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Resource name: /The Ashram/Special Visitors/Sri Ramsurat Kumar/Joyous Presence of Yogi Ramsurat Kumar.htm
The joyous presence of Yogi
The Arunachaleswara Temple sits at the foot of the Sacred Mountain
Arunachala and dominates the flat countryside of Tamil Nadu. At the base
of the imposing sculptured towers of the temple, simple beggars
congregate in long rows. One among them is seated, wrapped in many
clothes of different sizes and colors, a country fan in one hand, the
personification of disheveled splendour and yet his face shines with a
divine glow. This happy beggar, whose spontaneous laughter is infectious
and joyous is Yogi Ramsuratkumar. People come to him bringing their
problems and he envelops them with peace
Sri Ram Surat Kumar
"I Acknowledge the contribution of three of the most well
known saints of my time in my evolution to enlightenment.
These individuals were Sri Aurobindo, the founder of Integral
yoga, Ramana Maharishi, and Papa Ramdas, my eventual guru."
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and meditated with the Mother in the year
1962. Manu Dave an Ashram Sadhak informed the Mother that Sri Ram
Surat kumar wants
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