaka has to boldly confront all the vagaries and
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jugal Kishore Mukherjee/English/The Practice of the Integral Yoga/On Human Relationships in Sadhana.htm
all spirituality with an ascetic orientation it is asserted that a sadhakas love
for the Divine should be exclusive; that is to say, it should admit of no
sharing with others . Do we not read in the Bible? -
Lord thy God am a jealous God." The Mother also has said: 'To love truly the
Divine we must rise above all attachments. To become conscious of the Divine
Love, all other love must be abandoned."
But , we wonder, why is thi s harsh injunction imposed ? Two different reasons
are advanced in its support. The first one is: "There is a thirst for Love which
no human relation can quench .
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jugal Kishore Mukherjee/English/The Practice of the Integral Yoga/Publishers^ Note.htm
-002_Publishers^ Note.htm
Publishers' Note
This is the latest book coming from the pen of Jugal Kishore Mukherjee who has been residing as an inmate for the last fifty-three years in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry.
SAICE (Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry) has already published the following books in English written by Prof. Mukherjee:
1.The Destiny of the Body (The Vision and Realisation in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga).
2.From Man Human to Man Divine (Sri Aurobindo's Vision of the Evolutionary Destiny of Man).
3.Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny.
4.Sri Aurobindo: The Smiling Master (Humour in Sri Aurobindo's Writi
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jugal Kishore Mukherjee/English/The Practice of the Integral Yoga/Personal Effort and the divine Grace.htm
While walking
on the thorny path of spiritual Sadhana the sadhaka should never forget even for
a moment that he is not alone in his
arduous journey. But if not alone, who gives him companions hip on the Path? Is
it any human comrade who is referred to here? No, certainly not. From that point
of view the sadhaka has to mercilessly dispense with all his inner dependence
upon other human beings and be austerely alone in his 'Pilgrim's Progress' to
the divine Goal. Is it not asserted by the mystics of all ages that it has to be
sternly "a flight of the alone to the Alone"? Did not the dying Buddha admoni
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jugal Kishore Mukherjee/English/The Practice of the Integral Yoga/Sadhana of the mind.htm
Mind , Life
and Matter, the mental . the vita l and the
physical. arc the three instrument s of manifestation o f the Spirit in the
field of embodied existence up on earth. But all these three instrument s arein
their present normal functioning very much flawed and imperfect.. Each one o f
them confronts a genuine sadhaka with its own specific brand of difficulties and
resistances at e very step of sadhana. Yet. on that account. we cannot feel
disgusted with them and seek to reject or even annul them as far
possible. all though many of the adherents of traditional ascetic
spirituality would prescribe that method of total rejection in
-026_Sadhana of the Body physical Transformationi in the Integral Yoga.htm
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The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo has for its goal not merely the spiritual liberation of a few isolated individuals from the shackles of phenomenal Ignorance but the establishment of a truly divine life upon earth itself, ihaiva.
But since Matter is the foundation of all evolutionary efflorescence of life here upon the terrestrial plane, our physical body assumes a supreme importance in the total scheme of our spiritual achievement. A full play of divine life demands as its essential prerequisite a totally transformed physical body