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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/Correspondence on the OM Choir – Margrit – 25 Oct. 2009.htm
Correspondence on the OM Choir - Margrit - 25 Oct. 2009
Dear Narad
It is nice that you are back and seeing you well. And you
are already busy doing works as you told me. We will pray to The Mother to
take good care of you.
>> In the News&Notes in Auroville I gave the
following announcement:
OM CHOIR, Tuesday 27th, 6:00~7:30pm at Savitri Bhavan: Narad
will be again with us - and also for the next four months. Narad will do
the voice exercises with us and will support the singing and the unfolding
of the OM.
Inspirations from brief "S
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/Correspondence on the OM Choir – Margrit – 5 October 2007.htm
Correspondence on the OM Choir - Margrit - 5 October 2007
dear Narad,
I do not know if the last email reached you??
There are changes in the email set up.
Most welcome when you are coming. 'The Matrimandir is so
beautiful - The Mother's love is so present.....
Also People asking for the OM CHOIR. We will start again
with you.
With more people it is more save going home at night. I had
two unpleasant experiences.
May be we also can start earlier, that people do not have to
come in the dark and go in the dark.
Let us thi
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/On the OM Choir by Margrit – 24 Dec 2014.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/OM Choir Correspondence – Linda - 23rd April 2010.htm
OM Choir Correspondence – Linda - 23rd April 2010.htm
OM Choir Correspondence – Linda – 23 April, 2010
Dear Narad,
We had an Om choir tonight which was simple but harmonious and there was a
genuine aspiration felt among everyone. This is Friday night. We were
about thirteen people.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/Correspondence on the OM Choir – Margrit – 24 February 2007.htm
Correspondence on the OM Choir - Margrit - 24 February 2007
Dear Narad,
thank you for your writing.
I do not know if I presented you the torch-light. She/He,
the Divine Shakti is doing all. This is what Sri Aurobindo is saying in
Synthesis of Yoga. This is what I like to understand, to know and to
live.May be I try to do a little bit too much an impersonal attitude.Often
I do not know what a personal attitude is. I had very difficulty
experiences in my life. And the Divine carried me a long time. I think I
have to open myself softly again and to learn to be an inte
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/Aurelio on the OM Choir – 5 July 2009.htm
-05_Aurelio on the OM Choir – 5 July 2009.htm
Aurelio on the OM Choir – 5 July 2009
Dear Narad !
Wanted to let you know that the first Om choir here, last
Monday in
Savitri Solar Dome brought quite a wonderful opening. I guess
that the
atmosphere of the Immersion camp supported a lot and it was
to just open to a stream of descending energy !
I had been revealing to experience the simplicity of the
direction of
the sound current, and that it seems to be there all the time
and just
waits for the right channel and container, a collective
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/On the OM Choir.htm
I have been seeking through sound the Divine Voice; not
only to hear the heavenly music but to manifest it’s vibration in the
collective body of those who are called to help the New World descend
and by a supreme sympathetic vibration to establish a new harmony upon
My directive as given by the Mother in Her words to me, ‘You
must bring down a new music!’ I now realize will be achieved
through collective bodies (soul-groups) around the world whose prayer
and intens
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/OM Choir - Deepak Patel.htm
Dear Narad,
I met you in Feb this year. I amUday's cousin brother .
I joined OM-QUIRE during my visit to Pondy in Feb 2010. I had very
good experience and really enjoyed. After coming back from there we
started OM-QUIRE at Factory. MY staff also liked it very much. But I
was not satisfiedand wonderingif I can get some Video for OM-QUIRE.
Uday sent me some clips but they are only Audios. I fear that it may
lead us to imperfection ifwe continue without proper guidance. I was
planning to make some arrangement and was thinking of sending them to
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/OM and OM Choir/Correspondence/OM Choir Notice in the Ashram.htm
The voice that chants to the creator Fire,
The symbolled OM, the great assenting Word, ...
Savitri: Book Three,
Canto Two
In 1961 Mother gave the adesh to bring down a new
music. She
said that one must go far above words and
bring down the pure Music. Mother told us to sit in a
circle and have no preconceptions as to what we would
sing but to be silent and let the music descend in us.
The OM Choir aspires to bring down the New Music
for the New World in a collective body.
We sing only OM, the creative and