
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/precontent.htm
THE MOTHER: PAST—PRESENT—FUTURE THE MOTHER: PAST—PRESENT—FUTURE K.D. SETHNA [AMAL KIRAN] Clear Ray Trust Pondicherry - 605 012, India Copyright © 2004 by Clear Ray Trust Published by: Clear Ray Trust 25 & 27, Chinnatambi Street, Kuruchikuppam Pondicherry — 605 012 1st Edition 1977 2nd Edition 2004 Price: Rs. 135/- ISBN: 81-87916-05-2 Typeset and Printed by: All India Press Kennedy Nagar Pondicherry - 605 001 India The Mother and Amal Kiran (K.D. Sethna) in 1952
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/Sri Aurobindo and the Supermind's Descent.htm
-24_Sri Aurobindo and the Supermind's Descent.htm Sri Aurobindo and the Supermind's Descent* A WRITTEN QUESTION AND THE MOTHER'S ORAL ANSWER Q. Here is a quotation from you, which appeared in 1954 in an article by the Associate Editor of Mother India: "Even in 1938 I used to see the Supermind descending into Sri Aurobindo. What he could not do at that time was to fix it here." An article in February 1968 by the Editor has understood this to mean that in 1938 the Supramental Force, which had already settled in Sri Aurobindo's inner being, made its first appearance in his body but could not yet be fixed down in it, so as to make it stay there. Could one know from you what exac
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/The Mother of Dreams.htm
"The Mother of Dreams"* SOME EXPERIENCES FROM 1973 I left for Bombay from Pondicherry by plane on August 2, 1973 to have the cataract in my right eye removed. I had to remain there owing to unexpected circumstances right on to the night of November 18. On the morning of that day I had a phone-call from Pondicherry informing me of the Mother's passing away the previous evening. Along with my wife, her sister, my sister, my niece and her husband who were all in Bombay at the time, I flew homeward the same night. Looking back at the stay in Bombay I cannot help seeing the Grace of the Mother in the series of dreams I had of her, such as had never happened to me in all th
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/O Silent Love.htm
O Silent Love...* Because You never claim of us a tear, O silent Love, how often we forget The eyes of countless centuries were wet To bring Your smile so near! Forgive if I remember not the blaze, Imperishable, perfect, infinite, Of far Omnipotence from which You lit Your lamp of human face! Make me a worship-vigil everywhere, Slumber and wakefulness one memory That You are God: O let each pore of me Become a mouth of prayer! * Mother India, November 1974. Page-19
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/Some Memories of the Mother.htm
Some Memories of the Mother* It is natural that I should look back again and again on the forty-six years during which I knew the Mother. I first saw her on December 16, 1927, and the last look was on November 20, 1973, the day she was laid in the teak-wood casket and placed in the same vault as Sri Aurobindo, both of them making a common "Samadhi" in the courtyard of the Ashram they had built up and loved and set floating like a dream-ship on the uncharted waters of the unknown Supermind. Already I have written about her in many an essay, just as I have done about Sri Aurobindo; but there is always more to remember of a personality that had such a multitude of diamond
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/Into the Depths (Huta).htm
-30_Into the Depths (Huta).htm Into the Depths* A REVELATION Early in the morning of the 12th May 1974 I had a very powerful dream. I saw a column of white light descending from above. The white light was fringed on both sides by a line of golden light. The column went down into a pit which had a round opening. The white light gave the impression of an intensity which was at the same time sweet, calm and soothing. The descent continued for a minute. When it was over, the pit was filled and there hung over it a bright haze which was very beautiful. The dream left an extremely vivid and concrete impression. HUTA A COMMENT BY NOLINI It is a true and very beautiful experience. Nat
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/The Mother's Victory.htm
-06_The Mother's Victory.htm The Mother's Victory* THE PRESENT AND FUTURE RESULTS OF HER PASSING The passing of the Mother at 7.25 p.m. on November 17, 1973, from the visible scene whose luminous centre she had formed ever since November 24,1926, when Sri Aurobindo put his Ashram in her hands and himself withdrew from common contacts in order to concentrate more intensely on the fulfilment of his work—the Mother's physical disappearance has caused a great deal of heart-burning and mind-churning among her disciples and devotees. One of them has confronted the present writer with the article written when Sri Aurobindo had left his body: The Passing of Sri Aurobindo—Its Inner Significance and Conseq
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/Prospects of the Physical Transformation.htm
Prospects of the Physical Transformation* A CLARIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM Wide-eyed amazement, dim-eyed despondence, cold-eyed scepticism, sharp-eyed opposition as well as calm-eyed acceptance have met our reasoned presentation1 of Nolini's brief pronouncement that the physical transformation, though not cancelled, has been postponed because of the Mother's giving up her body. We argued that this transformation in the sense intended by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother—a transformation supramentalising the body, turning the body totally divine— could be achieved only if either an Avatar of the Supermind was physically present amongst us or else th
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/Some Diary Notes.htm
Some Diary Notes* (Coming from a private record, the following two selections are naturally very personal matter and "I" and "me" are all over the place. But as these "I" and "me" are the sadhak and not the mere ego-individual it is hoped that they will be considered as representative of all who have ventured forth on the delightfully difficult path of the Integral Yoga. As both the delight and the difficulty are bound to be basically common in spite of surface variations, one sadhak's experiences cannot but prove helpful to other toilers towards the depths and heights. ) 1 March 4-14,1953 Wednesday, 4th—Came back from Villupuram a little depressed, thinking that
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)/English/The Mother Past-Present-Future/This Secret Splendour (Minnie N. Canteenwalla).htm
-29_This Secret Splendour (Minnie N. Canteenwalla).htm This Secret Splendour* Thou hast withdrawn with flying golden banners, Golden trumpets with music mute— Our hearts lie injured, bleeding—a barren world— A Krishna with a voiceless flute! I have loved Thee for these forty years and more, But now is still Thy radiant smiling face. Reveal to us the meaning of this secret splendour, The mystery of Thy seeming withdrawal of Grace. Yes, merely "seeming" to our stunned saddened eyes— For, Thy eternal glorious Promise we know. Thy undying Consciousness pervades all time, Only the beloved outer being is now laid low. Thou art still the Keeper