
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/17 May 31 May 1969.htm
17 May 1969 Is it possible that the individuality gets dissolved after death? These notions about individuality... they are very much changed for me, very much. Even the whole of this morning... But for a long time, for at least a month, it has been different. When people speak of individuality, there is always as though... at least in the background, some separation, that is to say, something existing independently and having its own destiny. But now, as the consciousness in this body knows it, it is almost like a pulsation of “something'' which for the moment has a separate action, but is at bottom, in essence always one; as something which is projected lik
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/25 Sept to 21 Dec 1968.htm
25 September 1968 I have found some old papers, I do not know what they are. There is an envelope from you. It is a question on Aphorisms. “When I hear of a righteous wrath, I wonder at man's capacity for self-deception.'' Sri Aurobindo, Thoughts and Aphorisms * It is wonderful! There was a question: “It is always ‘in good faith' that one deceives oneself: it is always for the good of others that one acts or in the interest of humanity and for serving you, it goes without saying. How does one come to deceive oneself and how to know it truly?'' ¹ It is terribly true. Even yesterday, without even reading it, I had a lo
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/10 to 27 Dec 1969.htm
10 December 1969 Progress is going on at a giant's pace – that shakes the house a little, but it goes on at a giant's pace. And for some, like X for example, it is very conscious. She had an accident in the knee long ago and this leg is a little weaker than the other one – there was a possibility of an upsetting. She noticed that so long as she had the correct attitude she felt nothing, there was nothing, it seemed to have gone altogether. As soon as she fell back into the ordinary consciousness, the illness returned..... And she has had innumerable experiences. I found it very interesting. Others also. And it is truly interesting. It is truly interesting because it has
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/11 Jan to 24 May 1967.htm
11 January 1967 A disciple complained that people took Mother's time with questions often useless, while less and less time was left for her to attend to apparently more important work.Mother commented: It has to be like that, since it is like that. It is perhaps a lesson (it is an indication), but it has a purpose. The lesson that I have to understand, I am trying to understand. I am learning to be patient, oh! such a patience.... Always there are revolts, insults, all that. For me it is absolutely zero and sometimes it is even amusing. When I am in my own condition, the true condition of compassion, it changes nothing, it does not raise even
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/30 Aug to 30 Dec 1972.htm
30 August 1972 I see clearly: it is the consciousness which is directing and not the thought. So, if the consciousness is quietly open to the Divine, everything is all right. All the while things are happening in the consciousness as if all that was coming from the whole world (gesture of assault from all sides): all that denies or contradicts the divine Action – that is coming thus all the time (same gesture). And so, if I know how to be quiet (gesture of self-offering, hands open upward), in an attitude of... (Mother smiles) of non-existence, a kind of... I do not know if it is transparency... I do not know if it should be called transparency or immobility; in any ca