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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dhanavanti/English/Tapasya.htm
Publisher : Yves Fisselier © Paintings : Dhanavanti
© Sri Aurobindo's writings : Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry
Select translations from English to French : Maurice Shukla, Satprem
Layout and Design : Dilip Mahapatra
Typeset in Bitstream Arrus at Om Com Tech, Pondicherry
Project Co-ordination : Auroville Press, Auroville, Tamil Nadu - 605 101
Distribution : Auroville Press Publishers
e-mail: aurovillepress@auroville.org .in
Celui qui
a trouvé
le vrai 'Moi'
en lui-même
ne verra que
le vrai Moi'
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dhanavanti/English/Meditation in colour/Meditation in colour.htm
In Colour
Dedicated to The Mother
Dhanavanti joined the ashram of Sri Aurobindo as a child in 1943, when the Mother opened the school of the ashram. She has been living there since then.
She took to drawing and painting in 1956. Nature was a constant source of joy and inspiration - flowers, landscapes, birds, animals all had their charm. But what she loved most is the human being - the human body so full of grace and strength, the human face with its ever changing expressions. Portraits were her favourites and sketching from life - to catch in a few lines the various moods and modes of life, the movement and the
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