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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II/Note of Thanks .htm
Note of Thanks
To: Revered Gobindo Gopal Mukhopadhyaya, Sanskritist,
musician, who personally knew many spiritual personalities
of the epoch. Without his constant affectionate encouragement
we do not know when these letters would have seen the
light of day. By the way, it was another Mukhopadhyay,
Dr. Joygopal, who gave Dilip the final push when he was
hesitating to take the plunge, because he had not got any-
thing 'tangible' from his Guru: "You are bargaining with the
Divine?" The shaft went home, says Dilip.
To: Sri Shankar Bandopadhyay of Hari Krishna Mandir
Trust, Pune, without whose sweet collaboration, nothing
could have been
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II/Dilip Da.htm
Sri Aurobindo, I heard, once said to Nirod-da that Dilip
was among the four or five really beautiful men he had ever
When I first saw him, though Father's senior and
forty, Dilip-da was quite handsome. But more than anything
else, what left a lasting impression in my nine-year-old heart
was his warm personality: affectionate, graceful, generous,
a heart of gold. It is well nigh seventy years now but I can still
vividly recall how at once he put me at my ease (I was rather
shy, you know!).
My father, Prithwi Singh Nahar, had taken Rajabhai (my
brother Abhay) and me to the Ashram for the darshan of
21 February 1935, for Mother's fifty-seven
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II/Correspondence 1935.htm
I dreamed rather a nice sort of a dream, if you know what I mean, don't you know? I dreamed as though I was swimming like an Annette Kellermain, only somewhat blindly. The result? found myself suddenly in deep waters
, and below some vicious dark-looking crags jutting out but beyond my reach—tantalisingly so! In. a sort of heart-sinking for it was no joke then—I prayed, when, lo, there
s. was an iron rod stretching from the crags to the shore. I plumped for the rod like a shot of course and tried to reach the shore with its help. But alas, again! it was far
, from easy to reach the shore sliding along a slippery rod. I despaired, when,
lo, again, Guru,' wh
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II/precontent.htm
Sri Aurobindo
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II/Notes.htm
1. A colonist from Immortality ...
A treasurer of superhuman dreams (Savitri
1, III)
2. Sri Aurobindo Came to Me, 2nd edition, p.263.
3. Sri Aurobmdo and Mother to Prithwi Singh, Dec. \, 1935.
4. nikhilarasamrta murti: literally, a form made up of the nectarous
essence of universal delight.
5. Goloka: the Vaishnava heaven of eternal Beauty and Bliss.
6. Aksara Brahman: imperishable, unchanging Brahman.
7. kavih puranah: the ancient poet.
8. The heads of the Ashram's various departments used to
report their day's work in notebooks to Mother and Sri
Aurobindo. At the same time they also
presented their work
problems or pro
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II/Correspondence 1934.htm
I made no mistake at all. Your inner
being is quite capable of Yoga and in your experiences there were plenty of
proofs of it.
It is your outer being that is making all the trouble and
putting up a big fight against the inner destiny. But that hap-
pens to many people who turn out very good Yogis in the
end. So that is no ground whatever for your not staying here.
What I have written before was written on the basis of what
I saw and still see. If I thought there was no chance for you I
would tell you so.
January 2, 1934
There is no other cause of these fits of despair than that you
allow a certain kind of suggestions to lay hold of you
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II/Preface.htm
This is the second volume of Sri Aurobindo's letters to
Dadaji, Sri Dilip Kumar Roy. The first volume was published
by us in August 2003. It covered the period between 1929 and
1933. This volume spans only two years 1934 and 1935 as the
correspondence between the Master and the disciple grew in
volume, frequency and depth during this period.
It will not be put of place here to highlight again the Divine
force and Grace imparted concretely through these letters by
a Guru, the Messianic "treasurer of superhuman dreams'71 to
his cherished and receptive disciple who the Guru called "a
friend and a son and part of his existence". Sri Dilip Kumar
illustrates this in his book
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dilip Kumar Roy/English/Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II/Appendix.htm
July 5, 1932
It may be philosophic to say nothing about the loss, though
that would depend on the philosophy—and the philosopher;
but it is perhaps more practical to make a row so that the
gentleman of the bathroom may not be tempted to repeat his
joke. We are not out to imitate the bishop of the "Misérables"
or the Sannyasi who ran after the thief to make him a present
of his remaining vessels.
It is best however to ascertain first the probabilities. I am
asking Kodandarama who is the new scavenger in question
(we knew all our facts) and asking him too to make enquiries personally.
July 2, 1932
It is certainly "symphony" and not "sympathy"; I don't
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