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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Social and Political Thought_Volume-15/Post Content.htm
-40_The Possibility of a First Step Twoards International Unity.htm
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Possibility of a First Step
towards International Unity-
Its Enormous Difficulties
THE study of the growth
of the nation-unit under the pressure indeed of a growing inner need and idea but
by the agency of political, economic and social forces, forms and instruments
shows us a progress that began from a loose formation in which various elements
were gathered together for unification, proceeded through a period of strong
concentration and coercion in which the conscious national ego was developed,
fortified and provided with a centre and instruments of its organic life and
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Social and Political Thought_Volume-15/1919.htm
year 1919 comes to us with the appearance of one of the most pregnant and
historic dates of the modern world. It has ended the greatest war in history,
begotten a new thing in the history of mankind, a League of Nations which claims
to be the foundation-stone for the future united life of the human race, and
cleared the stage for fresh and momentous other constructions or destructions,
which will bring us into another structure of society and of the framework of
human life than has yet been known in the recorded memory of the earth's
peoples. This is record enough for a single year and it looks as if there were
already sufficient to give this date an undisputed pree
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Social and Political Thought_Volume-15/ Ancient and Modern Methods of Empire.htm
Ancient and Modern Methods of Empire
CLEAR distinction must be made between ,two political
aggregates which go equally in current language by
name of empire. For there is the homogeneous national and
there is the
heterogeneous composite empire. In a sense, all empires are composites, at any
rate, if we go back to their origins; but in practice there is a difference
between the imperial aggregate in which the component elements are not divided
from other by a strong sense of their separate existence in the ole and the
imperial aggregate in which this psychological is of separation is still in
vigour. Japan before the absorption ,Fo
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Social and Political Thought_Volume-15/The Need of Administrative Unity.htm
The Need of
Administrative Unity
IN ALMOST all current ideas of the first step towards international
organisation, it is taken for granted that the nations will continue to enjoy their
separate existence and liberties and will only leave to international action
the prevention of war, the regulation of dangerous disputes, the power of
settling great international questions which they cannot settle by ordinary
means. It is impossible that the development should stop there; this first step
would necessarily lead to others which could travel only in one direction.
Whatever authority were established, if it is to be a true authority in any
degree a
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Social and Political Thought_Volume-15/Aesthetic and Ethical Culture.htm
Aesthetic and Ethical Culture
THE idea of culture begins to define itself for us a little more
clearly, or at least it has put away from it in a clear contrast its natural
opposites. The unmental, the purely physical life is very obviously its
opposite, it is barbarism; the unintellectualised vital, the crude economic or
the grossly domestic life which looks only to money-getting, the procreation of
a family and its maintenance, are equally its opposites; they are another and
even uglier barbarism. We agree to regard the individual who is dominated by
them and has no thought of higher things as an uncultured and undeveloped human
being, a prolon
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Social and Political Thought_Volume-15/Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age.htm
Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age
CHANGE of this kind, the change from the
mental and vital to the spiritual order of life, must necessarily
be accomplished in the individual and in a
great number of individuals before
it can lay any effective hold upon the community. The Spirit in humanity
discovers, develops, builds into form in the individual man: it is through the
progressive and formative individual that it offers the discovery and the
chance of a new self-creation to the mind of the race. For the communal mind
holds things subconsciently at first or, if consciously, then in a confus
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Social and Political Thought_Volume-15/Civilisation and Culture.htm
Civilisation and Culture
starts from Matter, develops out of it its hidden Life, releases out of
involution in life all the crude material of Mind and, when she is ready, turns
Mind upon itself and upon Life and Matter in a -great mental effort to
understand all three in their phenomena, their obvious action, their secret
laws, their normal and abnormal possibilities and powers so that they may be
turned to the richest account, used in the best and most harmonious way,
elevated to their highest as well as extended to their widest potential aims by
the action of that faculty which man alone of terrestrial creatures clearly
possesses, the inte
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Social and Political Thought_Volume-15/The Drive Towards Economic Centralisation.htm
Drive towards Economic Centralisation
THE objective organisation of a national unity is not yet
complete when it has arrived at the possession of a single central authority
and the unity and uniformity of its political, military and strictly
administrative functions. There is another side of its organic life, the
legislative and its corollary, the judicial function, which is equally
important; the exercise of legislative power becomes eventually indeed,
although it was not always, the characteristic sign of the sovereign.
Logically, one would suppose that the conscious and organised determination of
its own rules of life should
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Social and Political Thought_Volume-15/The Conditions of a Free World-Union.htm
Conditions of a Free World-Union
A FREE world-union must in its very
nature be a complex unity based on a diversity and that diversity must be based
on free self- determination. A mechanical unitarian system would regard in its
idea the geographical groupings of men as so many conveniences for provincial
division, for the convenience of administration, much in the same spirit as the
French Revolution reconstituted France with an entire disregard of old natural
and historic divisions. It would regard mankind as one single nation and it
would try to efface the old separative national spirit altogether; it would
arrange its system pr