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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III/Correspondence 1936.htm
January 2,1936
Very remarkably smooth and strong and
flowing—your metre. Enjambments are supposed to break the lyric flow and
wholeness of the stanza structure, but they do not do so here, only
carry over the stream into its next curve.
The letter progresses but like a crab : I
had to recast the first part last night and tonight there was too much
correspondence, etc. to do. However Part I cannot fail to be soon
finished, for it is all there in my head or, to speak with a greater
physical accuracy, formed above it. Nirvana by the way is not Nirvanic,
it is only mute and withdrawn till it is overtaken by Harmony. It can't
go out by i
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III/Editorial.htm
1936-1937 - In many ways these two years were very
For Sri Aurobindo. I have not counted but I think
that he wrote a maximum number of letters in 1936 : Terrible night the last!
(...attacked... by the demon of correspondence.} Night after night have to write
letters, letters, letters, not to speak of other things. Such as preparing
something for the Arya Publishing House otherwise the house will collapse, as
they have been long without a fresh book. Apart from writing explanations of
the poems sent up by some of the disciples. And what about his own work: The
descent of the Supermind ? To a query from a disciple, Sri Aurobindo answered:
Tail i
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III/precontent.htm
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip
volume 3
Edited by
Sujata Nahar
Shankar Bandyopadhyay
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III/A Few Words.htm
A Few Words
On 9th April and 4th May 2007, within a gap
of one month, Revered Satprem, the heart and soul of "Mira Aditi", and his
spiritual companion. Respected Sujata Nahar, left their mortal bodies. Their
sudden withdrawal from the physical world came as a shock to all of us who were
close to them and were associated in their endeavours. We remember the assurance
given by Lord Krishna in the Gita (2-23):
Nainang Chindanti Shastrani Nainang dahati
Na chainang kledayantapo Na Shoshoyati marutah
Weapons can never cleave nor fire burn
water drench nor wind desiccates the soul.
(Translation DKR)
Hence they are
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III/Notes.htm
pardaaashin, living behind the purdah.
2. The four sonnets are: Arpan Bahan
Arpan - Vairagya
Arpan - Nithari
Arpan - Aarhal
E. (Eli) Stanley Jones (1884-1973): A 20th Century Methodist
Christian missionary and theologian, remembered for his interreligious lectures in India.
Subash Chandra Bose (23.1.1897). Dilipda's
intimate from their college days; a great patriot, highly
intelligent; great organizational skill; politician of no mean
repute; founder of the political party "Forward Block"; during WWII
he formed the Indian National Army (INA) outside India. Popularly known as 'Netaji'.
See Hark His Flute,
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III/Correspondence 1937.htm
January 3,1937
Having led a faultless, nay, immaculate
life for long I have had a fall of frivolity today. I was going to the
pier this morning to write there another diaphanous poem when I sat down
to scribble a few lines to Professor Sarcar and Professoress as they
have just sent a tin of mustard oil and some muri [puffed rice],
when lo, dushta [mischievous] sarasvatī tripped onto my
pen and this Shuk- Sārī Sangbad77
of unpardonable unyogic levity was the horrific result. You know the
rural style of Shuk-Sārī
Sangbad, eh ? My father wrote a la Shuk Sārī
Sangbad a rollickingly undevout Krishna-Radha Sangbad (Shuk says
something in praise of his Kri
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