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Section Three
The Mother and the Practice
of the Integral Yoga
Aspiration and Surrender
to the Mother
Yoga, Sadhana, Dhyana
Yoga is union with the Divine, sadhana is what you do in order to unite with the Divine. You have to get away from the ordinary human consciousness and get into touch with the divine Consciousness.
For that call always on the Mother, open yourself to her, aspire and pray for her Force to work in you so as to make
you fit —reject desire, restlessness, disturbances of the mind and vital. Dhyana means to make the mind and vital quiet and
concentrate in aspiration for the Mother's Peace, the Mother's Prese
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Mother With Letters On The Mother/Work for the Mother in the Ashram.htm
Work for the Mother in the Ashram
All Ashram Work Is the Mother's Work
If anybody in the Asram tries to establish a supremacy or dominating influence over others, he is in the wrong. For it is bound to be a wrong vital influence and come in the way of the Mother's
work. If you feel anything of the kind in anybody, you are quite right to resist it and throw off the influence; to accept it would
be bad both for him and you.
But there should be no quarrel or ill
—feeling or keeping up
of resentment or anger; for that too is not good for either. . . .
You must remember that just as the Mother uses your capacities and gives them their field, she mu
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Mother With Letters On The Mother/On Entretiens avec la Mère.htm
On Entretiens avec la Mère
Comments on Specific
In Entretiens the Mother says: "Même
ceux qui ont la volonté
de s'enfuir [du monde], quand ils arrivent de l'autre côté
peuvent trouver que la fuite ne sert pas
à grand
—chose après
tout" [p. 28]. What does "arrivent de l'autre côté"
mean? Does it mean "when they come into
this world" or "when they go into the world of silence which they
No —"arrivent de l'autre cote" simply means
"when they die". What Mother intended was that when they actually arrive at
their Nirvana they find it is not the ultimate solution or largest
realisation of the Supreme and they must ev
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Mother With Letters On The Mother/The Mother^s Force.htm
The Mother's Force
What Is the Mother's Force?
What is the Yoga shakti? What is Yogic mind
—force, Yogic
life —force and Yogic body —force?
In the Yogic consciousness one is not only aware of things, but
of forces, not only of forces, but of the conscious being behind the forces. One is aware of all this not only in oneself but in
the universe. There is a force which accompanies the growth of this new consciousness and at once grows with it and helps it to
come about and to perfect itself. This force is the Yoga shakti. It is here asleep and coiled up in all the centres of our inner
being (chakras) and is at the base what is called in the Tantras the Kundalini Shakti.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Mother With Letters On The Mother/Meeting the Mother.htm
Meeting the Mother
Right Attitude during Interviews with the Mother
The right attitude in approaching the Mother when she sees one,
is to keep the being perfectly quiet and open to receive, without any activity of the mind or desire in the vital, with only the
surrender and the psychic readiness to accept whatever is given.
Tomorrow, 24th, the Mother sees you
—for meditation, so
that she may see and do whatever is needed.
23 February 1932
It is a strange thing, but it seems to be absolutely clear that the
Mother wants me to go to her. Everything in me says, "Yes, yes, it is true
—there is no doubt about it." A
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Mother With Letters On The Mother/Relation between the Mother and Her Children.htm
Relation between the Mother and
Her Children
True Relation with the Mother
What is our true relation with the Mother —the relation of the Mother and her child?
The relation of the child to the Mother is that of an entire, sincere and simple trust, love and dependence.
The relation of the disciple to the Guru in the Guruvada is
supposed always to be that of worship, respect, complete happy confidence, unquestioning acceptance of the guidance. It is only
in this Asram that another theory has sometimes been advanced and reached its height as a result of the
misapplication or wrong
extension of the relation with
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Mother With Letters On The Mother/Letters on the Mother.htm
Part Two
Letters on the Mother
The Mother is always with you. Put your faith in her, remain quiet within and do with that quietude what has to
be done. You will become more and more aware of her constant Presence, will feel her action behind yours and the burden of your
work will no longer be heavy on you.
Sri Aurobindo
Final paragraph of a letter written by Sri Aurobindo
to a disciple living outside the Ashram
Forms, Powers, Personalities
Appearances of the Mother
Nirguna and Saguna (Formless and with Form)
My being rose higher and higher. I saw God's power of creation, and from there worlds, beings and gods were spreading
out. Even God, through this power of creation, was getting expressed as different forms: Saguna, Nirguna, etc. God and
this creative power are one; this creative power is his Shakti, the Mother. Is this correct?
It is right. There is no difficulty about it. Nirguna, Saguna are only aspects taken by the Divine in the manifestation. It
is the Mother who manifests (creation is only manifestation) the Saguna or the Nirguna Ishwara.
28 Jun
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Mother With Letters On The Mother/Aspects of the Mother's Life in the Ashram.htm
Aspects of the Mother's Life
in the Ashram
The Mother's Music
It is not by knowledge of music that the understanding [of the Mother's music] comes; nor is it by effort of the mind
—it is
by becoming inwardly silent, opening within and getting the spontaneous feeling of what is in the music.
I feel within me a tendency for music, but I understand nothing of harmony, tune and rhythm. Yet sometimes when I hear the
Mother's music, I am spellbound and lose all sense of time.
It is not necessary to have technical knowledge in order to feel
what is behind the music. Mother of course does not play for the sake of a technical musical eff
Section Two
The Mother, Sri Aurobindo
and the Integral Yoga
Two in One
One Consciousness
The opposition between the Mother's consciousness and my
consciousness was an invention of the old days (due mainly to X, Y
and others of that time) and emerged in a time when the
Mother was not fully recognised or accepted by some of those who were here at the beginning. Even after they had recognised
her they persisted in this meaningless opposition and did great harm to them and others. The Mother's consciousness and mine
are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play. Nothing can be done without