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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/Mother^s Playground.htm
-022_Mother^s Playground.htm Mother's Playground Today I am going to speak to you about the Playground itself as a great phenomenon created by the Mother. You may remember, we once saw a play in our Theatre staged by our students. It was about the adventure of a few young people leaving their home and going out wandering. In the end they came to a house. One of them casually opened a side door in the building and all entered and they found themselves in a fairyland. They were surprised, astonished: they found they had left the old world and come to a new, unfamiliar, enchanting fairyland. The same experience one has when one opens the gate of the Playground and enters it. At least we used t
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/The Great Holocaust—Chhinnamasta.htm
-018_The Great Holocaust—Chhinnamasta.htm The Great Holocaust—Chhinnamasta Throughout the ages whenever there has been a new creation on earth or the manifestation of a new consciousness in the earthly atmosphere, it was always preceded by a stage of destruction and dissolution of the old. The dance of Shiva has two aspects—the bliss of creation and the joy of destruction (lāsya and tāndava). Both have been equally necessary up till now, complementary to each other. Destruction means destruction of the unnecessary, the unfit, all that refuses to accept the new advent, obstructs it, tries to deny it-—all that is out of harmony with the inevitable new future. Earthly evolution is a march of p
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/The Golden Chain.htm
The Golden Chain You have been here for many years, for many, many years. From childhood you are here, most of you, perhaps all of you. Some of you are going out, some are likely to stay, some are still undecided. If you are asked, "What have you gained by your long stay here?", I can tell you what you have gained. It is not any outward thing nor any of the things that you have learned at school, the knowledge that you have gained here; it is not that, but something else. Be sure of that. You yourselves don't know perhaps, but that thing is there within you. You have not passed your time in vain here—you have the Mother's touch. Mother said many many times, "Whoever
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/How to Understand Savitri.htm
How to Understand Savitri To understand Savitri, the best way, paradoxical though it may seem, is not to try to understand it—to refrain from effort, all mental effort to understand it, and instead to let it enter into your consciousness and illumine it. Savitri is not dead matter, a dictionary of ideas and images. It is a living scripture, a concentrated block of consciousness. All writings, in truth, contain the consciousness of the writer, and on the strength and quality of the consciousness of the writer depends the worth and force of the writing. That is the meaning of the grantha-pūjā of the Sikhs. Even without reading a scripture, by an intense conc
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/Sweet Mother.htm
PART 1 SWEET MOTHER She is always there in that realm of the earth atmosphere from where she used to work even when here—the same now as she was when in our midst. She is available in the same way—only we must know how to approach her, how to attune ourselves. —Nolini Kanta Gupta November 17, 1973 l The Mother's body belonged to the old creation. It was meant to be the pedestal of the New Body. It served its purpose well. The New Body will come. This is a test, how far we are faithful to her, true to her Consciousness. The revival of the body would have meant revival of the old trouble
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/The Ashram, the World and the Individual.htm
The Ashram, the World and the Individual Mother told us long ago that our Ashram is an epitome or India. It represents all that is good in India and also all that is bad—all the bad qualities, the weaknesses, all that is crooked and false, dark and obscure. And the Ashram, being a concentrated centre of all that, represents it in an especially intense form. Now the pressure from above has come to change things and for that purpose all the dark points, all that has to be changed and rejected, have been exposed. They have been exposed everywhere—in the Ashram and also outside the Ashram, in the country in general—the same defects and weaknesse
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/The Mother and the Nature of Her Work.htm
The Mother and the Nature of Her Work It seems I am to tell you something about the Mother—a bit of her life, a bit of her activities. Well, the first part of her life, as you all know, the Mother passed in France; she was born in France, in Paris. So naturally it was very often pointed out to her that she was French, she was European. To this, however, she was always protesting, saying, "I am not European, I am not French." Her family came in fact from Egypt. Her parents, her father and mother went to France just a year before she was born, a year only. And in Egypt, her family, it seems, belonged to a very ancient Egyptian family—perhaps even
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/Twin Prayers.htm
Twin Prayers 1 Lord, this morning Thou hast given me the assurance that Thou wouldst stay with us until Thy work is achieved, not only as a consciousness which guides and illumines but also as a dynamic Presence in action. In unmistakable terms Thou hast promised that all of Thyself would remain here and not leave the earth-atmosphere until earth is transformed. Grant that we may be worthy of this marvellous Presence and that henceforth everything in us be concenttated on the one will to be more and more perfectly consecrated to the fulfilment of Thy sublime Work. (December 7, 1950) The Mother's prayer to Sri Aurobindo—so beautiful, so poignant and so t
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/She Is Always There.htm
She Is Always There Grace is the Divine made earthly and human. And that is our Mother. * She is always there in that realm of the earth atmosphere from where she used to work even when here—the same now as she was when in our midst. She is available in the same way—only we must know how to approach her, how to attune ourselves. * She is accessible to our prayer in the same way, even to our most puerile and foolish prayer—if it is genuine, spontaneous, simple and candid, spoken with a child's innocence. She has an ear even to our nonsense. * Mother's response to a prayer: "I am always with you. I shall never fail you in prosp
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Mother Abides - Final Reflections/Our Yoga.htm
Our Yoga There is much expectation all around of a big change. But what is this change? What is its nature? This great change is the appearance on earth of a new race, a race which will be for man what man is for the animal. Perhaps the difference between the new race and the present man will be even greater. In fact, this race is ready to appear on earth: it is preparing the ground for itself; it is there on the subtle physical plane and is acting upon the earth to prepare for its own materialisation. It is acting at the same time on man, and all those who are fit and open to its influence are being illumined by it. Anyway, the advent of this new race is inevitable. It i