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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/On Mary Helen/Shraddhavan and Huta on Mary Helen.htm
Shraddhavan and Huta on Mary Helen
Dearest brother Narad,
Thank you for sharing with us the beautiful
life-sketch of Mary Helen and the news of her passing. Huta told me "She has gone straight to
the Mother", and I'm sure you feel the same. It seems to me that the moment of her passing must have been
a matter of her soul's choice, and have marked the completion of the work she
came to do. We can imagine that
this is a time of great challenge to you, and to Chali, and pray that you may
feel the constant Solace and Support of our loving Mother to carry you
through, We are remembering you
with great love and holding you in our hearts.
From Huta and Shraddhavan
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/On Mary Helen/Remembering Mary Helen Eggenberger.htm
Remembering Mary Helen
Mary Helen Eggenberger
Mary Helen, beloved friend and companion on the
Way, disciple of Mother and Sri Aurobindo, left this beautiful and hallowed
earth she so cherished at 7:30 a.m. on February 7, 2002, a day before her 58th
Mary Helen read about Mother and Sri Aurobindo
when she was just out of her teens and, as a young woman at the age of 22, she
sent her photo to Mother and received Her blessings to come and live in the
Ashram. She traveled with a girl friend to India, taking with her a few
belongings and leaving everything else to meet Mother in August of 1966. She
returned to the Ashram in 1968 for the inaugu
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/On Mary Helen/Richard Pearson on Mary Helen.htm
Richard Pearson on Mary Helen
When I think of Mary Helen I think of "Radha's
Consciousness" and if I gave her a flower it would always be "Radha's
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/On Mary Helen/On Listening to 'The Mother' by Sri Aurobindo.htm
The Mother
March 2002
A few months before her passing Mary Helen asked me to bring
the small portable cassette record to her bedroom. After she passed away, when I was going through all the
draws collecting things to put in an (Album of Remembrance), I found the tapes
of Mother reading (The Mother). In
her last months Mary Helen had been listening to these and never said a word.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/On Mary Helen/Simi Smith on Mary Helen’s Passing.htm
Simi Smith on Mary Helen's Passing
I feel this cancer is a thing of the future
and I have seen those who have it change – they live in The Mother.
I saw Mary Helen like that.
Devon Nair on Mary Helen
Dear Narad,
My thoughts flew to you when I read about
the passing of Mary Helen.
For one to whom Mother said "I am with you, fear not", one need not
grieve. She IS safe and well in Mother's embrace. Let this unshakeable faith sustain all those who loved her.
Yours in Her Love,
Devon Nair
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Mary Helen/English/On Mary Helen/A Vision from Sunanda on Mary Helen’s Passing.htm
A Vision from Sunanda on Mary Helen's Passing
was an abode as if in white clouds and snow. But there were sharp steeples at the top. It was not one of
Natural scapes that are seen so often in our visions. It was more concrete and yet in the subtle way.
I found myself in contact with the inside of this place. It was the same familiar place I see
often. Some familiar presences and
others not intimately known were there.
The sight glided all around without any effort.
physical "I" knew it to be one of the boons given and there was no need for me
to try to see anything. It was
just there, taking place inside that familiar place. It was as usual all shimmering white with ra
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