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Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/2007_04_24.htm
24th April 2007
Let beauty be your
constant ideal.
Beauty of the soul,
Beauty of feelings,
Beauty of thoughts,
Beauty of action,
Beauty in work,
so that nothing comes out of your hands that is not an expression of
pure and harmonious beauty.
And the divine help will always be with you.
The Mother
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1956_11_24.htm
24 NOVEMBER 1956
Without care for time, without fear for space,
surging Out purified from the flames of
the ordeal, we shall fly Without stop towards the realisation of our
goal, the Supramental victory.
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1985_04_24.htm
4th April 1985
24th April 1985
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Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/2010_04_04.htm
April 2010
I need some place of
refuge in which I can complete my Yoga unassailed and build up other
souls around me. It seems to me that Pondicherry is the place
appointed by those who are Beyond.
Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo came to
tell the world of the beauty of the future that must be realised.
He came to give not a hope but a certitude of
the splendour towards which the world moves. The world is not an
unfortunate accident, it is a marvel which moves towards its
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/2003_11_17.htm
17th November
17 November 2003
Sitting calm and quiet remember the Mother and open yourself to Her. This is the
rule of meditation.
Sri Aurobindo
Assis, calme et
tranquille, souvenez-vous de la Mére
et ouvrez-vous à Elle: tel est le principe de méditation.
Sri Aurobindo
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Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1969_04_24.htm
24 APRIL 1969
The best possible way is to allow the Divine Grace to work in you, never to
oppose it, never to be ungrateful and turn against it-but to follow it always
to the goal of Light and Peace and unity and Ananda.
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Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1992_02_29.htm
29th February 1992
29 February 1992
When superman is born as Nature's king
His presence shall
transfigure Matter's world:
He shall light up Truth's /ire in Nature's night,
He shall
lay upon the earth Truth's greater law;
Man too shall turn towards the Spirit's call.
sri aubobindo
fSovitri, Book XI, Canto 1, p. 709}
Quand le surhomme naîtra monarque de la Nature,
présence transfigurera Je monde de la Matière :
allumera Je feu de la Vérité dans la nuit de la Nature,
établira sur terre la loi plus grande de la Vérité ;
L'homme aussi repondra à l'appel de l'E
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1950_11_24.htm
24 NOVEMBER 1950
The Supramental is a truth and its advent is in the
very nature of things inevitable.
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1972_04_24.htm
24 APRIL 1972
He comes unseen
into our darker parts
And, curtained by the darkness, does his work,
A subtle and all-knowing guest and guide,
Till they too feel the need and will to change.
All here must learn to obey a higher law,
Our body's cells must hold the Immortal's flame.
Savitri 1. 3
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