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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/27 Nov 1965.htm
November 1965
This talk begins with Mother's comments on
the message distributed on the Darshan
day of
November 24th.
“It is certainly a
mistake to bring down the light by
force ― to pull it down. The
Supramental cannot be
taken by storm. When the time is ready it will open
itself ― but first there is a great deal to be done
and that must be done patiently and without haste.''
Sri Aurobindo
It is good
for reasonable people. They will say, “There, he does not promise miracles.''
Why? Do many people have
the tendency to “pull
People are
in a hurry, they want to see the results immediately.
And then, they
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/31 Jan to 14 Mar 1970.htm
January 1970
I don't know very well
what attitude to take. I may
however simply put into a
question the problem that
is troubling me: is
everything directed?
You know, my
child, more and more and in an absolute way, I see
– I see – yes, I see, I feel: everything has been decided.
Everything decided.
everything has its reason for existence, which eludes us because our vision is
not wide enough.
And you understand, life, existence, indeed the world itself would
have no sense if it were otherwise.
It is... it
is a kind of absolute conviction. And I see it. Yes, it is a thing I see.
How to say it?... I am now p
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/7 Oct 1964.htm
Notes On The Way
7 October
Things have clearly taken a turn for the better, not from the
ordinary point of view but from the higher. Yet the material consequences are
still there – all the difficulties are as though aggravated. Only, the power of
the consciousness is greater – clearer, more precise, and also the action upon
those who are of good will; they make quite considerable progress. But the
material difficulties are as though aggravated, that is to say, it is... to see
if we can stand the test!
It is like that.
It isn't long (since yesterday), something has cleared in the
atmosphere. But the way is still long – long, long. I feel it is very long. One
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/22 Jan to 18 May 1966.htm
22 January 1966
I experienced this morning, for two hours, a kind of blissful
state in which there was such a clear consciousness that all the forms of life,
in all the worlds and at all moments, are the expression of a choice ― one chooses to be like that.
It is very difficult to say with words.... The kind of obligation
in which one believes oneself to be living, to which one believes oneself to be
submitted, had completely disappeared, and it was quite a spontaneous and
natural perception that the life upon earth, and the life in other worlds, and
all kinds of life upon earth and all kinds of life in other worlds are simply a
question of choice: you have chosen to b
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/12 Jan to 21 Aug 1965.htm
12 January 1965
The whole thing is to hold on. And to hold on, I have found only
one way; it is this Calm, the inner calm ― a calm that has to
become all the more... (how to say it?) complete, as the struggle is more
There has been for some time past (particularly since the first of
January) a kind of bombardment of adverse forces ― a
fury, you know. Then you must remain like this (Mother becomes immobile like a statue), that is all. And when
physically you have been shaken, you must not ask too much of the body, you
must give it a good deal of tranquillity, a good deal
of rest.
The difficulty is that I
am very much absorbed by the
condition of
this b
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/9 June to 1 Sept 1971.htm
9 June 1971
There is a rush of adverse forces. A mad rush. But the Response has
started coming – it is just a small beginning. In everyone it was as though a
hurricane – it has not gone completely. All that was believed to have been
conquered and repulsed, rushes back again – in the most unexpected persons –
in all forms, but especially in character, oh !... doubts and revolts and all
A message was asked from me for the whole of India. I have given
it. (Mother hands the text to the disciple.)
Supreme Lord, Eternal Truth
Let us obey
Thee alone
and live
according to
It is a
terrible onrush of Falsehood. It
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/precontent.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/9 Feb to 25 Mar 1972.htm
February 1972
talk begins with Mother's comments on
the message to be distributed on the Darshan
of 21
February 1972.
“The complete unification
of the whole being around
the psychic centre is the essential condition to realise
a perfect sincerity.”
I have
observed that people were insincere simply because one part of the being says
one thing and another part says another thing. It is that which constitutes
But it is very difficult
to have a state of consciousness
that is permanent,
to have always the same conscious
ness ruling all the time.
But that is
true so long as one is not unified, my child. As
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/13 Mar to 28 Aug 1968.htm
13 March 1968
In her talk of
27 May 1953, Mother gave the
following answer to
the question of a disciple:
“Can the Divine withdraw
from us?”
“That is an
impossibility. Because if the Divine with-
drew from something,
immediately it would collapse,
for it would not
exist. To put it more clearly: The
Divine is the only
Now I would
have answered: it is as though you asked whether the Divine could withdraw from
Himself! (Mother laughs.) That is the trouble: when one says “Divine'', they
understand “God''.... There is only That: That alone exists. That, what is it?
That alone exists!
Even this mornin
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Notes on The Way_Volume-11/29 Sept to 25 Dec 1971.htm
September 1971
Durga Puja: Victory Day (Vijaya Dashami)
It was clear, very clear today, a strong Pressure to say: Victory,
it is Harmony; Victory, it is the Divine; and for the body, Victory is good
health. Each and every ailment, each and every illness is a falsehood. It came
this morning. And it was so clear. It
was convincing.
So, it is all right.
It is as though by the Pressure all Falsehood had come out. The
most unexpected things – in people, in objects, in circumstances. And it is
truly... no imagination can equal that. It is unbelievable.
But it is a good sign,
isn't it?
Oh, yes! Oh,
yes!... It is as though there had been a poison,