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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/Meditation.htm
What exactly is meant by
meditation in Yoga? And what should be its objects?
difficulty our correspondent finds is in an apparent conflict of authorities, as
sometimes meditation is recommended in the form of a concentrated succession of
thoughts on a single subject, sometimes in the exclusive concentration of the
mind on a single image, word or idea, a fixed contemplation rather than
meditation. The choice between these two methods and others, for there are
others, depends on the object we have in view in Yoga.
The thinking
mind is the one instrument we possess at present by which we can arrive at a
conscious self-organisation of our internal existence. Bu
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/The Higher Lines of Truth.htm
Higher Lines of Truth
can be no greater error than to sup- pose, misled by this absolute insistence of
the ethical being, that the ethical is the single or the supreme demand of the
Infinite upon us or the one law and line of the higher Karma, and that in
comparison with it nothing else matters. The German thinker’s idea that there
is a categorical imperative laid upon man to seek after the right and good, an
insistent law of right conduct, but no categorical imperative of the Oversoul
compelling him to seek after the beautiful or the true, after a law of right
beauty and harmony and right knowledge, is a singular misprision. It is a false
deduction born o
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/Rebirth and Soul Evolution.htm
and Soul Evolution
THE ideas that men
currently form about life and things are for the most part pragmatic
constructions. They are forms of a reason which is concerned with giving only
such a serviceable account to itself of its surroundings as shall make a
sufficient clue to our immediate business of the growth, action, satisfaction of
the personality, something feasible, livable, effective for our journeying in
Time, something viable, in the two-fold French sense of the word. Whether it
corresponds to or is directly in touch with any real reality of things seems to
be very much a matter of accident. It seems to be sufficient if we can persuade
our faci
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/On Ideals.htm
are truths that have not yet effected themselves for man, the realities of a
higher plane of existence which have yet to fulfil themselves on this lower
plane of life and matter, our present field of operation. To the pragmatical
intellect which takes its stand upon the ever-changing present, ideals are not
truths, not realities, they are at most potentialities of future truth and only
become real when they are visible in the external fact as work of force
accomplished. But to the mind which is able to draw back from the flux of force
in the material universe, to the consciousness which is not imprisoned in its
own workings or carried along in their flood but
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/Supermind in The Evolution.htm
in the Evolution
NEW humanity would then be a race of
mental beings on the earth and in the earthly body but delivered from its
present conditions in the reign of the cosmic Ignorance so far as to be
possessed of a perfected mind, a mind of light which could even be a subordinate
action of the supermind or Truth-Consciousness and in any case capable of the
full possibilities of mind acting as a recipient of that truth and at least a
secondary action of it in thought and life. It could even be a part of what
could be described as a divine life upon earth and at least the beginnings of an
evolution in the Knowledge and no longer entirely or predomi
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/The Superman.htm
The Superman
ideal of the Superman has been brought recently into much notice, some not very
fruitful discussion and a good deal of obloquy. It is apt to be resented by
average humanity because men are told or have a lurking consciousness that here
is a claim of the few to ascend to heights of which the many are not capable, to
concentrate moral and spiritual privileges and enjoy a domination, powers and
immunities hurtful to a diffused dignity and freedom in mankind. So considered, supermanhood is nothing more important than a deification of the rare or
solitary ego that has out-topped others in the force of our common human
qualities. But this presentation is narrow
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/Delight of Being.htm
of Being
BRAHMAN were only an
impersonal abstraction eternally contradicting the apparent fact of our concrete
existence, cessation would be the right end of the matter; but love and delight
and self-awareness have also to be reckoned.
The universe is
not merely a mathematical formula for working out the relation of certain mental
abstractions called numbers and principles to arrive in the end at a zero or a
void unit, neither is it merely a physical operation embodying a certain
equation of forces. It is the delight of a Self-lover, the play of a Child, the
endless self-multiplication of a Poet intoxicated with the rapture of His own
power of endless c
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/The Significance of Rebirth.htm
Significance of Rebirth
THE one question which
through all its complexities is the sum of philosophy and to which all human
enquiry comes round in the end, is the problem of ourselves, - why we are here
and what we are, and what is behind and before and around us, and what we are to
do with ourselves, our inner significances and our outer environment. In the
idea of evolutionary rebirth, if we can once find it to be a truth and recognise
its antecedents and consequences, we have a very sufficient clue for an answer
to all these connected sides of the one perpetual question. A spiritual
evolution of which our universe is the scene and earth its ground and s
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/Different Methods of Writing.htm
Methods of Writing
is the origin of the different methods of writing, -
from right to left, from left
to right or, like the Chinese, vertically?
question is one of great interest but impossible to solve definitely for lack of
substantial data. All one can do is to speculate on the most probable and
satisfying explanation.
In the first
place, it is evident that these differences are no mere accident nor the result
of some trivial and local cause; for they coincide with great cultural divisions
of humanity belonging to prehistoric times. It is the races called Aryan from
their common original culture whose script is directed from l
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Supramental Manifestation_Volume-16/The Terrestrial Law.htm
Terrestrial Law
A CONSIDERATION of the lines of Karma ought certainly to begin with a study of the
action of the world as it is, as a whole, however contrary it may be to the rule
or to the desire of our moral or our intellectual reason, and to see if we
cannot find in its own facts its own explanation. If the actual truth of the
world breaks out from the too rigid cadres our moral sense or our intelligence
would like to see imposed on the freely or the inevitably self-determining
movement of the Infinite, on the immeasurable largeness of his being or the
mighty complexities of his will, it is very likely that that is because our
moral sense and our intellect, si