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Radha and Krishna, by M.A.R. Chughtai, courtesy N.G.M.A, New Delhi
Ecstasy of Divine Love
If we study the lives of God-lovers, we
find that love for God comes to them in many
ways. It may come as an awakening to the beauty of the Lover, by the sight of an
ideal face and image of Him, by his mysterious hints of Himself behind the
faces of things in the world, by a slow or sudden need of the heart, by a vague
in the soul, by the sense of someone near drawing them or pursuing them with
or someone blissful and beautiful whom they must discover. There are also
where one seeks after Him passionate
Relentless Adventure
and Ambition
Alexander was born in 356 BC. His father, King Philip of Macedonia, had united
Greece and had intended to free the Asiatic Greeks from Persian control. He also
coveted the riches of the Persian Empire to pay for his professional army. At Philip's
death, Alexander first quelled rebellions in Greece and then crossed the
Dardenelles1 to start, at the age of twenty years, his 2800 mile journey into Asia.
During his Asian campaigns, Alexander founded or refounded many cities to
administer the conquered territories. The greatest of these was Alexandria in Egypt.
From these cities, in territories later r
A stout man with a flat face, broad nose,
thick lips, heavy beard, shabby clothes and an unduly large paunch, which he
hoped to reduce by dancing this is how Socrates has been described. Not a very
flattering description of the man commonly considered the founder of Western
philosophy. Although far from the Greek ideal of beauty, his face shows the
honesty, courage and humour which has come to be called "Socratic". Plato speaks
of him as "all glorious within".1
For the historical facts of Socrates '
life we have to rely on the accounts of two of his pupils: Plato, the
philosopher, and Xenophon, the historian and biographer.2
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/The Aim of Life/Brahman is Real The world is a Lie.htm
Shadows in the water. Photo: Carlos, Auroville
Brahman is Real
The World is a Lie
Brahma satyam jaganmithya jivo brahmaiva naparah, "Brahman alone is real, the
universe is unreal, and the individual soul is no other than the Brahman ": the call
of the centuries that has held the soul of India in its spell. Some resounding echo of
this powerful and impelling cry can still be heard in the remote corners of our own
being — even though we belong to another age. The One Transcendent Reality,
knowing which, all else seems unreal. The immobile and eternal Silence, the
ineffable Peace, the Absolute Existence beyond all poss
The Aim Of Life
An Exploration
Isha Upanishad
As one hears of the Upanishads, a distinctive image arises in the mind of a quest
leading to the hermitages of teachers who have practised austerities and disciplines
of various kinds and have realised in experience the highest states one can conceive
of The age of the Upanishads is considered to be a kind of culmination of a seeking
that was recorded in the Vedas.
It is a great mystery how, at a time when a large section of humanity was still
living in a half-awakened consciousness primarily concerned with physical well-
being, there grew a small nucleus of illumined tea
-17_Life^s Phiosophy.htm
Life's Philosophy
Among the great leaders of India's renaissance, Jawaharlal Nehru stands out
prominently. He was born at Allahabad on November 14, 1889. He was educated at
home until the age of sixteen by English governesses and tutors. In 1905, he went to
Harrow, one of England's leading schools, where he studied for two years. His
housemaster described him as "a very nice boy, quiet and very refined. He was not
demonstrative but one felt there was great strength of character. " From Harrow,
Nehru went to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took an honours degree in
natural science. His letters to his father from England reflect his deep interes
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/The Aim of Life/Search for Utter Transcendence.htm
Search For Utter Transcendence
The Upanishad describes Reality as Sat, Being; but it also speaks
of asat, Non-
being, as the Ultimate from which Being appeared. This nothing, this Nihil, is seen
as a "something" which is beyond positive comprehension. Just as pure Being is the
affirmation of the Ultimate as the free base of all cosmic existence, so Non-being is
the contrary affirmation of the Ultimate s freedom from all cosmic existence. Non-
being permits Being as Silence permits activity. It is necessary to grapple with these
concepts if we are to understand the message of the Buddha. It has been said that
the Buddha rejected the
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/The Aim of Life/Search for Excellence and Perfection.htm
Search for Excellence
and Perfection
More than a century before Galileo, one
man succeeded in overcoming the age-old distinction between the contemplative and active life, between science and
through a unique synthesis of scientific investigation and artistic expression.
For his
work in which he employed physical experimentation, mathematics and reason, he
has been called the first modern engineer. He anticipated many inventions which
would be realised only much later, such as the airplane, the submarine, the
parachute, the armoured car. But the fact that he broke entirely with the
Aristotelian tr
King Narasimha (Mahabalipuram),
photo O. Barot, Auroville
Pursuit of Goodness
(A Selection from Nitishatakam of Bhartrihari)
Harmony, balance and equilibrium marked the ethos of Indian culture in ancient
times, and indeed in varying degrees throughout the long and continuous history of
India. From time to time, we see India returning to the theme of synthesis, and in
every succeeding age the new synthesis assimilated larger and larger numbers of
component elements. It is true that there have been pursuits of exclusive claims and
counterclaims, there have also been trenchant oppositions between various schools
of thought,