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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Savitri 1951 Edition/Book 9 Canto 1 Towards The Black Void.htm
PART THREE   (Books IX-XII)   BOOK NINE   The Book of Eternal Night   CANTO ONE   TOWARDS THE BLACK VOID     SO was she left alone in the huge wood, Surrounded by a dim unthinking world, Her husband's corpse on her forsaken breast. She measured not her loss with helpless thoughts, Nor rent with tears the marble seals of pain: She rose not yet to face the dreadful god. Over the body she loved her soul leaned out In a great stillness without stir or voice, As if her mind had died with Satyavan. But still the human heart in her beat on. Aware still of his being near to hers, Closely she clas
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Savitri 1951 Edition/Book 4 Canto 4 The Quest.htm
CANTO FOUR   THE QUEST     THE world-ways opened before Savitri. At first a strangeness of new brilliant scenes Peopled her mind and kept her body's gaze. But as she moved across the changing earth A deeper consciousness welled up in her: A citizen of many scenes and climes, Each soil and country it has made its home; It took all clans and peoples for her own, Till the whole destiny of mankind was hers. These unfamiliar spaces on her way Were known and neighbours to a sense within; Landscapes recurred like lost forgotten fields, Cities and rivers and plains her vision claimed Like s
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Savitri 1951 Edition/Book 7 Canto 6 Nirvana and The Discovery.htm
CANTO SIX   NIRVANA AND THE DISCOVERY OF THE ALL-NEGATING ABSOLUTE     A CALM slow sun looked down from tranquil heavens. A routed sullen rearguard of retreat, The last rains had fled murmuring across the woods Or failed, a sibilant whisper mid the leaves, And the great blue enchantment of the sky Recovered the deep rapture of its smile. Its mellow splendour unstressed by storm-licked heats Found room for a luxury of warm mild days, The night's gold treasure of autumnal moons Came floating shipped through ripples of fairy air. And Savitri's life was glad, fulfilled like earth's;
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Savitri 1951 Edition/Book 7 Canto 1 The Joy of Union.htm
BOOK SEVEN   The Book of Yoga   CANTO ONE   THE JOY OF UNION; THE ORDEAL OF THE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF DEATH AND THE HEART'S GRIEF     FATE followed her foreseen immutable road. Man's hopes and longings build the journeying wheels That bear the body of his destiny And lead his blind will towards an unknown goal. His fate within him shapes his acts and rules; Its face and form already are born in him, Its parentage is in his secret soul; Here Matter seems to mould the body's life And the soul follows where its nature drives: Nature and Fate compel his free-will's choice. But greater spirits this ba
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Savitri 1951 Edition/Book 5 Canto 3 Satyavan and Savitri.htm
CANTO THREE   SATYAVAN AND SAVITRI     OUT of the voiceless mystery of the past In a present ignorant of forgotten bonds These spirits met upon the roads of Time. Yet in the heart their secret conscious selves At once aware grew of each other warned By the first call of a delightful voice And a first vision of the destined face. As when being cries to being from its depths Behind the screen of the external sense And strives to find the heart-disclosing word, The passionate speech revealing the soul's need, But the mind's ignorance veils the inner sight, Only a little breaks through our earth-made bounds, So now they met i
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Savitri 1951 Edition/Book 8 Canto 3 Death in The Forest.htm
BOOK EIGHT   The Book of Death   CANTO THREE*   DEATH IN THE FOREST     NOW it was here in this great golden dawn By her still sleeping husband lain she gazed Into her past as one about to die Looks back upon the sunlit fields of life Where he too ran and sported with the rest, Lifting his head above the huge dark stream Into whose depths he must for ever plunge. All she had been and done she lived again. The whole year in a swift and eddying race Of memories swept through her and fled away Into the irrecoverable past. Then silently she rose and, service done, Bowed down to the great goddess simply carved