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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis/Index to Philosophy of Supermind.htm
Index to Philosophy of Supermind
Book Title:
Philosophy of Supermind And
Contemporary Crisis
Authored/Edited: Kireet Joshi
Associate Editor: Ashoke
Sen Gupta
Delivered at: Round-Table
on The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
August 2003)
organised by the
Indian Council of Philosophical Research
at the
Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy
Istanbul (Turkey),
10-17, 2003
Classification: Philosophy
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis/The Human Aspirations.htm
Human Aspiration
earliest preoccupation of man in his awakened thoughts and, as it seems, his
inevitable and ultimate preoccupation, — for it survives the longest periods of scepticism and
returns after every banishment, — is also the highest which his thought can
envisage. It manifests itself in the divination of Godhead, the impulse towards
perfection, the search after pure Truth and unmixed Bliss, the sense of a
secret immortality. The ancient dawns of human knowledge have left us their
witness to this constant aspiration; today we see a humanity satiated but not
satisfied by victorious analysis of the externalities of Nature preparing to
return to its pri
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis/Mind Overmind and Supermind.htm
Mind, Overmind, and
It is only when we follow the yogic process of quieting
the mind itself that a profounder result of our self-observation becomes
possible. For first we discover that mind is a subtle substance, a general
determinate — or generic indeterminate — which mental energy when it
operates throws into forms or particular determinations of itself, thoughts,
concepts, percepts, mental sentiments, activities of will and reactions of
feeling, but which, when the energy is quiescent, can live either in an
inert torpor or in an immobile silence and peace of self-existence. Next we
see that the determinations of o
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis/The Peril of the World-State.htm
Peril of the World-State
The State principle leads necessarily to
uniformity, regulations, mechanisation; its inevitable end is socialism.
There is nothing fortuitous, no room for chance in political and
social development, and the emergence of socialism was no accident or a
thing that might or might not have been, but the inevitable result contained
in the very seed of the State idea. It was inevitable
from the moment that idea began to be hammered out in practice.
The work of the Alfreds and Charlemagnes and other premature national
or imperial unifiers contained this as a sure result, for men work almost
always without knowing
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis/A Message to America.htm
A Message to America
have been asked to send on this occasion of the fifteenth August a message
to the West, but what I have to say might be delivered equally as a message
to the East. It has been customary to dwell on the division and difference
between these two sections of the human family and even oppose them to each
other; but, for myself I would rather be disposed to dwell on oneness and
unity than on division and difference. East and West have the same human
nature, a common human destiny, the same aspiration after a greater
perfection, the same seeking after something higher than itself, something
towards which inwardly and even o
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis/Suggested Solutions and Their Inadequacy.htm
Suggested Solutions and Their
rational and scientific formula of the vitalistic and
materialistic human being and his life, a search for a perfected economic
society and the democratic cultus of the average man
are all that the modern mind presents us in this crisis as a light for its
solution. Whatever the truth supporting
these ideas, this is clearly not enough to meet the need of a humanity which is
missioned to evolve beyond itself or, at any rate, if it is to live, must
evolve far beyond anything that it at present is. A life-instinct in the race and in the
average man himself has felt the inadequacy and has been driving toward
Advent and Progress of the Spiritual Age
A society that lives not by its men
but by its institutions is not a collective soul, but a machine; its life
becomes a mechanical product and ceases to be a living growth. Therefore the coming of a spiritual age must
be preceded by the appearance of an increasing number of individuals who are no
longer satisfied with the normal intellectual, vital and physical existence of
man, but perceive that a greater evolution is the real goal of humanity and
attempt to effect it in themselves, to lead others to it and to make it the
recognised goal of the race. In
proportion as they succeed and to the deg
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis/The Conditions of a Free-World Union.htm
The Conditions of a Free-World Union
A FREE world-union must in its very
nature be a complex unity based on a diversity and
that diversity must be based on free self-determination. A mechanical unitarian
system would regard in its idea the geographical groupings of men as so many
conveniences for provincial division, for the convenience of administration,
much in the same spirit as the French Revolution reconstituted France with an
entire disregard of old natural and historic divisions. It would regard mankind as one single nation
and it would try to efface the old separative
national spirit altogether; it would arrange its system probably
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis/On Materialism.htm
The materialist has an easier field; it is possible for him by denying
Spirit to arrive at a more readily convincing simplicity of statement, a
real Monism, the Monism of Matter or else of Force. But
in this rigidity of statement it is impossible for him to persist
permanently. (p.7).
(…) The denial of the
materialist although more insistent and immediately successful, more facile
in its appeal to the generality of mankind, is yet less enduring, less
effective finally than the absorbing and perilous refusal of the ascetic.
For it carries within itself its own cure. Its most
powerful elemen
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis/Characteristics of the Integral Yoga.htm
Characteristics of the Integral Yoga
The passage from the lower to the higher is the aim of Yoga;
and this passage may effect itself by the rejection of the lower and escape
into the higher, — the ordinary viewpoint, — or by the transformation of the
lower and its elevation to the higher Nature.
It is this, rather, that must be the aim of an integral Yoga.
But in either case it is always through something in the
lower that we must rise into the higher existence, and
the schools of Yoga each select their own point of departure or their own gate
of escape. They specialise
certain activities of the lower Prakriti and turn
them towards th