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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/Nammalwar.htm
Nammalwar THE SUPREME VAISHNAVA SAINT AND POET                    MARAN, renowned as Nammalwar ("Our Saint") among the Vaishnavas and the greatest of their saints and poets, was born in a small town called Kuruhur, in the southernmost region of the Tamil country - Tiru-nel-veli (Tinnevelly). His father, Kari, was a petty prince who paid . tribute to the Pandyan King of Madura. We have no means of ascertaining the date of the Alwar's birth, as the traditional account is untrustworthy and full of inconsistencies. We are told that the infant was mute for several years after his birth. Nammalwar renounced the world early in life and spent his time singing and meditating on Go
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/Hymns to the Goddess.htm
Hymns to the Goddess* THIS is one of a series of publications by Mr. Arthur Avalon consisting of texts and translations of the Tantras. The hymns collected and translated in this volume are, however, taken from other sources besides the Tantras. Many of them are from the considerable body of devotional hymns attributed by tradition to the philosopher Shankaracharya, a few from the Mahabharata and the Puranas. Most are well-known stotras addressed to the various forms and names of the female Energy, Mother of the worlds, whose worship is an important part of that many-sided and synthetic whole which we call Hinduism. The work of translation has been admirably done. T
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/Post content.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/Simultaneous and Successive Teaching.htm
FOUR Simultaneous and Successive Teaching A VERY remarkable feature of modern training which has been subjected in India to a reductio ad absurdum is the practice of teaching by snippets. A subject is taught a little at a time, in conjunction with a host of others, with the result that what might be well learnt in a single year is badly learned in seven and the boy goes out ill-equipped, served with imperfect parcels of knowledge, master of none of the great departments of human knowledge. The system of education adopted by the National Council, an amphibious and twy-natured creation, attempts to heighten this practice of teaching by snippets at
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/Towords Unification.htm
Towards Unification THE progress of distance-bridging inventions, our modern facility for the multiplication of books and their copies and the increase of human curiosity are rapidly converting humanity into a single intellectual unit with a common fund of knowledge and ideas and a unified culture. The process is far from complete, but the broad lines of the plan laid down by the great Artificer of things already begin to appear. For a time this unification was applied to Europe only. Asia had its own triune civilisation, predominatingly spiritual, complex and meditative in India, predominatingly vital, emotional, active and simplistic in the regions of the Hindu Kush
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/The Tangle of Karma.htm
The Tangle of Karma OBVIOUSLY we must leave far behind us the current theory of Karma and its shallow attempt to justify the ways of the Cosmic Spirit by forcing on them a crude identity with the summary notions of law and justice, the crude and often savagely primitive methods of reward and punishment, lure and deterrent dear to the surface human mind. There is here a more authentic and spiritual truth at the base of Nature’s action and a far less mechanically calculable movement. Here is no rigid and narrow ethical law bound down to a petty human significance, no teaching of a child soul by a mixed system of blows and lollipops, no unprofitable wheel of a brutal
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/precontent.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/The Training of the Senses.htm
FIVE The Training of the Senses THERE are six senses which minister to knowledge, sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste, mind, and all of these except the last look outward and gather the material of thought from outside through the physical nerves and their end- organs, eye, ear, nose, skin, palate. The perfection of the senses as ministers to thought must be one of the first cares of the teacher. The two things that are needed of the senses are accuracy and sensitiveness. We must first understand what are the obstacles to the accuracy and sensitiveness of the senses, in order that we may take the best steps to remove them. The cause of imperfection must be
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/Sense- Improvement by Practice.htm
SIX Sense- Improvement by Practice ANOTHER cause of the inefficiency of the senses as gatherers of knowledge, is insufficient use. We do not observe sufficiently or with sufficient attention and closeness and a sight, sound, smell, even touch or taste knocks in vain at the door for admission. This tamasic inertia of the receiving instruments is no doubt due to the inattention of the buddhi, and there- fore its consideration may seem to come properly under the training of the functions of the intellect, but it is more convenient, though less psychologically correct, to notice it here. The student ought to be accustomed to catch the sights, sounds, etc., aro
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Hour of God_Volume-17/A Great Mind, a Great Will.htm
A Great Mind, a Great Wi11* A GREAT mind, a great will, a great and preeminent leader of men has passed away from the field of his achievement and labour. To the mind of his country Lokamanya Tilak was much more, for he had become to it a considerable part of itself, the embodiment of its past efforts and the head of its present struggle for a free and greater life. His achievement and personality have put him amidst the first rank of historic and significant figures. He was one who built much rapidly out of little beginnings, a creator of great things out of an unworked material. The creations he left behind him were a new and strong and self-reliant national s