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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/Sri Aurobindo-The Supramental Avatar.htm
Aurobindo: The Supramental Avatar
Though I am the unborn, though I am imperishable in
my self-existence, though
I am the Lord of all exist-
ences, yet I stand upon my own Nature and I come
birth by my self-Maya. For when so ever there
is the fading of the Dharma and
the uprising of un-
righteousness, then I loose myself forth into birth. For
deliverance of the good, for the destruction of the
evil-doers, for the
enthroning of the Right I am born
from age to age. He who knoweth thus in its
right prin
ciples my divine birth and my divine work, when he
abandons his body,
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/The Metaphysics of Space and Time.htm
XII. The Metaphysics of Space and Time
A precise determination of the nature of space and time is essential to anything approaching a fairly adequate philosophic vision of reality. Space and time are inalienable features of the world of our common experience and yet philosophic insight discloses the essential infinity and eternity of the real. Philosophy not only aims at transcending the limitations of space and time in respect of its subjective vision, but is also inspired by the conviction that ultimate reality must in its deepest essence be non-spatial and non-temporal, infinite and eternal. Space and time viewed in the right perspective, are two insep
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/Ekam Bijam Bahudha Sakti-yogat.htm
X. Ekam Bijam Bahudhā Sakti-Yogāt
There are persons here and there who cherish a
secret or open unfaith in the theory of a physical evolution and believe that it
will one day pass into the limbo of dead generalisations like the Ptolemaic
theory in astronomy or like the theory of humours in medicine, but this is a
rare and excessive scepticism. We can, indeed, no longer believe that the many
stars and systems were hurled full-shaped and eternally arranged into boundless
space and all these numberless species of being planted on earth "ready-made and
nicely tailored in seven days or any number of days in a sudden outburst of
caprice or Dionysiac excit
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/The Kingdom of Heaven.htm
XXXI. The Kingdom of Heaven
"Our endeavour has
been to discover what is the reality and significance of our existence as
conscious beings in the material universe and in what direction and how far that
significance once discovered leads us, to what human or divine future."1
"The significance of our existence here determines our destiny: that destiny is
something that already exists in us as a necessity and a potentiality, the
necessity of our being's secret and emergent reality, a truth of its
potentialities that is being worked out; both, though not yet realised, are even
now implied in what has been already manifested. If there is a Being that is
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/Man Must Needs Have a Cosmology.htm
IV. Man Must Needs Have a Cosmology..
Masters, I am to discourse wonders: but ask me not what; for if I tell you, I am
no true Athenian. I will tell you everything, right as it fell out.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Man is his own greatest mystery. He does not understand the vast veiled Universe into which he has been cast for the reason that he does not understand himself. He comprehends but little of his organic processes and even less of his unique capacity to perceive the world about him, to reason and to dream. Least of all does he understand his noblest and most mysterious faculty: the ability to transcend himself and perceive himself in th
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/Impressions of the Infinite.htm
XVII. Impressions of the Infinite
If one knows Him as Brahman the Non-Being he be-
comes merely the non-existent. If one knows that
Brahman Is, then is he known as the real in existence.
Taittiriya Upanishad
It is there in beings indivisible and as if divided.
Brahman is Truth, Brahman is Knowledge, Brahman
is the Infinite.
Taittiriya Upanishad3
High beyond the Intelligence is the Great Self, beyond
the Great Self is the Unmanifest, beyond the
Unmanifest is the Conscious Being. There is nothing
beyond the Being, — that is the extreme ul
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/Introduction.htm
Many post-graduate dissertations have been attempted in India and abroad on various aspects of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy. It is a happy sign that Sri Aurobindo is slowly but increasingly coming to occupy his place among contemporary thinkers and creators. The central ideas contained in his versatile contribution are new and stimulating. As the late Dr. S. K. Maitra rightly observes; "System-building is not what we value in a philosopher. It is the power to kindle thought, to give a new orientation, a new outlook." Sri Aurobindo's ideas on various aspects of human culture act as enkindlers of the growing intellect. It is not surprising that Dr. V. Madhusudan Reddy
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/Acknowledgements.htm
Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following persons for their kind
assistance in the preparation of this book:
i)V. Lakshman Reddy, V. Manmohan Reddy, Dhananjaya Reddy and Damodhar Reddy for
carefully going through the typescript and through the galley proof of the text.
ii)A. S. R. Anjaneyulu, Deputy Registrar, Osmania University, S. M. Nizamuddin,
Director, Osmania University Press, his colleague P.D. Krishnaswami and their
assistants A. David, D.E. Sarangapani, M. Krishnamurthy, K. Suryanarayana Rao,
Syed Khwaja, Mukundamswami, Mohd. Jafer, Gaffur, and other staff members for
their personal interest in the printing of this book
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/The New Humanity.htm
XXX. The New
"Who is the superman? He who can rise above this
matter-regarding broken
mental human unit and pos-
sess himself universalised and deified in a divine
a divine love and joy and a divine knowledge.""
Sri Aurobindo
The one choice that
is now before Nature in her upward march of evolution seems to be: to remain
human or to be divine. To remain human means to continue the fundamental nature
of man. The inorganic, the vegetable, the animal and finally man — these are the
four great steps of Nature's evolutionary course. The differentia, in each case,
lies in the degree and nature of consciousness, since it is consci
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Sri Aurobindo^s Philosophy of Evolution/Avatarhood-The Parable of Evolution.htm
II. Avatarhood: The Parable of Evolution
"Avatarhood would have little meaning if it were not connected with the evolution. The Hindu procession of the ten Avatars is itself, as it were, a parable of evolution. First the Fish Avatar [Matsya], then the amphibious animal between land and water [Kurma], then the land animal [Vamana], then the Man-Lion Avatar [Narasimha], bridging man and animal, then man as dwarf [Vamana], small and undeveloped and physical but containing in himself the godhead and taking possession of existence, then the rajasic, sattwic, nirguna Avatars [Parasurama, Rama, Buddha respectively], leading the human development from the vital raja