
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Gangadhar/Gangadhar 01.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Gangadhar/Gangadhar A Happy Child Of The Mother-3.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Gangadhar/Gangadhar A Happy Child Of The Mother-2.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Gangadhar/Gangadhar 03.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Gangadhar/Gangadhar A Happy Child Of The Mother-1.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Gangadhar/Gangadhar 02.jpg
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Gangadhar/English/Golden chain.htm
Gangadhar A Happy Child of the Mother Edited by Sanjay Bhatt '71 This interview was taken on 15 October 1982 by Peter Wohler and Aloka Ghose '72 in Gangadhar's room, then in a house in the lane to the south of the present Ambabhikshu complex. What charmed Aloka and Peter but sadly cannot be reproduced is the musicality of his voice and laughter which, along with his gestures and expressions, carried them into the mukta spirit behind his words— be learned English only after he joined the Ashram. We have kept as close as possible to his language but, per force, edited/omitted the breaks, meanderings, repetitions, rephras
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Gangadhar/English/Sri Aravinda Ashtothara Shatha Namavali.htm
Sri Aravinda Ashtothara Shatha Namavali Page-1 Page-2 Page-3 Page-4 Page-5 Page-6 Page-7 Page-8 Page-9 Page-10 Page-11 Page-12 Page-13 Page-14 Page-15 Page16 Page-17 HOME
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Gangadhar/English/March 1977.htm
FLOOD OF GRACE AND GOLDEN LIGHT (1977) VISIONS AND EXPERIENCES IT is by Grace that I came into contact with the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in my youth when she visited my village Veerampattinam, four miles off Pondicherry, in 1928. She poured Her looks of Grace into my heart. I was soon attracted to join the Ashram in my twentieth year which fell in 1933. I come from a poor and uneducated family. I had only completed the lower standards of school education. All the sadhana or spiritual discipline that I did and am still doing is wholly centred upon the work which She gave to me. I work in the sanitary service of the Ashram. By doing the work with sincer
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Gangadhar/English/Feb 2002 .htm
AMONG THE NOT SO GREAT (2002) Mud with a little gold in it is often more highly prized than gold with a little mud in it. Austin O'Malley Gangadhar— "brother" to all and to whom all were "brother" or "sister". Yet who was he? Do many remember him? Surely some do, when and if an occasion arises and then some have to untangle all those crowded, jumbled threads of the past to bring him back into focus in the present. That done, then what? Let our thoughts dwell a little bit longer on him and see what floats up. Gangadhar was, to all appearances, just a Tamilian gentleman, bearded, long haired (both dark and thick). He wa