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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/Academic Thoughts.htm
Academic Thoughts
The Object of Government —
It is the habit
of men to blind themselves by customary trains of associated thought, to come to look on the means as an end and honour it
with a superstitious reverence as a wonder-working fetish.
The principle of good government is not to keep men quiet, but
to keep them satisfied. It is not its objective to have loyal servants
and subjects, but to give all individuals in the nation the utmost
possible facilities for being men and realising their highest manhood.
The ideal of the state is not a hive of bees or a herd of cattle,
shepherded by strong watch-dogs, but an association of free men
for mutual help and human adva
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/Stead and The Spirits.htm
Stead and
the Spirits
attention has been attracted and excitement created by the latest development of
Mr. W. T. Stead's agency for communicant spirits which he calls
Julia's Bureau. The supposed communications of Mr. Gladstone, Lord Beaconsfield and other distinguished politicians on
the question of the Budget have awakened much curiosity, ridicule and even indignation. The ubiquitous eloquence of Lord Curzon has been set flowing by what he considers this unscrupulous method of pressing the august departed into the ranks of
Liberal electioneering agents, and he has penned an indignant
letter to the papers in which there is much ornate Curzonian
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/Stray Thoughts.htm
Stray Thoughts
and trees are the poetry of
nature; the gardener is a romantic poet who has added richness,
complexity of effect and symmetry to a language otherwise
distinguished merely by facility, by directness and by simplicity
of colour and charm.
Sound is more essential to poetry than sense. Swinburne
who often conveys no meaning to the intellect, yet fills his verse
with lovely and suggestive melodies, can put more poetry into one
such line than Pope into a hundred couplets of accurate sense
and barren music. A noble thought framed in a well-rounded
sentence will always charm by virtue of its satisfying completeness, but will never convey that e
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/His Official Carrier.htm
His Official Career
equipped, thus trained Bankim began his human journey, began in the radiance of joy and strength
and genius the life which was to close in suffering and mortal
pain. The drudgery of existence met him in the doorway, when
his youth was still young. His twenty-first year found him at
Jessore, his fifty-third was the last of his long official labour.
Here too however his inveterate habit of success went always with
him. The outward history of his manhood reads more brilliantly
even than that of his youth, and if he did not climb to the highest
posts, it was only because these are shut to indigenous talent.
From start to finish, his abi
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/Kalidasa's Seasons.htm
-31_Kalidasa's Seasons.htm
THE Seasons of Kalidasa is one of
those early works of a great poet which are even more interesting to a
student of his evolution than his later masterpieces. We see his
characteristic gift even in the immature workmanship and uncertain touch
and can distinguish the persistent personality in spite of the defective
self-expression. Where external record is scanty, this interest is often
disturbed by the question of authenticity and where there is any excuse
for the doubt, it has first to be removed. The impulse which leads us to
deny authenticity to
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/Dinshah - Perizade.htm
Dinshah — Perizade
Perizade, the shades of Iran were not so cool and sweet as these
in our city of Mazinderan. The gardens that bloom on the banks
of the river of peace are carpeted with lovelier and sweeter-scented flowers and the birds that sing upon every tree and make
the day melodious with the unearthly delight of their clamorous
harmonies, are of so various a plumage and hue that one is content to satiate the eye with the softness and splendour without
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/The Historical Method.htm
The Historical Method
Kalidasa, the man who represents one
of the greatest periods in our civilisation and typifies so many
sides and facets of it in his writing, we know if possible even less
than of Valmiki and Vyasa. It is probable but not certain that he
was a native of Malva born not in the capital Ujjayini, but in one
of those villages of which he speaks in the Cloud-Messenger
and that he afterwards resorted to the capital and wrote under
the patronage of the great Vikramaditya who founded the era of
the Malavas in the middle of the first century before Christ. Of
his attainments, his creed, his character we may gather something
from his poetry, but external
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/Yoga and Human Evolution.htm
Yoga and Human Evolution
whole burden of our human progress
has been an attempt to escape from the bondage to the body and
the vital impulses. According to the scientific theory, the human
being began as the animal, developed through the savage and
consummated in the modern civilized man. The Indian theory is
different. God created the world by developing the many out of the One and the
material out of the spiritual. From the beginning, the objects which compose the physical world were arranged by Him in their causes, developed under the law of their
being in the subtle or psychical world and then manifested in the
gross or material world. From kārana to sūk
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/Beauty in the Real.htm
Beauty in the Real
ridden down by Shelsford thro' the
glittering lustre of an afternoon in March and as I was returning somewhat cold and tired, saw at a distance the pink
hat¹ and heavy black curls of Keshav Ganesh and with him
Broome Wilson and Prince Paradox. As I trotted up Prince
Paradox hailed me. "Come round and have tea with me,"
he said, "we are speculating at large on the primitive roots
and origins of the universe, and I know your love for light
subjects." "I shall be a delighted listener," I said, and was
genuine in the assurance, for I had many a while listened
with subtle delight to the beautiful and imaginative talk of
Keshav Ganesh. I rode to the
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/The Harmony of Virtue_Volume-03/Harmony of Virtue.htm
"I read more than once Plato's Republic and
Symposium, but
only extracts from his other writings. It is true that under his
impress I rashly started writing at the age of 18 an explanation
of the cosmos on the foundation of the principle of Beauty and
Harmony, but I never got beyond the first three or four chapters."
From notes dictated by Sri Aurobindo
Book One
Keshav Ganesh [Desai] —
Broome Wilson
Keshav : My dear Broome, how opportune is your arrival!
You will save me from the malady of work, it may be, from the
dangerous opium of solitude. How is it I have not seen you for
the last fortnig