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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/Post_Content.htm
One sees it as a mystery or one speaks of it or hears of it as a mystery, but none knows it. Gita. II. 29. When men seek after the Immutable, the Indeterminable, the Unmanifest, the All-Pervading, the Unthinkable, the Summit Self, the Immobile, the Permanent, — equal in mind to all, intent on the good of all beings, it is to Me that they come. Gita, XII. 3, 4. Two of the verses from the Gita translated by Sri Aurobindo ESSAYS ON THE GITA First Series
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/The Lord of the Sacrifice.htm
THIRTEEN The Lord of the Sacrifice WE HAVE, before we can proceed further, to gather up all that has been said in its main principles. The whole of the Gita's gospel of works rests upon its idea of sacrifice and contains in fact the eternal connecting truth of God and the world and works. The human mind seizes ordinarily only fragmentary notions and standpoints of a many-sided eternal truth of existence and builds upon them its various theories of life and ethics and religion, stressing this or that sign or appearance, but to some entirety of it it must always tend to reawaken whenever it returns in an age of large enlightenment to any entire and synthetic r
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/The Gunas, Mind and Works.htm
NINETEEN The Gunas, Mind and Works* THE Gita has not yet completed its analysis of action in the light of this fundamental idea of the three gunas and the transcendence of them by a self-exceeding culmination of the highest sattwic discipline. Faith, śraddhā, the will to believe and to be, know, live and enact the Truth that we have seen is the principal factor, the indispensable force behind a self-developing action, most of all behind the growth of the soul by works into its full spiritual stature. But there are also the mental powers, the instruments and the conditions which help to constitute the momentum, direction and character of the activity and are there
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/The Core of the Gita's Meaning.htm
-49_The Core of the Gita's Meaning.htm TWENTY-THREE The Core of the Gita's Meaning WHAT then is the message of the Gita and what its working value, its spiritual utility to the human mind of the present day after the long ages that have elapsed since it was written and the great subsequent transformations of thought and experience? The human mind moves always forward, alters its viewpoint and enlarges its thought substance, and the effect of these changes is to render past systems of thinking obsolete or, when they are preserved, to extend, to modify and subtly or visibly to alter their value. The vitality of an ancient doctrine consists in the extent to which it naturally lends itself to such a
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/The Possibility and Purpose of Avatarhood.htm
FIFTEEN The Possibility and Purpose of Avatarhood IN SPEAKING of this Yoga in which action and knowledge become one, the Yoga of the sacrifice of works with knowledge, in which works are fulfilled in knowledge, knowledge supports, changes and enlightens works, and both are offered to the Purushottama, the supreme Divinity who becomes manifest within us as Narayana, Lord of all our being and action seated secret in our hearts for ever, who becomes manifest even in the human form as the Avatar, the divine birth taking possession of our humanity, Krishna has declared in passing that this was the ancient and original Yoga which he gave to Vivasva
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/Works, Devotion and Knowledge .htm
SIX Works, Devotion and Knowledge THIS then is the integral truth, the highest and widest knowledge. The Divine is supracosmic, the eternal Parabrahman who supports with his timeless and spaceless existence all this cosmic manifestation of his own being and nature in Space and Time. He is the supreme spirit who ensouls the forms and movements of the universe, Paramatman. He is the supernal Person of whom all self and nature, all being and becoming in this or any universe are the self-conception and the self-energising, Purushottama. He is the ineffable Lord of all existence who by his spiritual control of his own manifested Power in Nature unrolls t
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/The Fullness of Spiritual Action.htm
SIXTEEN The Fullness of Spiritual Action THE development of the idea of the Gita has reached a point at which one question alone remains for solution, - the question of our nature bound and defective and how it is to effect, not only in principle but in all its movements, its evolution from the lower to the higher being and from the law of its present action to the immortal Dharma. The difficulty is one which is implied in certain of the positions laid down in the Gita, but has to be brought out into greater prominence than it gets there and to be put into a clearer shape before our intelligence. The Gita proceeded on a psychological knowledge which was
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/The Two Natures.htm
part one The synthesis of works, love and knowledge ONE The Two Natures* THE first six chapters of the Gita have been treated as a single block of teachings, its primary basis of practice and knowledge; the remaining twelve may be similarly treated as two closely connected blocks which develop the rest of the doctrine from this primary basis. The seventh to the twelfth chapters lay down a large metaphysical statement of the nature of the Divine Being and on that foundation closely relate and synthetise knowledge and devotion, just as the first part of the Gita related and synthetised works and knowledge. The vision of the World-Purusha intervenes in th
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/The Divine Worker.htm
EIGHTEEN The Divine Worker TO ATTAIN to the divine birth, – a divinising new birth of the soul into a higher consciousness, – and to do divine works both as a means towards that before it is attained and as an expression of it after it is attained, is then all the Karmayoga of the Gita. The Gita does not try to define works by any outward signs through which it can be recognisable to an external gaze, measurable by the criticism of the world; it deliberately renounces even the ordinary ethical distinctions by which men seek to guide themselves in the light of the human reason. The signs by which it distinguishes divine works are all profoundly intimate and subjectiv
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Essays on the Gita_Volume-13/The Gist of the Karmayoga.htm
TWENTY FOUR The Gist of the Karmayoga THE first six chapters of the Gita form a sort of preliminary block of the teaching; all the rest, all the other twelve chapters are the working out of certain unfinished figures in this block which here are seen only as hints behind the large-size execution of the main motives, yet are in themselves of capital importance and are therefore reserved for a yet larger treatment on the other two faces of the work. If the Gita were not a great written Scripture which must be carried to its end, if it were actually a discourse by a living teacher to a disciple which could be resumed in good time, when the disciple was ready fo