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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/The Last Ray.htm
meeting with the Mother proceeded in this manner, T and K together,
and myself alone, reading our respective matters on alternate days.
She had no further comments to make on my Talks. Probably at
the end of March 1973, she fell ill and all our meetings stopped.
When she had recovered, some interviews were gradually resumed. I
think it was at this time I had my last darshan. As usual, I was
waiting outside for my turn though I was almost certain that I would
not be called since she had just come out of her illness. Still I had
to go and wait, for none could predict the Mother's ways. And this
was precisely what happened. I was called in. What I saw made me
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/The Mother Takes Up Medical Correspondence.htm
about 1937 Sri Aurobindo had some trouble with his eyes. All
correspondence had to be suspended. Though I carried on my medical
duties without the Mother's guidance, both the patients and the
doctor felt the need of her physical support. The Mother, therefore,
came to our rescue and took up the correspondence herself. I shall
give in these pages some instances of her direct instructions.
old sadhak had contracted TB. I wrote to the Mother that the case was
serious, but that there was still hope. The medical treatment
possible was next to nil (I am talking of the 'thirtees ). "If
you want to cure him," I said, "please do it as you
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/Sweetness And Light.htm
- 1973
Mother's unexpected sanction and encouragement for writing Twelve
Years with Sri Aurobindo, spurred me to action and I began
working on the book. She seemed to have pumped a Force into me at the
same time so that I had to be constantly busy and active which is
against the grain of my nature. My personal contact with her had
stopped owing to her illness. Now I felt that it should be renewed:
then I might draw some inspiration directly from the contact. My
prayer was granted and I started seeing her once a week. It was not
quite the same Mother as I had seen in the year 1967-1968. Physically
she had become frail, but her face was ever bright and h
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/Plunge Into Darkness.htm
As soon as we
Chittagong, I received a telegram from my relatives in Rangoon that a
Government post had fallen vacant and I was sure to get it, if I
applied for it. I was in a fix, for I had told the Mother that I
would practise in my home town. Fate now decided otherwise and I
sailed for Burma. That post was, however, not available, but in its
stead, another job offered itself almost unasked for and unexpected.
I had gone to pay a courtesy-call to a Professor in the Rangoon
Medical College, an I. M. S. who was an Edinburgh graduate. He spoke
to me of a job that was going to be vacant and he wanted me to apply
for it. Not only so, he made me see the prope
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/1960 Onwards.htm
have said that from the year 1953 onward the Mother spent a part of
her time in her room on the second floor. She used to come down in
the morning and go back, finishing all her work, at night. Then a
change took place: coming down in the morning she would finish her
work starting with the Balcony darshan and ending with seeing the
usual group of people. It would last till noon, even a little later.
Then she went up for lunch. After a couple of hours she came down,
had her bath and began another round of seeing the departmental heads
and other people. Near about 6 or 6.30 pm. she would go up and retire
for the night. She had stopped going to the Tennis-ground and the
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/Revelation.htm
For days in
the Mother was unusually sweet with me during the morning Pranam. She
would hold my hands, look intently into my eyes smiling all the while
so bewitchingly that it would be difficult for me not to turn away
my gaze. As the other people around were watching with keen interest
this mysteriously ecstatic communion, I used to feel embarrassed, but
the Mother paid no attention and was absorbed in what she was doing.
I felt as if she were looking into my very soul and suffusing my
whole being with light. But what was the reason for it all, I could
not tell. My friends, very much intrigued, would ask me afterwards
for a clue. I had to disappoint th
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/Loss Of Personal Contact.htm
From 1963 - LOSS OF
the year 1962,
probably after April, a long period of personal contact with the
Mother came to an end and was resumed in 1966. For she fell seriously
ill. As a result all the interviews had to be suspended. When she
recovered she stopped coming down altogether. The personal contacts
were re-established only with those who were in charge of the
departments. Interviews were granted to the visitors or people on
their birthdays and they used to take place in the Music Room on the
second floor.
the first of
February, 1963, the month of her birth, I had a strange experience
during my morning meditation. It lasted about an hour. I saw man
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/The Mother's Magnanimity.htm
A young man came to me
with a letter of introduction from a friend in Calcutta. Our
friendship went back to Scotland but we had hardly met each other
since our arrival in India. This man had gathered all particulars
about me from that friend, and, adding that he too was a doctor, said
he would like to stay here. He also said he knew Dr. Sanyal. From
other details it appeared that he was well-connected in Calcutta.
Quite impressed, I arranged for him a room in Golconde. I informed
the Mother about him and even consulted him in a medical case. Some
days passed; he was gaily moving about and telling many tall stories
to the young people.
One evening, whe
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/Eclipse.htm.html
followed a long period of distress to her body to which the regular
attendants alone were witnesses. We could only hear her cries of
pain. A tragedy worse than that of Sri Aurobindo was being enacted,
and most of us had no means of knowing what was passing in the closed
chamber. Some news could be gleaned now and then from Pranab and
other attendants, but they themselves were quite ignorant of and
bewildered by the nature of the ailment. I would meet Champaklal only
at night, and he could give no detailed news either, but there was
always in his speech an uncertain tone ending with "Only He can
help", or something to that effect. At times he used to be
called urgently
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/The Mother - Sweetness and Light/The Mother's Message Of April 2,1972.htm
centuries and centuries humanity has waited for this time. It has
come. But it is difficult.
don't simply tell you we are here upon earth to rest and enjoy
ourselves; now it is not the time for that. We are here to prepare
the way for a new creation.
body has some difficulty, so I can't be active, alas. It is not
because I am old, I am not old. I am not old. I am younger than most
of you. If I am here inactive, it is because the body has given
itself to prepare for the transformation. But the consciousness is
clear, and we are here to work . . . . . . rest and enjoyment come
afterwards. Let us do our work here.