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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/My Marathi shall win the Wager of Ambrosia.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/The Theory of the Tripleusha.htm
Chapter 7
The Theory of the
Triple Purusha
Jnaneshwar was
essentially a Yogi-Poet and not a philosopher or metaphysician dealing with
abstruse problems of creation. His expression is that of a mystic who uses the
poetic language of symbols and metaphors while giving form to his ideas and
concepts. He piles simile upon simile, example upon example to make a certain
point of deeper import, the technique being in the nature of an address to a
devout gathering. But this is a technique which a strict logician will not
accept. According to him any serious discourse ought to be carried out in a
rigorous manner. However, the poetic method has its own convin
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/Obeisances to the Divine on the Battlefield.htm
Chapter 5
Obeisances to the
Divine on the Battlefield
The Tree of Literature was planted by the great Seer and now it is
bearing rich and ripe fruits of sweetness.
And what a wonder this book of the Gita is! Praise be to it, all praise—bapa
bapa grantha gita, as Jnaneshwar says. The Lord himself is the revealer of
the supreme creative-formative Truth which even the Vedas cannot seize, the
Word that ushers divinity in a tranquil poise of unfolding phenomenality of
this creation. But when the Lord comes he comes not only as a Teacher with the
executive Word; his dynamism is there in full operation of an active person who
can accomplish t
The Wager of Ambrosia
Chapter 1
It is said that when the Sanskrit version of
Jnaneshwar’s Amritanubhava was shown to Raman Maharshi he danced with
joy. He would have gone into deep ecstasy had he read in Marathi the
Yogi-Poet’s work on the Gita. This work is commonly known as Jnaneshwari
and has the status of a guide-book in the vernacular, even that of a Scripture.
The composition is not exactly a commentary, but it takes the Gita only as a
precious occasion to create poetic magnificence in yet another medium. Profound
spiritual philosophy based on spiritual experiences are described in the
language of a mystic and not that of a me
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/The Divine Assurance.htm
Chapter 9
The Divine Assurance
Part A
Which is that supreme word the Gita declares
to the bewildered warrior on the battlefield?
Which paramam vachah has it to offer for the highest good of the
soul now ready to receive the revelations of the Spirit? Arjuna wanted to
renounce all the holdings of the world and all the trappings, all actions
associated with it. He wanted to follow the path of ascetic self-abnegation,
even as he saw in front of him his preceptors and his own people ready to enjoy
the “holiday” of life by killing each other. Better to stay back from such a
cruel and frightful sanguinary deed, ghora karma, than commit the sin of
universal d
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/Jnaneshwari Some Perspective.htm
Chapter 12
Jnaneshwari: Some Perspectives
Jnaneshwar is
regarded as the first poet in Marathi, Adi Kavi of the vernacular, who wrote
his commentary on the Gita a little more than seven hundred years ago. It is a
work as fresh and living even today as it was at the time of its composition.
poetic sweetness and charm, its enchantment, its spiritual ambience, its
overhead quality of expression have remained alone and unsurpassed. Its spell
is cast on all writings that have nobility of thought and feeling and aesthetic
delight. Jnaneshwar’s yogic excellence,—and later Tukaram’s household yet
deeply experiential poetry,—is the accomplishment
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/The Tree of Cosmic Existence.htm
Chapter 6
The Tree of Cosmic
The fifteenth chapter of the Gita begins with a
description of the astounding tree of cosmic existence, having its roots in the
infinite above and its thousand branches plunging and spreading here around.
But it is not possible for us to know the true nature of this strange Ashwattha
tree, with its foundation fixed in the timeless Eternal; it is an ever-widening
movement carrying the ancient urge to act and grow, in activity to give shape
and form to the manifestive Spirit and in growth to bring and establish more
and more of its Light, Knowledge, Truth, Love, Beauty, Joy in the workings of a
ceaseless process. Th
-01_Publisher^s Note.htm
The Wager of Ambrosia
A Study of Jnaneshwari
R Y Deshpande
Publisher's Note
"The first Marathi poet... at once a
devotee, a Yogin and a
thinker,"—this was how Sri Aurobindo spoke of Jnaneshwar in the
context of Indian culture and literature. His magnum opus Bhavartha
Deepika, popularly known as Jnaneshwari, was written seven
hundred years ago when the Yogi-Poet was just about fifteen years
of age. It is a marvellous literary work and presents the Gita in the
form of a series of discourses. Jnaneshwar gave these discourses in
the temple of Mhalsa at Newase on the bank of the river Pravara, in
Maharashtra. In
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/The Debt We Owe to Vyasa.htm
The Debt we Owe to Vyasa
Chapter 2
Jnaneshwar likens the Gita to a rain-bearing cloud. No
doubt from its gleaming contents it is
the abundant sea that supplies water to the nimbus; but it is the cloud, and
not the sea, which pours beneficences on creature-kind. In that sense it proves
more gainworthy than the source from which it comes. The formless
incomprehensible Brahman is All-Knowledge and may be all right; but it is not
accessible to the understanding and cannot be seized by expression, nor does it
in any immediate way participate in our affairs. Of what direct use is it then
for us? Yet it is the same All-Knowledge that the Gita brings to us in
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Wager of Ambrosia/The Invocation and the Boon.htm
Chapter 11
The Invocation and
the Boon
“I know not how to use words nor do I know how to state a proposition or premise, and I have no
knowledge of the figures of speech,” says Jnaneshwar while coming towards the
conclusion of his Marathi discourse on the Gita.
(Jnaneshwari: 18.1767)
Whatever he has done, presenting the
scripture in his language, he could do that because of the blessings he had
received from his guru Nivritti, as much as by the gracious and encouraging
patronage of the well-versed in the audience. Their keen understanding and
appreciation of the literary composition was a reciprocation that inspir