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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/A PAGE OF OCCULT HISTORY.htm
At the beginning of creation,
four individual formations—the first personalities—made their appearance. There
were: (1) a Being of Light or Consciousness, (2) a Being of Truth or Reality,
(3) a Being of Love or Ananda and (4) a Being of Life. And the first law of
creation was freedom of decision. These Beings were manifestations in the free
movement of the Divine; they themselves moved free, according to their
individualised conscious will. They stood out, as if in relief, on the
background of the Divine Existence. For originally, although they differentiated
themselves from each other and from the Divine, yet they formed a unified
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/^^I HAVE NOTHING, I AM NOTHING^^.htm
The state is that of utter
commonplaceness. The feeling that I am doing Yoga, that I am something and have
a special work to do, that something has to be achieved, that life has a purpose
etc. etc. all that has left and left a blank, a void inside and an absolutely
mechanical automaton outside. I do the most ordinary things of life, as any
other common man, like the routine work of a machine; I know nothing and have no
impulse to know or to plan as to what I should do, how I am to move or why is it
all like this. A great tranquillity and silence possess the whole being. There
is no "I", no person to refer to in the con
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/TYPES OF MEDITATION.htm
The first is to think on one subject in a continuous logical
order. When, for example, you have to find the solution of a problem, you go
step by step from one operation to another in a chain till you finally arrive at
the conclusion. The thought is withdrawn from all other objects and is canalised
along a single line. This is a kind of meditation, although it may not be
usually known by that name. It marks a progress in the makeup of the human
consciousness. For normally the mind moves at random, thoughts run about on many
subjects, various, contrary and contradictory, from moment to moment. There is
neither direction, consistency or organis
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/THE INTEGRAL REALISATION.htm
Endless are the ways to the Divine. Each one followed with
sincerity and earnestness and persistence to the end leads to the same goal.
Now, if the end were solely to reach the highest summit, the point beyond, the
transcendent God and settle there, any one line would be quite sufficient for
the purpose. And even if several or all were tried, as Ramakrishna did, that
would be only to prove the fact and to encourage each and everyone to pursue his
own path and not get discouraged if others did not subscribe to it or even
denied it. At the most it would be a richer experience in the sense that the
same truth is tasted and enjoyed in v
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/FATIGUE AND WORK.htm
Fatigue, it is said, comes from
overwork. The cure for fatigue is therefore rest, that is, do-nothing. But the
truth of the matter is that most often fatigue is due not to too much work, but
rather too little work, in other words, laziness or boredom. In fact, fatigue
need not come too soon or too easily, provided one knows how to go about his
work. If you are interested in your work, you can continue for a very long time
without fatigue; and precisely one of the means of recovering from fatigue is
not to sit down and slip into lethargy and tamas, but to take up a work
that rouses your interest. Work done in joy and quiet enthusiasm is tonic: it i
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/HOW TO WAIT.htm
"If you know how to wait, you gain time". Usually, when you are
about to do a thing, the impulse is to rush towards it and rush it through;
between the idea and the execution you do not want to leave any gap. You are in
a haste to see the thing done. You do not care to pause and look about you, view
and weigh the conditions and circumstances, think out the best way of working
towards the goal. The result of the hustle is failure, very often dead failure.
You have to begin over again. You may even have to begin over and over again if
you do not learn the lesson given. Evidently, you lose time, lose energy and
lose your success. On the contrary, what you have
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/THE EXPANDING BODY-CONSCIOUSNESS.htm
field of our physical activity is very
limited. If you look at it closely you will find it indeed extremely narrow and
our capacities confined within a small circle. We are bound by the outline of
our material body. I cannot, for instance, be sitting in my room and at the same
time doing gymnastics in the playground. If you wish to do one thing you cannot
do another, if you are at one place you cannot be at another simultaneously.
How convenient it would be if while I was writing at the table, I could get
there immediately a book from a far-off shelf for consultation without moving or
taking anybody's help! And
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/THE WONDER OF IT ALL.htm
The ordinary consciousness takes
for granted the things that exist as they are. It does not question; it finds
everything very natural and as a matter of course. It sees and expects to see
the same old familiar things repeated and is not struck by any extraordinary
note in them. That is the unconsciousness of the ordinary consciousness. But
when you begin to be conscious, when you look about and gaze at things, you
awake, as it were, from sleep, and begin to question, to wonder: why it is like
this, how is it so, what is it, to what purpose etc. etc. Normally you see the
sun rises, rain falls, earth rotates—but you do not spend a thought o
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE SOUL.htm
The individual has a soul.
Likewise a collection of individuals, a group too has a soul. When persons
habitually meet together for a certain purpose, they form a set or society and
gradually tend to develop a common consciousness which is the beginning of a
soul. At school, they who read together, the class, they who play together, the
team, all who live and move together inspired by the same or similar impulses
and ideas possess a rudimentary soul. In the same way, a bigger group, the
nation has also a soul, each its own according to its nature, tradition and
culture. Even a continent has a soul. One can speak of the s
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part - 6/HERE OR ELSEWHERE.htm
It is easy and comfortable to go
within and in an inner consciousness find and maintain a union, even a close
union with the Divine. It is because of such a state of peace and bliss that
many, nay, most who go there do not want to come back, to normal life upon this
earth. And teachers, great or small, almost invariably, have taught that in the
end it is best like that, and perhaps the only thing to do under the
circumstances. For this life and this earth mean the very opposite of that inner
heaven and that highest good. But some are not given this comfortable solution
of the difficulty. They are asked to turn back and live the life of the earth