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Parvati's Tapasya
A blazing fire sprung from Shiva's third
eye, had consumed Cupid,1 the mind-born god, and reduced him to
ashes in front of Parvati, thereby shattering her hopes.
Then the daughter of the Mountain2 blamed her own beauty
in her heart. For what use is beauty if it does not attract the
She decided to take recourse to austerities and mind-centered
meditation in order to make her beauty bear fruit; for how else
could she secure such love and such a husband?
Mena, hearing that her daughter, who had set her heart on
Shiva, was resolved to practise asceticism, clasped her to her
bosom and spoke, trying to dissuade her from the terrible vow
1. Cupid: god of Love (or Desire) for the Romans. In Sanskrit this
god has many names: Kama (desire), Manobhava (born of the
mind), Smara (remembrance), Manmatha (the one who churns the
mind), Madana (the one who intoxicates).
2. The daughter of the Mountain: Parvati means the daughter of
Parvat, i.e. the mountain, Himalaya. Shailaja, another name for
Parvati, means also the daughter of the rocs or of the mountain.
3. Shirisha: One of the most beautiful Indian flowering trees (latin
name: Albizzia lebbek). The delicate flowers (also called Sitapushpa)
look like miniature powder-puffs. The leaves are sensitive and fold up
on being touched.
Uma - Abaninidranath Tagore
Parvati's Tapasya
Her aim was nothing less than to win the heart of the supreme
ascetic, silent and motionless in his abode of ice and snow. The
great Shiva clothed in ashes, whom neither desire nor grief can
touch, whose meditation is like Infinity contemplating Infinity,
by whom worlds are created and worlds are destroyed, who can
immobilise the raging Ganges streams in his matted locks and
bear in his throat the fire of the primordial poison, on that god,
Parvati, the lovely daughter of Himalaya, had set her eyes. This
was not for the first time. She had been his from the beginning of
time, in other li
Kalidasa's life
"Valmiki, Vyasa and Kalidasa are the essence of the history of
ancient India", said Sri Aurobindo, "if all else were lost, they would
still be its sole and sufficient cultural history." Yet, of the life of
these three great poets we know very little. And the three plays and
four poems of Kalidasa tell us nothing directly about himself. Even
Mallinatha, the great commentator of Kalidasa, who lived in the
XIVth century AD is silent about his life. As there was more than
one author bearing the name of Kalidasa, the facts about one got
mixed with that of the others creating confusing myths about his
life story.
It is generally believed that Kalidasa w
This monograph is part of a series on Value-oriented Education
centered on three values: Illumination, Heroism and Harmony.
The research, preparation and publication of the monographs that
form part of this series are the result of the cooperation of the following members of the research team of the Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research, Auroville:
Abha, Alain, Anne, Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude,
Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossi,
Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin,
Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie,
Illumination, Heroism and Harmony
The task of preparing teaching-learning material for value-
oriented education is enormous.
There is, first, the idea that value-oriented education should
be exploratory rather than prescriptive, and that the teaching-
learning material should provide to the learners a growing
experience of exploration.
Secondly, it is rightly contended that the proper inspiration
to turn to value-orientation is provided by biographies, autobiographical accounts, personal anecdotes, epistles, short
poems, stories of humour, stories of human interest, brief passages filled with pregnant meanings, reflective short essays
written in well-
results found.
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