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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/A Pusillanimous Proposal.htm
A Pusillanimous Proposal
published yesterday the letter of Babu Ananda Chandra Roy of Dacca in which he
invites East Bengal to welcome Mr. Hare and establish with the Shillong Government
the ordinary relations of kow-towing and petitioning. We characterised the
letter as an indefensible production and a second perusal only confirms us in
the impulse to give it a yet harsher name. What Babu Ananda Chandra proposes
under the cover of lawyer-like arguments and illogical sophistry, is no less
than to betray his country.
The whole of Bengal has registered a solemn vow that let Viceroys do what
they will and Secretaries of State say what they will, the united Ben
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/The Unhindu Spirit of Caste Rigidity.htm
The Unhindu Spirit of Caste Rigidity
Bengalee reports Srijut Bal Gangadhar Tilak to have made a definite
pronouncement on the caste system. The prevailing idea of social inequality is
working immense evil, says the Nationalist leader of the
Deccan. This pronouncement is only natural from an earnest Hindu and a sincere
nationalist like Srijut Tilak. The baser ideas underlying the degenerate
perversions of the original caste system, the mental attitude which bases them
on a false foundation of caste, pride and arrogance, of a divinely ordained
superiority depending on the accident of birth, of a fixed and intolerant
inequality, are inconsistent with
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/More About British Justice.htm
More about Brutish Justice
commented the other day on the policy of refusing bail which has recently been
adopted by the bureaucracy in a spirit of petty vindictiveness and the
scandalous manner in which men accused of political offences are being punished
before conviction. Of course it is all under the law, but that only proves the
contention we have always advanced that the criminal law in this country on
which our rulers pride themselves is barbarous, oppressive and semi-mediaeval in
its spirit and that its provisions are governed far more by the principle of
repressing the spirit of the people than by the principle of protecting the
citizen. Moreover,
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/More about Unity.htm
More about Unity
THE Bengalee has again returned
to the charge about unity. The line of argument adopted by our contemporary savours strongly of the peculiar style of political thinking which underlay all
our movements in the last century. The old school of politics was chiefly
remarkable for a blithe indifference to facts and an extraordinary
predilection for vague abstractions which could not possibly apply to the
conditions with which our political action had to deal. The nineteenth century
Indian politician never cared to study history, but used a ready-made and
high-sounding philosophy of politics based chiefly on the circumstances and
conditions of modern English pol
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/British Protection or Self Protection.htm
British Protection or Self Protection
THERE are two superstitions which have driven such deep
root into the mind of our people that even where the new spirit is strongest,
they still hold their own. One is the habit of appealing to British courts of justice;
the other is the reliance upon the British executive for our protection. The
frequent recurrence of incidents such as the Mymensingh and Comilla
disturbances will have its use if it drives into our minds the truth that in
the struggle we have begun we cannot and ought not to expect protection from
our natural adversaries. It is perfectly true that one of the main
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/The New Nationalism.htm
The New Nationalism*
THE nicknames of party warfare have often passed into the accepted terminology used by serious politicians and perpetuated by history, and it is possible that the same immortality may await the designations of Moderates and Extremists by which the two parties now contending for the mind of the nation are commonly known. The forward party is the party of Nationalism; but what is Nationalism? For there is a great deal in a name in spite of Shakespeare. The word has only recently begun to figure as an ordinary term of our politics and it has been brought into vogue by the new, forward or extreme party, which, casting about for a convenient description o
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/Lessons at Jamalpur.htm
Lessons at Jamalpur
incidents at Jamalpur are in many
ways a sign of the times. They reveal to us, first and foremost, as many
incidents of the Swadeshi movement have revealed to us, the great reservoir of
potential strength which the Congress movement has for so long a time left
untapped. The true policy of the Congress movement should have been from the
beginning to gather together under its flag all the elements of strength
that exist in this huge country. The Brahman Pandit and the Mahomedan Maulavi,
the caste organisation and the tradeunion, the labourer and the artisan, the
coolie at his work and the peasant in his field, none of these sho
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/A National University.htm
National University
idea of a National University is one of the ideas which have formulated
themselves in the national consciousness and become part of the immediate
destiny of a people. It is a seed which is sown and must come to its fruition,
because the future demands it and the heart of the nation is in accord with the
demand. The process of its increase may be rapid or it may be slow, and when the
first beginnings are made, there may be many errors and false starts, but like a
stream gathering volume as it flows, the movement will grow in force and
certainty, the vision of those responsible for its execution will grow clearer,
and their hands
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/Convention and Conference.htm
Convention and Conference
the leaders of the Moderate Party meet at Allahabad, they will be on their trial
before India and all the world. They have done much in the past for the country.
Whatever we may think of the views they hold or the methods dear to them, they
are the survivors of a generation which woke the nation from political apathy
and helped to break the spell which British success had thrown upon the hearts
of the people. They turned a critical eye on things which had been taken for
granted, British peace, British justice, British freedom. Even while they
lauded, they criticised, and the habit of fault-finding which they turned into a
weapon of
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/Palli Samiti.htm
Palli Samiti*
resolution on which I have been asked to speak is from one point of view the
most important of all that this Conference has passed. As one of the speakers
has already said, the village Samiti is the seed of Swaraj. What is Swaraj but
the organisation of the independent life of the country into centres of strength
which grow out of its conditions and answer to its needs, so as to make a single
and organic whole? When a nation is in a natural condition, growing from within
and existing from within and in its own strength, then it develops its
own centres and
correlates them according to its own needs. But as
soon as for any reason this natural condition is in