
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /The Ashram/Special Visitors/Senapati Bapat/Biography.htm
28/11/1977 SENAPATI BAPAT ( PANDURANG MAHADEV BAPAT )   One of the visitors who had darshan of the Mother on 29 February was a nationalist leader from Maharashtra, Senapati Bapat*, who had translated The Life Divine into Marathi. When he received from the Mother's hands the gold insignia on the Day of the Lord (the Golden Day), Senapati Bapat broke out into Sanskrit verse, which V.S. Gharpurey,
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Senapati Bapat/Marathi/Durga Stotra.htm
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Senapati Bapat/Marathi/Pruthvivar Atimanasacha Avishakar.htm
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Senapati Bapat/Marathi/Divya Jeevan - 3/index.html
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Senapati Bapat/Marathi/Bharatiya sanskruticha paya/index.html
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Senapati Bapat/Marathi/Divya Jeevan - 2/Adnyanachya Seema.htm
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Senapati Bapat/Marathi/Divya Jeevan - 2/Divyatva ani Adivyatva.htm
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Senapati Bapat/Marathi/Divya Jeevan - 2/Janeevshaktichi Ananya Ekagrata v Adnyan.htm
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Senapati Bapat/Marathi/Divya Jeevan - 2/Adnyanacha Ugam.htm
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Other Authors/Senapati Bapat/Marathi/Divya Jeevan - 2/Anukramanika.htm