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Men in ancient India had a very poetic idea about the earth and
the world – an idea intended to express order.
The land inhabited by men
was called Jambu Dvipa
and it was surrounded by a sea of salt. Then came a
ring of land and then a sea of milk. Another ring of land, and a sea of
butter. More land, and a sea of curds. Land again, and a sea of wine. More
land, and after that a sea of sugar. Still more land, and at last, the
seventh and final ring of pure water: the sweet, the sweetest of all seas!
If you look at a map of
the world like the ones we now use in schools, you will not find the sea of
sugar, or the sea of milk,
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of Long Ago_Volume-02/4 June 1912.htm
4 June 1912
What improvements can we bring to our meetings?
We said one day with regard to the numerous groups that form and
disappear almost immediately, that this phenomenon of rapid decay is a result
of the conventional and arbitrary factors which enter into the organisation
of these groups.
In fact, they are founded upon an ideal prototype originating
from one or several minds – a formula which is sometimes very beautiful in
theory, but which takes no account of the individuals who with their
difficulties and weaknesses must form the living cells of the group.
In my opinion, it is impossible to give an arbitrary form to any
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of Long Ago_Volume-02/On Dreams.htm
On Dreams
At first sight one might think that the subject of dreams is an
altogether secondary one; this activity generally seems to have very little
importance compared to the activity of our waking state.
However, if we examine the question a little more closely, we
shall see that this is not at all the case.
To begin with, we should remember that more than one third of
our existence is spent in sleeping and that, consequently, the time devoted
to physical sleep well deserves our attention.
I say physical sleep, for it would be wrong to think that our
whole being sleeps when our bodies are asleep.
A study based on certain experiments con
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of Long Ago_Volume-02/Cheerfulness.htm
One afternoon, in a large town in a rainy country, I saw seven or
eight vehicles full of children. That morning, they had been taken into the country
to play in the fields, but the bad weather had made them return home early in
the rain.
And yet they were
singing, laughing and waving merrily to the passers-by.
They had kept their
cheerfulness in this gloomy weather. If one of them had felt sad, the songs
of the others would have cheered him. And for the people hurrying by, who
heard the children's laughter, it seemed that the sky had brightened for a
Amir was a prince of Khorasan, and he lived i
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of Long Ago_Volume-02/7 May 1912.htm
Part Two
In 1912 a small group of seekers met regularly with the aim of
gaining self-knowledge and self-mastery.
the end of each session, a general question was set, which each member was to answer
individually. These answers were read out at the next meeting. Then, to close
the session, a small essay was read out. Here are the essays.
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7 May 1912
What is the most useful
work to be done at the present moment?
The general aim to be attained is the advent of a progressing
universal harmony.
The means for attaining this aim, in
regard to the earth, is the realisation of human unity through the awakening in
all and the manifes
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of Long Ago_Volume-02/precontent.htm
Tokyo - 1916
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of Long Ago_Volume-02/The Path of Later On.htm
Words Of Long Ago
The Path of Later On
“The path of later-on and the road of tomorrow lead only to the castle
of nothing-at-all.”
By the wayside, many-coloured flowers
delight the eye, red berries gleam on small trees with knotty branches, and
in the distance a brilliant sun shines gold upon the ripe corn.
A young traveller is walking briskly along, happily breathing in
the pure morning air; he seems joyful, without a care for the future. The way
he is following comes to a cross-roads, where
innumerable paths branch off in all directions.
Everywhere the young man can see criss-crossing
foot-prints. The sun shines ever bright in
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of Long Ago_Volume-02/On the Mysteries of the Ascent towards God.htm
Part Five
Notes and Reflections
Found, with this title, among the Mother's manuscripts
On the Mysteries of the Ascent towards God
To judge the events of history, a certain distance is needed;
similarly, if one knows how to rise high enough above material contingencies,
one can see the terrestrial life as a whole. From that moment, it is easy to
realise that all the efforts of mankind converge towards the same goal.
It is true that
collectively or individually, men follow very different paths to reach it;
some of these paths twist and turn so much that they seem at first sight to
move away fro
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of Long Ago_Volume-02/Right Judgment.htm
Right Judgment
Choose a good straight stick and dip it
half-way into some water: the stick will appear to be bent in the middle. But
that is an illusion, and if you were to think that the stick was actually
bent, your judgment would be wrong. Pull out the stick and you will see that
in fact it is still straight.
On the other hand, it is
possible for a stick that is actually bent in the middle to appear straight
if it is carefully placed in a particular way in the water.
Well, men are often like
sticks. If you look at them from a certain angle, you may not see them as
straight as they are, and sometimes too, they may have a
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of Long Ago_Volume-02/That which is speaking.htm
Part Three
Between 1911 and
1913 the Mother gave a number of talks to different groups in Paris. Two of them, “On
Thought” and “On Dreams”, appear in Part 1. The same talk was sometimes
presented to two or more groups with suitable variations. Additions and
alternative versions have been given here as footnotes.
The first piece
in this part is a note found among the Mother's manuscripts.
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That which
is speaking to you now, is a faithful servant of the Divine. From all time,
since the beginning of the earth, as a faithful servant of the Divine, it has
spoken in the name of its Master. And as long as earth and