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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Janina/English/Janina Stroka - An Artist and a Yogi/letter_27.5.1958 .htm
-30_letter_27.5.1958 .htm
Below are extracts from
letters written to a Dutch friend with whom Janina lived first in Palestine and
later in Germany. The letters describe her impressions of the Mother and about
her life experience in the Ashram.
Our patient left and I have again more time. We have finished the big cleaning of the house with streams of water, which in this heat was quite pleasant.
Tomorrow X will give me a mango from Bombay. They are the best mangoes in the world, introduced there some centuries ago by Portuguese from
Goa. She gets parcels from her husband. What a pity that I do not have a husband!
Oh, my felicity grows and grows.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Janina/English/Janina Stroka - An Artist and a Yogi/To My Lord.htm
To My Lord Supreme
Never could I give my eyes to Thy Eyes light-giving,
Nor feel he touch of Thy Golden Hand's Grace,
Thy Hand's my Lord, while on earth Thou wast living -
Never could I prostrate myself before my Lord's Face.
But I loved Thee always and I was Thine
When with me in my anguished land Thou didst throw Thy Soul,
When to my tears in grief Thou didst chain Thy Cry.
Thou hast not forgotten, my Lord, I know.
And then, when the fierce pride of the Dark and its wrath
Into Thy cells Thou didst suck in to transform into Light,
That Light came shining on my sorrow path
Where fear, where pain were creeping, and despair of Night.
Now, in
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Janina/English/Janina Stroka - An Artist and a Yogi/Introduction.htm
Janina was born in Lvov, Poland, on the 18th of July 1909. Her father,
Jan Stroka, was an engineer, her mother, Jadwiga Krasuska, a teacher.
Janina was the younger of their two daughters. After her secondary school
examination in Zakopane, she entered the University of Cracow and in 1933
received her M.A. degree in pedagogy and psychology. During the six following
years she worked as a teacher in a teachers' training college.
In 1939, when the Nazis invaded Poland, the intelligentsia was advised to leave the country as there was fear of genocide. Janina was among th
During her free
time, Janina drew gaining inspiration from the works of Mother and Sri
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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Janina/English/Janina Stroka - An Artist and a Yogi/letter_28.4.1958 .htm
-29_letter_28.4.1958 .htm
Below are extracts from
letters written to a Dutch friend with whom Janina lived first in Palestine and
later in Germany. The letters describe her impressions of the Mother and about
her life experience in the Ashram.
My life is changing continuously - and my being almost from hour to hour. As She is the Most Holy who has descended here, I am just living and acting in a temple all the time. What was before as if, is now the beginning of reality. Before, I knew from Sri Aurobindo's books that each most common act has to assume the sublime character of a sacrifice in a temple - but now I really perform the sacrifice before Her Presen
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Janina/English/Janina Stroka - An Artist and a Yogi/letter_18.12.1957.htm
Below are extracts from
letters written to a Dutch friend with whom Janina lived first in Palestine and
later in Germany. The letters describe her impressions of the Mother and about
her life experience in the Ashram.
Pondicherry 18.12.1957
There is a great peace in me and I have inwardly asked the Mother to write this letter too, to help me. Her living and pulsating consciousness is just simply doing everything here and I experience it that there is just no place for my own action. I have only to step aside and hold with ardent aspiration my mind, life and body imploring Her to do Her Will with them. There can be no doubt that the Divine has
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Janina/English/Janina Stroka - An Artist and a Yogi/letter_29.12.1957 .htm
Below are extracts from
letters written to a Dutch friend with whom Janina lived first in Palestine and
later in Germany. The letters describe her impressions of the Mother and about
her life experience in the Ashram.
It is such a great happiness, such an unspeakable glory and at the same time just businesslike or like the working of a power station. Every morning during the Balcony Darshan we are filled with as much as each can bear of Force, Love, Light. It is quite clear that it is Her work on each individually - and, for the day, we are dismissed to do the work. It is like a conference of the manager-director (understand m
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Janina/English/Janina Stroka - An Artist and a Yogi/letter_24.12.1957 .htm
Below are extracts from
letters written to a Dutch friend with whom Janina lived first in Palestine and
later in Germany. The letters describe her impressions of the Mother and about
her life experience in the Ashram.
Today is Christmas Eve. I have given to Pavitra, to hand it to Mother for Christmas, the small Polish Madonna in the dark wooden triptych and your photo. I included inside a letter: "Ma Mere Divine, cette statuette a ete faite en
Pologne. Permets que je Te donne aujourd'hui la photo de Riek, Riek par laquelle Tu m'as me nee a
Toi. Janina." ("My Divine Mother, this statuette was made in Poland. Let me
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Janina/English/Janina Stroka - An Artist and a Yogi/letter_1.4.1958 .htm
-22_letter_1.4.1958 .htm
Below are extracts from
letters written to a Dutch friend with whom Janina lived first in Palestine and
later in Germany. The letters describe her impressions of the Mother and about
her life experience in the Ashram.
I have given Her my mind and now I am without mind. Every time the mind wants to work the rejection brings it quietude and I see the futility of all these millions and millions of thoughts that used to fill my life, make me miserable, upset me, made me think how I shall do this or that or what will happen next. And I also understand what She means by wasting, squandering oneself - it is just all this turning and turn
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Janina/English/Janina Stroka - An Artist and a Yogi/letter_12.4.1958 .htm
-25_letter_12.4.1958 .htm
Below are extracts from
letters written to a Dutch friend with whom Janina lived first in Palestine and
later in Germany. The letters describe her impressions of the Mother and about
her life experience in the Ashram.
Rain!! Lovely rain-like European summer rain. Now we will have to bear the summer heat for a few months. I am so thankful that I do not seem to suffer from the heat at all. When I am bathed in perspiration I feel contented and quite comfortable. I told myself: "This has to be accepted as something normal and even pleasant." But this does not change the fact that rain is wonderful and that not perspiring is quite w