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March 4, 1972
(Mother has a cold. She remains in contemplation
hall an hour.)
Nothing to say?
What about you, Mother, how are you?
I have a fever.
It was mad yesterday, they made me see two hundred people.
Yes, it's too much.
It's mad.
(Mother plunges in again)
And you, nothing to say?
(Mother shakes her head)
What time is it?
Ten to eleven, Mother.
Do you want to stay ten minutes more?
Page 79
Yes, if you like, Mother, gladly!
Willingly. When I remain quiet like this, I am all right.
(Mother plunges in)
Page 80
December 13, 1972
Weren't we supposed to have a meditation?
A meditation?
Yes, Mother, you said you wanted to try an experiment withme.
You said you wanted to take me with you into that con
Would you like to?
Yes, if you'd like to!
Well, personally, I am always there. So.... What's difficult for me is to become conscious of the world as it is.
What did I tell you last time?
You said you wanted to try an experiment. You wanted to takeme
with you into that consciousness to see my sensation.
Page 324
Ah! Very good. Now?
Yes, rather!
Give me your hand.
(Mother takes Satprem's hand for a moment
then plunges in for a full ho
February 26, 1972
(Mother hands Satprem her message for February 29, the
fourth anniversary of the "supramental descent" of
29, 1956.)
It is only when the Supramentalmanifests in the body-mind
that its
presence can be permanent. [[Mother's translation from the French. ]]
This message comes from Sri Aurobindo - although it is made to appear as mine. It was Sri Aurobindo who wrote it. All I said was: Sri Aurobindo said "permanent."
Page 72
But, Mother, it's also your own experience, isn't it?...
Yes, evidently.
(Mother laughs
But wiser to let it settle in before we talk about it!
Once things are established, then....
May 19, 1973
The last meeting
(Sujata gives Mother a pale yellow, slightly golden hibiscus
a red heart. Mother holds the flower without seeing it.
day, I don't know why, I was full of questions.)
What is it?
It's "Ananda in the physical."
We badly need it!
Yes, Mother!
And you?
I was thinking about something Sri Aurobindo wrote.... In
Page 417
"Savitri," he clearly says, "Almighty powers are shut in
Nature's cells." [IV.IIL370.]
In ... ?
In Nature's cells.
Ohh! ... Oh, that is interesting!
ALMIGHTY powers.
He doesn't say anything else?
No, not on that subject.... The consciousness of the cells
seems to be
August 12, 1972
Nothing to ask?
Is there anything new?
Oh, it's always new! And you, what's new with you?
Nothing, Mother, I'm a little upset about my lack of consciousness during sleep.... I wonder what on earth I do at night!
Page 267
(after a silence)
Does anyone see Pavitra at night?
(Sujata:) I see him almost every night.
Oh, you see him.... Me, I see him just as when he was here; and he's busy doing things - a totally conscious and active life. Last night, he was speaking to some people, organizing meetings, he was extraordinarily active.
Besides, he was among people who still have a physical body, who were sleeping, I mean who had come out of thei
July 22, 1972
I have some things for you.
(Mother gropes for something
on the table beside her and
hands Satprem a note in English)
Man is the creation of yesterday.
Sri Aurobindo has come to
announce the creation of tomorrow.
Is that all?
I wrote it in French and I put, "The creation of tomorrow, the advent of the supramental being." Because they are likely to call it "superman" if I don't put "supramental being." The advent of the supramental being.
We are just in between. No longer this, not yet that - the time that's the most....
(brief silence)
Page 230
(Thus, I sent to SABDA and All India Press the note signed by
As was to be expec
May 24, 1972
You are ... (Mother holds Satprem's hands). I don't know if you are aware of it, but you are associated in all this work of transformation, like this (gesture of being carried along in the wake) ... as if you were fastened to it.
But the work is taking place in a region beyond words.
Yes.... For some time now I've been very much feeling your presence.
Ahh! ... As for me, I always feel you're there, as though you were clinging to me, so each time something is accomplished, it is naturally passed on to you.
(Laughing) Clinging like a child.
Yes, I really feel it's the only solution.
(long smiling silence
while holding Satprem's hands)
March 28, 1973
(That day, Satprem had the inner perception that a new phase
beginning, that Mother was "withdrawing" more and
within. Effectively, a few days later, on April 7, she stop
ped seeing almost everybody, except the few regular disciples.)
Page 382
Are you eating enough?
Yes, Mother.
What news?
Are things progressing?
I suppose so.
I turn my consciousness towards myself as little as possible, because ... the sensation is VERY unpleasant.
Things are tolerable only when I am turned exclusively towards the Divine and the material consciousness repeats, OM Namo Bhagavateh ... Like that. Like a backdrop to everything.
OM Namo Bhagava
August 5, 1972
People know I don't eat anymore, so they've stopped sending anything.
I've got all I need! Page 258
Yet I didn't tell anyone! I wonder how they came to know.
I've got all I need, Mother!
Really? ... I don't want you to get thin! (laughter)
There are some interesting things....
What about you? What do you have to say?
No, Mother, nothing. What are the interesting things?
(after a long, smiling silence)
I see certain things, certain events, certain patterns of wills ... I see them coming like this (gesture of a screen), I see them very powerfully and distinctly. And at the same time the sense that: this is how it will be with the
March 15, 1972
(Satprem reads Mother some parts of the conversation of
March 8 for the next "Bulletin": "No compromises, no half
measures, no 'It will come later'... it's like a constant feeling
of hovering between life and death...".)
Page 91
It's very true. And it keeps getting more and more acute, more and more acute. That's it. All the time, all the time like that....
Eating has become a problem. But ... at times, when the attitude is right, it's so easy!
It's good what you did.
But you said that, Mother, not me!
(Mother plunges in
she tries to say
something, then plunges again)
Page 92