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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Huta Hindocha/English/The Spirit of auroville/The Spirit of auroville.htm
Sri Aurobindo came to tell the world of the beauty of the future that must be realised.
He came to give not a hope but a certitude of the splendour towards which the world moves. The world is not an unfortunate accident, it is a marvel which moves towards its expression.
The world needs the certitude of the beauty of the future and Sri Aurobindo has given that assurance.
The Mother
I came across a booklet, Auroville: The Cradle of a New Man, in which the Mother has stated as follows:
Last year, when I announced to you the manifestation of the Supramental Consciousness and Light and Force, I should have added that it was an e
There is the Truth of which the world's truths are shreds,
The Light of which the world's ignorance is the shade
Till Truth draws back the shade that it has cast,
The Love our hearts call down to heal all strife,
The Bliss for which the world's derelict sorrows yearn:
Thence comes the glory sometimes seen on earth,
The visits of Godhead to the human soul,
The Beauty and the dream on Nature's face.
Here are the beautiful words of the Mother
To my very dear little child
Welcome to all those who
aspire to do the Lord's work
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The photographs and quotations from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
are copyright of Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust and have been reproduced
here with their permission.
First Edition: (entitled Matrimandir - The Mother's Truth and Love) 1974
Second Edition: 2002
The Second Edition renamed The
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