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kali the mother
The stars are blotted out.
The clouds are covering clouds,
It is darkness vibrant, sonant.
In the roaring, whirling wind
Are the souls of a million lunatics
Just loosed from the prison-house,
Wrenching trees by the roots,
Sweeping all from the path.
The sea has joined the fray,
And swirls up mountain-waves,
To reach the pitchy sky.
The flash of lurid light
Reveals on every side
A thousand, thousand shades
Of Death begrimed and black—
Scattering plagues and sorrows,
Dancing mad with joy.
Come, Mother, come!
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Sister Nivedita/English/Kali The Mother/The Voice Of the Mother.htm
A RISE, My child, and go forth a man! Bear manfully what is thy lot to bear; that which comes to thy hand to be done, do with full strength and fear not. Forget not that I, the giver of manhood, the giver of womanhood, the holder of
victory, am thy Mother.
Think not life is serious! What is destiny but thy Mother's play? Come, be My playfellow awhile,—meet all happenings merrily.
Murmerest thou of need of purpose? Think'st thou the ball is purposeless, with which the Mother plays? Know'st thou not that Her toy is a thunderbolt, charged with power to shatter the worlds, at the turn of Her wrist? Ask not of plan
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Sister Nivedita/English/Kali The Mother/Concerning Symbols.htm
OUR daily life creates our symbol of God. No two ever cover quite the same conception.
It is so with that symbolism which we know as language. The simple daily needs of mankind, seem, the world over, to be one. We look, therefore, for words that correspond in every land.
Yet we know how the tongue of each people expresses some one group of ideas with especial clearness, and ignores others altogether. Never do we find an identical strength and weakness repeated: and always if we go deep enough, we can discover in the circumstances and habits of a country, a cause for its specific difference of thought or of expression.
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Sister Nivedita/English/Kali The Mother/Publisher^s Note.htm
Kali the Mother is a collection of excellent essays on the Divine Mother of the Universe, written from an intensely personal point of view blended with an extraordinary metaphysical insight into the cosmic aspect of the Kali Ideal. No one who wants to understand the traditional Indian worship of the Terrible in Nature as an aspect of God can afford to miss a perusal of this brilliant study. This was the first book of Sister Nivedita, published in 1900, by Messrs Swan Son-nenschein & Co. Ltd., London, in pocket size. The first Indian edition was published,by us in 1950, followed by the second and third impressions in 1953 and 1983, respectively. Coming from the pen of a gifted
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Sister Nivedita/English/Kali The Mother/A Visit to Dukineshwar.htm
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee"—
HE was not in the vastness. And the Soul, lying on a housetop on the Earth, and looking forth into the uttermost of space, realised the solitude and trembled.
Then came one whose voice spake within the heart, saying very gently, " Come thou away into that quiet place and rest awhile. There it may be that thou shalt speak with Him" And that soul arose, following after, as it were, the Angel of the Presence,—who bore white lilies, and about his feet played flames, and his eyes to look into were like mighty waters— and came by many wa
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Sister Nivedita/English/Kali The Mother/The Vision Of Siva.htm
Dark Mother! Always gliding near with soft feet,
Have none chanted for Thee a chant of fullest welcome ?
Walt Whitman
IT may have been that the forefathers saw it in the mountains. Or it may have been elsewhere. Somewhere it came to the Hindu mind that the beauty of snowpeaks and moonlight, and standing water, was different from all other loveliness of colour and profusion and many-channelled scene.
It was as though Nature, the great Mother, were clothed in raiment of green, broidered with birds and flowers and fr
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Sister Nivedita/English/Kali The Mother/Two Saints Of Kali.htm
GREATNESS is but another word for interpretation. We feel the very presence of some persons as if it were the translation of poems from a foreign tongue. Every profound truth waits for the life that shall be all its voice, and when that is found it comes within the reach of multitudes to whom it would have remained inaccessible.
But we cannot find truth in a word, unless it is illumined by our own experience.
That statement which we have lived but have not spoken, even to ourselves, when uttered by another's lips, we hail as revelation. And that alone. What we have ourselves once said seems commonplace, and that which is too far above we
" These are the days that must happen to you :
You shall not heap up what is called riches.
You shall scatter with lavish hand all that you earn or achieve.
You but arrive at the city to which you are destined.
You hardly settle yourself to satisfaction, before you are called, by an irresistible call, to depart.
You shall be treated to the ironical smiles and mockings of those who remain behind you.
What beckonings of love you receive you shall answer with passionate kisses of parting.
You shall not allow the hold of those who spread their reached hands towards you."
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Lord of heroes
Advaita Ashtama
(Publication Department)
5 Dehi Entally Road
Calcutta 700 014
Published by
Swami Mumukshananda
President, Advaita Ashrama
Mayavati, Pithoragarh, Himalayas
©All Rights Reserved
Sixth Impression, October 1992
Printed by Nabajiban Press
66 Grey Street
Calcutta 700 006
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Sister Nivedita/English/Kali The Mother/The Story of Kali.htm
Written for Baby Legget, at Bally, Calcutta, Christmas 1898.
BABY DARLING, what is the very first thing you remember? Is it not
lying on mother's lap, and looking up into her eyes, and laughing?
Did you ever play hide and seek with mother? Mother's eyes shut, and baby was not. She opened them, and there was baby! Then baby's eyes shut, and where was mother? But they opened again, and -oh!
When mother's eyes were shut, where was she ? There all the time ? But you could not see her eyes. Yet she was there.
Baby, some people think God is
just like that. A great. great Mother—so gre
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