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Om and The Om Choir
The voice that chants to the creator Fire,
The symbolled OM, the great assenting Word,
In 1961 the Mother gave Narad
the adesh to bring down a New Music. These were Her words: "You must bring
down a New Music" This is the aspiration of the OM Choir now in its 12th
year. We gather as a group soul, a sacred body, to open ourselves to be
instruments for the descent of the New Music, a music that has the power
of effectuation through OM, which the Mother has called, "The signature of
the Lord.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/The Mother and Sri Aurobindo on OM/Sri Aurobindo on OM.htm
Sri Aurobindo on OM
Volume 12 - The Word has its seed-sounds - suggesting the
eternal syllable of the Veda, AUM.
A note on the Chhandogya Upanishad
"OM is the syllable (the Imperishable); one should follow
after it as the upward song (movement); for with OM one sings (goes)
"The Chhandogya,... is to be a work in the right and perfect
way of devoting oneself to the Brahman; its subject is the Brahman, but
the Brahman as symbolised in the OM, the sacred syllable of the Veda, not
therefore, the pure state of existence only, but that existence in a
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/The Mother and Sri Aurobindo on OM/OM Chanting - Mother to Shobhadi.htm
OM Chanting
From: My Treasures -
by Shobha Mitra
Published in Ananda Sagar - Vol.
275 - January 2010
In one of
the 1st December programmes the Mother selected four of us to
recite Sri Aurobindo's poem "The Ascent and The Descent".
She would direct us individually after coming back from the
Tennis Ground.
One day,
being deeply moved by her formidable voice, I asked the Mother, "Mother,
teach me how to chant 'OM' ".
The Mother became quite upright, closed Her eyes and started
chanting 'OM'. My
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/The Mother and Sri Aurobindo on OM/Special Section-All India Magazine.htm
Power of Words
seems unnecessary to draw your attention to the quantity of useless
words that are uttered each day; this evil is well known to all,
although very few people think of remedying it.
But... in
the course of the day, we often have the opportunity of expressing a
helpful wish by pronouncing one word or another, provided that we know how
to put the appropriate thought behind the words.
... we can,
when pronouncing a word, force ourselves to reflect upon its exact
meaning, its true import, in order to ma
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/Divine Grace and Healing for you and around you.htm
Dear Narad To read about your a
Dear Narad
To read about your accident and the serious injuries and pain you got touched
me. And I am praying to The Mother and Sri Aurobindo to shower on you Love,
Healing and Their Grace. I also informed some of your friends about your serious
accident. Of us all - really all the best for you and around you - with loving
Yes, we have to be more and more carefully in all our doings. And I have the
impression that a lot of devotees, especially elderly, are called now to do more
the sensitive inner conscious work. The physically strong activities we have to
leave to others, younger people.
I think we are ask more to be and gentle allow The Mother to act thro
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/On The OM Choir – by Margrit – 28 Oct 2006.htm
On The OM Choir - by Margrit
28 October 2006
From Margrit
Dear Narad,
it is beautiful that you are coming quite soon and will
enrich us again.
Personally I can also imagine to learn with the recorded
teaching from you some more years. Every time there is a new discovery and
a widening of aspiration.
From Linda you got some of the written experiences and
reflexions. In generell I feelit would be nice torecord what this way of
regular 'sadhana' and opening to Mother and Sri Aurobindo is giving us.
Every time it is
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/Correspondence on the Om Choir – Margrit – Oct. 4, 2009.htm
Correspondence on the Om Choir - Margrit
- Oct. 4, 2009
OM Dear Narad ....
I hope and wish you are fine. I got your email address from
sweet Linda. I wrote two emails to you - one also to your birthday - and
now you can read them when you like.
We - in the OM Choir - are happy and looking forward to have
you here in Auroville. When exactly you will join us? Will it be Tuesday,
the 27th of October ? Please give me the date. I like to do an
announcement in the News& Notes.
In between we had several beautiful OM Choirs. At one o
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/Aurelio on the OM Choir – 23 Dec 2014 (01).htm
Correspondence on the OM Choir _ Margrit - 14, November 2009.htm
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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/Correspondence on the OM Choir – Margrit – 14, November 2009.htm
Correspondence on the OM Choir - Margrit - 14, November 2009
conscious aspirations
Dear Narad
It is nice to have you here and getting advices and
aspiration for an enriching way to express aspirations.
Dear Narad, in the last OM Choir you said something about
"to place aspiration for singing in the head and ...". I did not got your
whole saying.
It would be nice when you can give more advices,
explanations and understandings about to place aspiration and sound.
Conscious awareness about aspiration is may be also a process