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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal Speaks/Correspondence.htm
Part IV CORRESPONDENCE WITH CHAMPAKLAL Champaklal, Write to Punamchand that now that Vithaldas has seen the Mother, he should communicate his experience or his difficulties direct to her. It is not desirable that in matters of the Sadhana Punamchand or anybody else should come in between, even as a channel of communication. The Mother's force must go direct undisturbed by any other influences. December 1928 SRI AUROBINDO Champaklal, As regards the Vedic "Dictionary" write to Punamchand that I do not want anything of this kind to be made out of my unfinished work. If it is to be done, it will be in the fu
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal Speaks/Spiritual Games.htm
Part II SPIRITUAL GAMES In those early days of the Ashram, every evening the Mother came from Meditation House to Library House, which she entered through her former room (then mine and now my aunt Motiben's). After freshening up there, she went to Datta's room. Then she came to the Stores (later named Prosperity) where, on the first of each month, she distributed articles for the daily use sanctioned to the Ashramites. In this hall, a small group of sadhaks and sadhikas whom she had permitted would be waiting for her. First she would examine the day's accounts kept by Purushottam (in charge of the Stores); then there would be talks and readings and sometimes wha
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal Speaks/Notes And Memos Of The Mother.htm
Part V NOTES AND MEMOS OF THE MOTHER My Lord, make the consciousness clear and precise, the speech thoroughly true, the surrender complete, the calm absolute and transform the whole being in an ocean of light and love. A resplendent sun rises above the horizon. It is your Lord that comes to you. The whole world awakes and stretches in delight at the contact of His glory. As the earth that heaves and opens, as the tree that grows, as the flower that blossoms, as the bird that sings, as the man that loves, let His light permeate you and radiate it in an ever-increasing and widening happiness, a happiness steadily moving onward as the star
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal Speaks/Remarks And Observations Of The Mother.htm
Part VI REMARKS AND OBSERVATIONS OF THE MOTHER Keep faith and confidence and remain cheerful. Be sincere and I am ready to correct your mistakes a thousand times if necessary. The best way of helping is to let the consciousness that has come down upon earth work in you for transformation. If in the work you meet with some difficulties, look sincerely into yourself and there you will discover their origin. The path is long, but self-surrender makes it short; the way is 1 difficult, but perfect trust makes it easy. The idea that woman should cook for males is against my principles. Are they
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal Speaks/Birthday Messages.htm
Part III BIRTHDAY MESSAGES BIRTHDAY REPORTS Once I had a- long talk with Mother and what she told me was very interesting. I was deeply moved. The next day I asked Mother if she would write for me what she had said. She wrote out: Champaklal, 1. Be always faithful to the Divine in your heart. - 2. Let nothing interfere with the absoluteness of your consecration or stop your progress which has been up to now quite satisfactory. 3. Take the present circumstances and the coming back of... as a test and face it victoriously. 4. Be vigilant. 12.2.1932 THE MOTHER As you see she gave
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal Speaks/Preface.htm
Champaklal Speaks Preface Sri Aurobindo in Guest House, 1915- 18 Be simple, * Be happy, Remain quiet, Do your work as well as you can, Keep yourself always open towards me. This is all that is asked from you. The Mother *When Champaklal started working with the Mother, during a conversation she told him what is written above. Champaklal requested the Mother to write it and the Gracious Mother wrote and gave it to him. — Champaklal's note In the night as in the day be always with me.* In sleep as in waking let me feel in me always the reality of your presence. Let it sustain and make to grow in m
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Champaklal/English/Champaklal Speaks/Recollections and Diary Notes.htm
Part I RECOLLECTIONS AND DIARY NOTES LOOKING BACK: THE HAND OF GRACE I was a simple lad, .somewhat introverted, unable to mix freely with others, with little understanding of things. I had no interest in studies. My teacher, whatever else he may have been, was always friendly. Another teacher was a friend of my father's and he felt he could exercise all rights upon me and say whatever he pleased. In the classroom he would openly ask me questions which I could not answer, then mock at me saying that I had grown only in body but not in mind. The students would naturally laugh and he joined in the laughter. I could do nothing about it except pray t