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Georges van Vrekhem
On the afternoon of August 31, well-known author and lecturer
Georges Van Vrekhem left his body following a cardiac arrest. He
was 77. Georges had been fighting coronary arterial disease for
over 20 years.
Georges first came to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1970, after
having been a well-known poet and having had a successful career
as playwright and artistic adviser of the Dutch Theatre Company of
Ghent, in Flemish-speaking Belgium. The ‘roots’ of his writing, he
said, produced
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Auroville/Georges van Vrekhem/English/Beyond Man/A Backdoor To Spirituality.htm
The India in which he
arrived from Great Britain must have looked like a cultural desert to Aurobindo
Ghose. The literature of the regional languages was still in its infancy
(except in Bengal) and the literary production in English was of poor quality.
Far away now were the lush cultural pastures of Cambridge and London, where
Aurobindo's eldest brother, the poet Manmohan, had befriended Laurence Binyon,
Stephen Philips and Oscar Wilde, the last calling him 'an Indian panther in
evening brown.' Small wonder that Aurobindo spent a substantial part of his
salary on crates of English books ordered from Bombay and which,
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Auroville/Georges van Vrekhem/English/Beyond Man/Sri Aurobindo^s Vision.htm
It is an enormous spiritual revolution
rehabilitating matter and the creation1
— The Mother
Aurobindo Ghose and Mirra
Alfassa, whom henceforth we will only call Sri Aurobindo* and the Mother, had
from very different backgrounds arrived at the same experiences and the same
vision. 'There is no difference between the Mother's path and mine; we have and
have always had the same path, the path that leads to the supramental change
and the divine realization; not only at the end, but from the beginning they
have been the same,'2 wrote S
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Auroville/Georges van Vrekhem/English/Beyond Man/Krishna and the world of the Gods.htm
Part Two
Aurobindo and
the Mother
In 1926, Sri Aurobindo
and the Mother had, as we have seen, the supramental realization in the parts
of their personality which we might call, using Sri Aurobindo's
terminology, the mental and the vital. This means nothing less than that in
these parts of their evolution embodied adhara
they were the manifested Divine, not theoretically but factually and
practically. That they chose not to proclaim this fact does not diminish the
grandeur of it, but as a consequence of its unimaginability,
few disciples have been aware of the high degree and th
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Auroville/Georges van Vrekhem/English/Beyond Man/The Two in one.htm
Chapter Ten
... the deathless Two-in-One,
a single being in two bodies clasped
— Savitri
'I had met Sri Aurobindo before,
but it only began clearly in 1920.' It, the Great Work they had to
undertake together, 'an alchemic transmutation of all the inner and outer
existence,'2 (Sri Aurobindo). It was to be a transmutation that
would produce, the body of a higher species, but this
time not within the scope of the lower hemisphere of Existence and not with a
gradual change which perhaps might have led to a Nietzschean superman. This new
species would possess a s
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Auroville/Georges van Vrekhem/English/Beyond Man/In the crucible.htm
Chapter Twenty-six
The Soul is the Key
The liberation of the individual soul is the keynote of the definite divine action;1
—Sri Aurobindo
The previous chapters have given us some idea of the supramental process of transformation the body of the Mother was undergoing. This process is new and unusual for anyone who learns about it for the first time. So it was for her who experienced it in her body. But what had happened to the soul? What about the soul in all of this? We are hearing a lot about body, matter, cells, consciousness of the cell
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Auroville/Georges van Vrekhem/English/Beyond Man/THE SUN FOR EVER.htm
At present mankind is undergoing an evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a choice of its destiny.1
— Sri Aurobindo
BEGINNING WITH the Renaissance, a period of new awakening started which has accelerated history and is unifying the Earth. From that time onwards, the New Era was growing unper-ceived, like a child in the womb; the twentieth century has been the century of the birth, of the fruition of the seed that, so many centuries earlier, had been
implanted by the representatives of the
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Auroville/Georges van Vrekhem/English/Beyond Man/Twele quiet days.htm
Part Three
The Mother Alone
I do not believe in the limit
that canno
t be
— The Mother
Since the beginning of the earth, wherever and whenever there
was the possibility of manifesting a ray of the Consciousness, I was there.1
— The Mother
Sri Aurobindo's sudden corporeal absence meant an
enormous blow to the Mother, 'a sledgehammer blow,' as she said afterwards, 'an annihilation'. 'The very idea that Sri Au
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Auroville/Georges van Vrekhem/English/Beyond Man/The cateroukar and the butterfly.htm
Chapter Twenty-eight
'Dying to death,' in other words no longer being able to die because death has become unreal.1
—The Mother
And death shall have no dominion.
— Dylan Thomas
The Mother laid down her material body on 17 November 1973.
A European sadhak remembers: 'On 18 November, at about seven o'clock in the morning, my downstairs neighbour, a Tamil who had served in the French army and who had become like a brot
Resource name: /E-Library/Authors from Auroville/Georges van Vrekhem/English/Beyond Man/Twelve Pearls.htm
The eternal
Goddess moved in her cosmic house
Sporting with God as a Mother with her child ... 1
— Savitri
The Mother has said more
than once that she had chosen her parents. 'I have chosen my parents to have a
solid physical base, for I knew the work I had to do was very, very difficult
and needed a solid base.'2 She also said that for her start in life
no better training was imaginable than the no-nonsense attitude of the
materialistic Mathilde with her constant hammering on
the necessity of perfection. Not an easy environment for a ch