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M o t h e r's A g e n d a May_1959
May 1959
(Letter to Mother from Satprem)
Pondicherry, May 1959
Sweet Mother,
You have rid me of my headache in a spectacular way, not to mention the beginning of an infection in a wisdom tooth. So I am writing you.
... ... ... ...
I was prompted to speak to X about the financial difficulties of the Ashram and I took the opportunity to tell him about the subtle 'détente' that has occurred. I told him that you had wondered whether he had not done something (I am putting all this very succinctly). He replied that as soon as he returned to Rameswaram, he made a special puja of gratitude to you for three days and prayed to his divinity to repay you a hundr
M o t h e r's A g e n d a Undated_1958
Undated 1958
When you are exteriorized during sleep and conscious in the vital world, you can live a vital life as conscious as the physical life. I have known people who had this capacity and who were so intensely interested in their experiences in the vital world that they returned only with regret to their bodies. If you are conscious and master of yourself in the vital world and if you possess a certain power there, the circumstances are marvelous, infinitely more varied and more beautiful than in the physical world.
Page 223
Suppose, for example, that you are very tired and need to rest. If you know how to exteriorize yourself and consciously enter i
M o t h e r's A g e n d a Undated_1957
Undated 1957
(On past lives)
If we are to speak of these things truly, we must speak of everything, in all details, for among the innumerable experiences I have had for nearly eighty years, many were of such variety and apparently so contradictory that in truth it can be said that all is possible. Therefore, to say something about past lives without retrieving the thread that runs through all the elements is to open the door to dogmatism. One day they will say, 'Mother said this, Mother said that ...' and that is, alas, how dogmas are born.
So given the multiplicity of experiences and the impossibility of spending my life speaking and writing, you must clearly
September 24, 1960
Imagine! I thought I had lost my hearing. But I just realized that when I don't hear ... it's because I'm elsewhere.
Just now, I concentrated a little and tuned into your voice. And not one word escaped me! It became clear, absolutely clear.
Normally I'm not there. And some people I hear, others I don't hear. But I hadn't imagined that it depended on this - I thought I had lost my hearing. But just now I stopped everything, absolutely everything, I concentrated and tuned in - it became so clear!
Basically, it must be the same for my eyes. Sometimes I see wonderfully, and sometimes it's blurred. It must be for the same reason ... I probably have to lea
March (?) 1959
(Letter to Mother from Satprem concerning X's inquiry
who had practiced black magic on her)
Sweet Mother,
I will be seeing you tomorrow, but I prefer to state things clearly now; if you wish, I can read you my letter when we meet. Here is what X told me:
'The message came this morning during the Puja; my guru spoke in the form of Sanskrit slokas and this is not easy to express in English. Normally, I might have waited rather long for the answer, but because of the greatness of the Mother, it came immediately. The message implicated not 7 people, but 25 to 50, all or almost all Gujaratis.' (Here, X said something I am not sure I grasped, but
March 7, 1960
(Letter to Mother from Satprem)
Pondicherry, March 7, 1960
Here is the letter from the publisher. All comes from you, all is yours.
May I always serve you.
With love.
Your child,
Signed: Satprem
Paris, March 1, 1960
Dear Satprem,
Publisher and friend are here one in telling you that L'Orpailleur is a beautiful book whose richness and force have struck me even more this time than before when I read the first version. I cannot tell you how much your Job is my brother - in his darkness as in his light. The joy, the wild, irrepressible joy that furtively yearns and at times bursts forth, embracing all, this joy at t
Undated 1956 (f)
(Letter to Mother from Satprem)
Sweet Mother, I feel it is good to tell you what happened within me yesterday evening during the distribution, if only to express my infinite gratitude.
First of all, I began by feeling, perceiving in an absolutely obvious way, that it is you and you alone who has been doing my yoga, that you have been doing everything for me and that you have been there forever, guiding each one of my steps. I felt luminously that without you I would never have been able to go forward a single step and that, basically, all my efforts have served only to teach me the futility of my efforts, as it were, and to lead me to this point
October 22, 1960
(Pavitra shows Mother a photograph of the house in which
She lived in Paris, rue du Val de Grâce)
Well, well! The house on Val de Grâce! It looks inhabited, the windows have curtains in them. I lived there - a small house, really very small, with a bedroom upstairs.
Here, this is the kitchen; here is the living room, this is the studio. And then behind the kitchen there was a small room that I used as the dining room, and it opened onto a courtyard. Between the dining room and the kitchen there was a bathroom and a small hallway. The kitchen is here; you went up three steps and then there was this small hallway with the stairs leading up to the bedroom.
July (?) 1958
To do this Yoga, one must have at least some sense of beauty. Without it, one lacks one of the most important aspects of the physical world.
There is a beauty of the soul, a dignity of the soul - it is a thing to which I am very sensitive, a thing that moves me and arouses great respect in me, always.
A beauty of the soul?
Yes, it shows through in the face; this kind of dignity, beauty, harmony of an integral realization. When the soul shows through in the physical, it imparts this dignity, this beauty, this majesty, the majesty that comes from being the Tabernacle. Thus, even things that have no particular beauty assume a sense of eternal beauty, of THE eternal beaut