
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Devashish Patnaik/English/Other Subjects/Questions And Answers.htm
Questions And Answers Sweet Mother, There are too many tight knots in the immense organisation of this Ashram. When will the promised day come when there will be nothing by unmixed harmony, joy and peace? If each one were more concerned with correcting his own faults that with criticising those of others, the work would go more quickly. (29 September 1962) - The Mother (CWM 16-273) * Sweet Mother, In a discussion with a friend about our physical education programme and the countless other activities we, have here, he asked me: "Can you give me a valid example
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Devashish Patnaik/English/Other Subjects/A Dream.htm
A Dream There should be somewhere on earth a place Which no nation could claim as its own, where all human beings of goodwill who have a sincere 'aspiration could live freely as citizens of the world and obey one single authority, that-of the supreme truth; a place of peace, concord and harmony where all the fighting instincts of man would be used exclusively to conquer the causes of his sufferings and miseries, to surmount his weaknesses and ignorance, to triumph over his limitations and incapacities; a place where the needs of the spirit and the concern for progress would take precedence over the satisfaction of desires and pas
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Devashish Patnaik/English/Other Subjects/Persistent Practice.htm
Persistent Practice All of you who have come here have been told many things; you have been put in contact with a world of truth, you live in it, the air you breathe is full of it. And yet how few of you talow that these truths have value only when they are put into practice and that it is useless to talk about consciousness, knowledge, equality, universality, infinity, eternity, supreme truth, the divine presence and all sorts of things like that, if you yourselves don't make an effort to live these things .and feel them concretely in you. And don't tell yourselves, " Oh, I have been here so many years! Oh, I would really like to see some result
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Devashish Patnaik/English/Other Subjects/Physical education.htm
Physical Education Some, of course, might ask why any sports at all in an Ashram which ought to be concerned only with meditation and inner experiences and the escape from life into Brahman. But that applies only to the ordinary kind of Ashram to which we have got accustomed and this is not that orthodox kind of Ashram. It includes life in Yoga, and once we admit life we can include anything that we find useful for life's ultimate and immediate purpose and not iconsistent with the works of the Spirit. After all, the orthodox Ashram came into being only after Brahman began to shun all connection with the world and the shadow of