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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/Sri Aurobindo and Modern Psychology.htm
Part One PSYCHOLOGY AND YOGA "Yoga is nothing but practical psychology." Sri Aurobindo "Psychology without yoga is lifeless. "The study of psychology must necessarily lead to yoga, at least to practical yoga if not theoretical." The Mother SRI AUROBINDO AND MODERN PSYCHOLOGY In the West, where modern psychology was born and cradled, psychological thought had for centuries been part of philosophical enquiry into the nature of the human being. As such, psychology was a handmaiden of philosophy. The emergence of psychology as an independent field of study in its own right and as an empirical sc
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/Attitudes, Mental Health and Yoga.htm
ATTITUDES, MENTAL HEALTH AND YOGA An attitude is defined as a mental set which predisposes one to perceive things in a certain way, to feel towards things in a certain way, and to be prone to react towards things in a certain way. Thus an attitude influences all the three basic elements of behaviour, namely, thinking, feeling and willing. For example, an attitude of optimism predisposes one to perceive the bright rather than the dark side of things; it tends to make one feel hopeful rather than easily despairing; and it inclines one to continue with one's endeavour rather than to give up effort prematurely. Examples of everyday attitudes which influenc
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/Index.htm
INDEX Accidents 148,158-59 Adler, Alfred 6,7,29,51 Adverse (vital) Forces 112-14 possession by 113, 113fn Affirmation 119,126-27 Anger 98,98fn Anxiety (worry) 88, 89-90, 98 Archetype(s) 26-27,50 Assagioli, Robert 54,67, 135 Attitude(s) 117-28 and behaviour 117 and circumustances 120-23 witness 126 Auto-suggestion 119 Awareness and consciousness 59,60 and identification 70 Behaviour and archetypes 50-51 and attitudes 117 and insight 61 motivating forces 7 Behaviourism 10-11, 14 and psychoanalysis 11-12 Being full
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/Sri Aurobindo and the Concept of the Unconscious in Psychology.htm
SRI AUROBINDO AND THE CONCEPT OF THE UNCONSCIOUS IN PSYCHOLOGY "We are not only what we know of ourselves but an immense more which we do not know; our momentary personality is only a bubble on the ocean of our existence. "' SRI AUROBINDO "Our mind and ego are like the crown and dome of a temple jutting out from the waves while the great body of the building is submerged under the surface of the waters."2 SRI AUROBINDO As a metaphysical concept, the unconscious had been spoken of by several European thinkers, including the eminent philosophers Leibnitz and Kant. The first elaborate metaph
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/Self-Awareness- In Psychology and Sri Aurobindo^s Yoga.htm
-005_Self-Awareness- In Psychology and Sri Aurobindo^s Yoga.htm SELF-AWARENESS IN PSYCHOLOGY AND SRI AUROBINDO'S YOGA The well-known present-day physicist, Fritjof Capra, has pointed out the emerging concurrence between modern physics and the ancient spiritual wisdom in their views regarding the nature of the universe.1 In the field of modern psychology, too, especially in one of its latest schools - Transpersonal Psychology - one can discern the beginnings of a concurrence, though as yet quite rudimentary, between scientific psychology and spirituality, not only in their theoretical views regarding the nature of the human being but also in their practical approaches for the attainment
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/The Healing Power of Peace.htm
THE HEALING POWER OF PEACE "For everything - to live the spiritual life, heal sickness - for everything, one must be calm,"1 The Mother There has been a growing recognition of the role of stress in producing physical illness as well as psychiatric disturbances. According to conservative estimates, about fifty to seventy per cent of all physical illnesses and a substantial percentage of psychiatric disturbances are related to stress. As a result, a number of therapeutic approaches for stress reduction and for the treatment of stress-related disorders have come into vogue during the past few decades. Some of the chief techniques used today
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/Psychological Disturbances- A Model Based on Sri Aurobindo^s Yoga.htm
-007_Psychological Disturbances- A Model Based on Sri Aurobindo^s Yoga.htm Part Two MENTAL HEALTH AND YOGA "There is a psychological health just as there is a physical health." The Mother "It is only by a change - not a mere readjustment - of man's present nature that it can be developed, and such a change is not possible except by yoga." SRI AUROBINDO PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTURBANCES A MODEL BASED ON SRI AUROBINDO'S YOGA "...nor a single person is normal, because to be normal is to be divine."1 THE MOTHER Since, as Sri Aurobindo has stated, "Yoga is nothing but practical psychology",2 resolving the psychological problems
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/Preface.htm
PREFACE The essays brought together in this book appeared at first in the annual numbers of Sri Aurobindo Circle between 1983 and 1990. Since the essays were written as independent articles published at long intervals rather than as a connected and closely-knit series, several ideas and references to literature, including quotations, were repeated. In the present collection of the essays undue repetitions have been removed wherever this could be done wihout major revisions. Since the birth of modern psychology a little over a hundred years ago, views regarding the nature of the human being have followed a certain progressive trend which may be conceived as a dimensional
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/Mastery, Mental Health and Yoga.htm
MASTERY, MENTAL HEALTH AND YOGA During the past few decades, the state of mental health has come to be conceived more and more in positive terms, as denoting the presence of certain attributes associated with psychological well-being, rather than the mere absence of a diagnosable disturbance. One such positive view of mental health conceives it as a state of mastery. Perhaps the most prominent among those who have put forth such a view is the psychiatrist, Karl Menninger, who has described human response to life's challenges as consisting of five stages: Panic, Inertia, Striving, Coping, Mastery.* Some of the chief psychological characteristics associate
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga/precontent.htm
PSYCHOLOGY, MENTAL HEALTH AND YOGA Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga Essays on SRI AUROBINDO'S PSYCHOLOGICAL THOUGHT IMPLICATIONS OF YOGA FOR MENTAL HEALTH A. S. DALAL First Edition: 1991 ISBN 81-7058-231-8 © Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust 1991 Published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press Printed at Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press. Pondicherry PRINTED IN INDIA