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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Appreciation of the Arts in General.htm
Appreciation of the Arts in General
Poetic and Artistic Value and Popular Appeal
I do not know why your correspondent puts so much value on general understanding and acceptance. Really it is only the few
that can be trusted to discern the true value of things in poetry and art and if the "general" run accept it is usually because
acceptance is sooner or later imposed or induced in their minds at first by the authority of the few and afterwards by the verdict
of Time. There are exceptions of course of a wide spontaneous acceptance because something that is really good happens to
meet a taste or a demand in the general mind of t
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Technique, Inspiration, Artistry.htm
Section Three
Poetic Technique
Technique, Inspiration, Artistry
Inspiration and Technique
You do not need at all to afflict your inspiration by studying metrical technique
―you have all the technique you need, within
you. I have never studied prosody myself ―in English, at least, ―what I know I know by reading and writing and following my
ear and using my intelligence. If one is interested in the technical study of prosody for its own sake, that is another matter
it is not at all indispensable.
28 April 1934
Knowledge of Technique and Intuitive Cognition
As for the technique, there
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/General Remarks on the Visual Arts.htm
Section Two
On the Visual Arts
General Remarks on the Visual Arts
Art and Nature
There is no incompatibility between the inspiration from within and the dependence on Nature. The essence of the inspiration
always comes from within but the forms of expression are based on Nature though developed and modified by the selective or
interpretative sight of the artist.
6 September 1933
A painter can certainly bring home the aspects of the sea and
the beauty of Nature, but he does it as an artist, in the way of Art. He does it by representation and suggestion, not by
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Appreciation of Poetry.htm
Part Three
Literature, Art, Beauty and Yoga
Section One
Appreciation of Poetry and the Arts
Appreciation of Poetry
The Subjective Element
All criticism of poetry is bound to have a strong subjective element in it and that is the source of the violent differences we find
in the appreciation of any given author by equally "eminent" critics. All is relative here, Art and Beauty also, and our view of
things and our appreciation of them depends on the consciousness which views and appreciates. Some critics recognise this and
go in frankly for a purely subjec
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Indian Poetry in English.htm
Indian Poetry in English
Indian Poetry in English
Writing in a Learned Language
I was surprised last night how
les mots justes
sprang ready to the pen's call. Alas I can't say the same thing for my English
poetry, where I always fumble so.
One cannot expect to seize in poetry the finer and more elusive
tones, which are so important, in a learned language, however well-learnt, as in one's native or natural tongue. Unless of course
one succeeds in making it natural, if not native.
5 December 1935
What do you think of Yeats' letter to Purohit Swami, in which
he says: "Write in your
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Metrical Experiments in Bengali.htm
Metrical Experiments in Bengali
New Metres in Bengali
Of course, Prabodh Sen is right. I suppose what Buddhadev means is that none of the very great poets invented a metre
―they were all too lazy and preferred stealing other people's rhythms and polishing them up to perfection, just as Shakespeare
stole all his plots from wherever he could find any worth stealing. But all the same, if that applies to Shakespeare, Homer, Virgil,
what about Alcaeus, Sappho, Catallus, Horace? they did a good deal of inventing or of transferring
―introducing Greek metres
into Latin, for example. I can't spot a precedent in modern European
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Painting in the Ashram.htm
Painting in the Ashram
Painting in the Ashram
A General Remark
What you write about the expression of beauty through painting and the limitations of the work as yet done here, is quite
accurate. The painters here have capacity and disposition, but as yet the work done ranks more as studies and sketches, some
well done, some less well, than as great or finished art. What they need is not to be easily satisfied because they have put their
ideas or imaginations in colour or because they have done some good work, but always to see what has not been yet achieved
and train vision and execution-power till they have reached a truly high power of thems
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Great Poets of the World.htm
Section Two
Section Two
On Poets and Poetry
Great Poets of the World
The World's Greatest Poets
Goethe certainly goes much deeper than Shakespeare; he had an incomparably greater intellect than the English poet and
sounded problems of life and thought Shakespeare had no means of approaching even. But he was certainly not a greater
poet; I do not find myself very ready to admit either that he was Shakespeare's equal. He wrote out of a high poetic intelligence,
but his style and movement nowhere come near the poetic power, the magic, the sovereign expression and profound or
subtle rhythms of Shakespeare. Shakespeare was a supr
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/APPENDIX II - An Answer to a Criticism.htm
An Answer to a Criticism
Milford accepts, (incidentally, with special regard to the word frosty in Clough's line about the Cairngorm1), the rule that two
consonants after a short vowel make the short vowel long, even if they are outside the word and come in another word following
it. To my mind this rule accepted and generally applied would amount in practice to an absurdity; it would result, not indeed
in ordinary verse where quantity by itself has no metrical value, but in any attempt at quantitative metre, in eccentricities like the scansions of Bridges. I shall go on pronouncing the y
of as short whether it has two co
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Appreciation of Beauty.htm
Appreciation of Beauty
Appreciation of Beauty
The Right Way of Appreciating Beauty
That is the right consciousness, not to desire or to be attached to the possession of anything for oneself, but to take the universal
beauty etc. for a spiritual selfless Ananda.
6 November 1933
There is nothing harmful in the thing [aspiration for beauty]
itself ―on the contrary to awake to the universal beauty and refinement of the Mahalakshmi force is good. It is not an expression of greed or lust ―only into these things a perversion can always come if one allows it, as into the Mahakali experience
there may come rajasic anger and violence