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Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2010/The Divine Birth and Divine Works (16-05-10).htm
The Divine Birth and Divine Works
THE WORK for which the Avatar descends has like his birth a double sense and a
double form. It has an outward side of the divine force acting upon the external
world in order to maintain there and to reshape the divine law by which the
Godward effort of humanity is kept from decisive retrogression and instead
decisively carried forward in spite of the rule of action and reaction, the
rhythm of advance and relapse by which Nature proceeds.
The Avatar does not descend merely for a great outward action, as the pragmatic
sense in humanity is too often tempted to suppose. Action and event have no
value in themselves, but only take their value from t
Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2010/Religion, Morality, Idealism and Yoga (05-05-10).htm
Religion, Morality, Idealism and Yoga (05-05-10)
When I pine at misfortune and call it evil,
or am jealous and disappointed,
then I know that there is awake in me again the eternal fool.
Sri Aurobindo
(Thoughts and Aphorisms25)
Religion, Morality, Idealism and Yoga
THE spiritual life (adhyātma-jīvana), the religious life (dharma-jīvana) and the
ordinary human life of which morality is a part are three quite different things
and one must know which one desires and not confuse the three together. The
ordinary life is that of the average human consciousness separated from its own
true self and from the Divine and led by the common habits of the mind, life and
body which are the laws of
Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2010/The Sunlit Path (17-04-10).htm
The Sunlit Path (17-04-10)
Who can bear Kali rushing into the system in her fierce force and burning
Only the man whom Krishna already possesses.
Sri Aurobindo
(Thoughts and Aphorisms216)
The Sunlit Path
…The sunlit path can be followed by those who are able to practice surrender,
first a central surrender and afterwards a more complete self-giving in all the
parts of the being. If they can achieve and preserve the attitude of the central
surrender, if they can rely wholly on the Divine and accept cheerfully whatever
comes to them from the Divine, then their path becomes sunlit and may even be
straightforward and easy. They will not escape all difficulties, no seeker can,
Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2010/Transformation of the Mind (29-09-10).htm
Transformation of the Mind (29-09-10)
Shrink not from the Dionysian cry & rapture within thee,
but see that thou be not a straw upon those billows.
Sri Aurobindo
(Thoughts and Aphorisms 286)
Transformation of the Mind
The intellect of most men is extremely imperfect, ill-trained, half-developed –
therefore in most the conclusions of the intellect are hasty, ill-founded and
erroneous or, if right, right more by chance than by merit or right working. The
conclusions are formed without knowing the facts or the correct or sufficient
data, merely by a rapid inference and the process by which it comes from the
premisses to the conclusions is usually illogical or faulty – the process
Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2010/The Supramental Evolution (07-04-10).htm
The Supramental Evolution (07-04-10)
Vedanta realised is the only practicable basis for a communistic society.
It is the kingdom of the saints dreamed of by Christianity,
Islam and Puranic Hinduism.
Sri Aurobindo
(Thoughts and Aphorisms323)
The Supramental Evolution
THERE have been times when the seeking for spiritual attainment was, at least in
certain civilisations, more intense and widespread than now or rather than it
has been in the world in general during the past few centuries. For now the
curve seems to be the beginning of a new turn of seeking which takes its start
from what was achieved in the past and projects itself towards a greater future.
But always, even in the age of the
Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2010/Yoga - Effected Through Offering (31-03-10).htm
Yoga: Effected Through Offering (31-03-10)
When thou hast the command, care only to fulfil it.
The rest is God's will and arrangement which men call chance and luck and
Sri Aurobindo.
(Thoughts and Aphorism 263)
Yoga: Effected Through Offering
Yoga means union with the Divine, and the union is effected through offering- it
is founded on the offering of yourself to the Divine…
This is what you have to do to carry out your general offering in detailed
offerings. Live constantly in the presence of the Divine; live in the feeling
that it is this presence which moves you and is doing everything you do. Offer
all your movements to it, not only every mental action, every thought an
Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2010/Aspiration and Receptivity (03-03-10).htm
Aspiration and Receptivity (03-03-10)
The self-torture of the old monks & penitents was perverse & stupid;
yet was there a secret soul of knowledge behind their perversities.
Sri Aurobindo
( Thoughts and Aphorisms497)
Aspiration and Receptivity
You can be at once in the state of aspiration, of willing, which calls down
something- exactly the will to open oneself and receive, and the aspiration
which calls down the force you want to receive- and at the same time be in that
state of complete inner stillness which allows full penetration, for it is in
this immobility that one can be penetrated, that one becomes permeable by the
Force… One can be like that, like a great flame rising
Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2014/Concentrate on What You Want to Be (01.01.2014).htm
Concentrate on What You Want to Be (01.01.2014)
God within
is leading us always aright even when we are in the bonds of the
but then,
though the goal is sure,
it is
attained by circlings & deviations.
Sri Aurobindo
(Thoughts and Aphorisms –
Concentrate on What
You Want to Be
Lest you get discouraged
by your own faults, the Dhammapada gives you this solacing image:
the purest lily can spring out of a heap of rubbish by the wayside.
That is to say, there is
nothing so rotten that it cannot give birth to the purest
Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2014/Fear - A lack of trust (22.01.2014).htm
Fear: A lack of trust (22.01.2014)
Animal man is the obscure
starting-point, the present natural man the varied & tangled
but supernatural man the
luminous & transcendent
goal of our human journey.
and Aphorisms – 203)
Fear: A lack of trust
Why does
one feel afraid?
I suppose it
is because one is egoistic.
There are
three reasons. First, an excessive concern about one’s security.
Next, what one does not know always gives an uneasy feeling which is
translated in the consciousness by fear. And above all, one
Resource name: /Centers/Europe/UK/London/The Auromira Centre/Inspiring Words/2014/To know what Love is (15.01.2014).htm
To know what Love is (15.01.2014)
Mankind has used two
powerful weapons to destroy its own powers and enjoyment,
wrong indulgence and
wrong abstinence.
and Aphorisms – 378)
To know what Love is
If one wants to know what
love is, one must love the Divine. Then there is a chance of knowing
what love is. I have said that one grows into the likeness of what
one loves. So if one loves the Divine, gradually, through this
effort of love, one grows more and more like the Divine, and then
one can be identified with the divine love and know what it is,