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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/Talk Three (February 24, 1971).htm
February 24, 1971
A few days back Nirod asked me to give a talk. After much trepidation I agreed, encouraged by some friends. On my own I shy away from talking — except in private, where perhaps I overdo it.
Then a couple of days later he asked me what my subject would be. When I looked at him I suddenly thought of him as he had been before forsaking his first steady love — Medicine — in favour of that capricious Goddess, the Muse. It was Dr. Nirodbaran asking me as if addressing a consultant: "What will you prescribe?" And the response naturally came: "The mixture as before." (laughter)
Well, what is this repeating mixture? I would say it
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/Talk Seven (October 9, 1971).htm
October 9, 1971
When I was young I was considered a writer of poetry. I believe I am still a poet though very few may know it and my face can hardly show it.
At times I am a bit of a musician too: as you have just seen, I can blow my own trumpet.
Poets, musicians, painters — all artists — are credited with a very lively imagination. But by no stretch of imagination can I figure myself as still young and, therefore, as having the right to talk to you with a sympathetic spirit.
In this age of dynamic disrespect for old fogeys, I could not help wondering why I had been picked on to address you. I asked myself: "Am I fit
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/Talk One (June 12, 1970).htm
June 12, 1970
Friends, some of you at least must have been amused, others intrigued by the title of today's talk. Some of you may even smell some irreverence because we have been accustomed to hear of Sri Aurobindo as the Lord of Yoga, as the supreme Poet, and the greatest Philosopher — to talk of him as a perfect gentleman is rather to bring him down to our own level, because we also claim to be some sort of gentlemen. I was told that the Mother was amused to hear of this title, but I throw the whole responsibility or irresponsibility of it on the Mot
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/Talk Two (August 29, 1970).htm
August 29, 1970
During the last talk I realised that the subject was as much myself as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, but I could not really help it and I hope you will forgive me if I repeat the folly. I even made the claim that in Savitri Sri Aurobindo had referred to me twice because twice he has mentioned lameness symbolically. I might take a cue from that procedure and complete the count by giving you some more lines from Savitri, which bring in the same characteristic. Only here the reference seems to be more general than particular. It is part of an occult vision of this enigmatic world of ours with all its play of contraries and its internal paradoxes. Sri Aur
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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/precontent.htm
Some Talks at Pondicherry
Second revised Edition
February 1974
All rights reserved by the
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust,
Pondicherry-605002, India
Published, Filmset, and Printed by
All India Press,
Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
Pondicherry-605002, India.
The first edition of this book in May 1972 under the title Some Talks at Pondicherry proved a best-seller. It was so popular that it had soon to be translated into several Indian languages. The original Eng
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/Talk Two (July 1971).htm
July, 1971
Friends, you will excuse me for the flashy title I have given to my talk, but I hope to justify it.
I begin with some unpublished portions of my correspondence with Sri Aurobindo, sometime in 1936, when an unaccountably good relation was established between the Supramental Godhead and the mental doghead that was still the former's own human portion.
At the time of the following exchange, I was in charge of the dispensary.
Question: My big photo requires Sanjiban's treatment. Granted permission?
Sri Aurobindo: What? which? where? how? wha
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/Talk Four (February 27, 1971).htm
February 27, 1971
Last time I gave a somewhat unpleasant if not gruesome description of myself as a being full of holes — not only the seven physiological holes but also seventy-seven or more psychological ones! Keenly conscious though I have always been of the multiple character of His Holeyness Amal Kiran, I did not realise that I had some holes in my brain through which many things slipped out. I don't mean only things which I should not have spoken, yet unfortunately blabbed, but also several which I should have said, yet somehow let go.
I have to remedy the defects. This business may come in the way of my saying on the present occasion a number o
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/Talk Six (October 20, 1971).htm
October 20, 1971
The high-lights of our last talk were my recollections of the Divine Levity which went on in the "Prosperity" Store-room and of the Divine Gravity which held sway at the Soup Distribution downstairs. But perhaps these terms I have chosen are too trenchant in their distinction. Many serious things were done upstairs and at least once a very funny thing happened during the Soup Distribution.
The Mother was in deep trance. We tried to imitate her by shutting our eyes tight. Now, a big rat decided to join the Meditation, (laughter) But it had a rather original way of meditating. It ran to and fro amongst us — I'm sure with its eyes shut lik
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/Talk One (August 26, 1970).htm
August 26, 1970
Introduction by Nirodbaran
Dear friends, I am in a dilemma. The speaker does not want me to introduce him, but some of the students do — and naturally the preference goes to the students. I hope he will have no objection if I address a few words, particularly to the younger generation who do not know much about him.
Well, he is our distinguished, (Amal covers his ears — laughter) renowned, celebrated Amal Kiran, poet, critic, philosopher, journalist, historian, etc., etc., whom, I am sure, you have seen hopping about with his stick in the Ashram (laughter) most conspicuously, a
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/Light and Laughter/Talk Five (March 3, 1971).htm
March 3, 1971
I am afraid that last time I again left a lot of loose ends. I don't quite know where to pick up the thread of discourse. But, first, can a talk of mine be at all designated a discourse? Discourse implies acting the philosopher. In that respect I seem to resemble Dr. Jonathan whom Samuel Johnson once asked: "Have you tried being a philosopher?" Dr. Jonathan replied: "Sir, I have tried several times, but always cheerfulness keeps breaking in." (laughter)
Well, the mention of "philosopher" gives me a sort of clue where to begin: the factor which would most seem to accord with the serious look, the grave air, the philosophic posture — I mea
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