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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/Preface.htm
Integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is also
known as Yoga of Transformation. The word 'transformation'
has a distinctive meaning, and it is to be distinguished from
what is normally called conversion or mere change of attitude
or from the state of sainthood or ethical perfection. To be
transformed is to be totally transmuted in every part of the
being so that every part of the being is able to manifest
Gnostic or supramental consciousness.
In most of the systems of yoga, the aim is to arrive at the
liberation of the soul from Nature, but there is no deliberate
aim to liberate Nature itself from its own limitations. In the
state of liberation of the soul from Nature,
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/Part Six.htm
Yoga of Self-Perfection
The yoga of self-perfection has, as its aim, perfect
manifestation of the perfect supramental consciousness and
power through the perfected individual vehicles for the
upliftment of the entire humanity so that the supramental
manifestation on the earth can facilitate more and more
rapidly and more and more effectively humanity's endeavour
towards increasing unity and harmony and, eventually,
towards the evolution of the next supramental species.
We may, in this connection, briefly indicate a few
important elements in the integral yoga which reflect its thrust
towards the yoga of self-perfection.
In Sri Aurobindo's synthesis of yoga, the s
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/precontent.htm
Integral Yoga of Transformation
Psychic, Spiritual and Supramental
This book is addressed to all young people who,
I urge, will study and respond to the following
message of Sri Aurobindo:
"It is the young who must be the builders of the new world, —
not those who accept the competitive individualism, the
capitalism or the materialistic communism of the West as
India's future ideal, nor those who are enslaved to old
religious formulas and cannot believe in the acceptance and
transformation of life by the spirit, but all those who are free
in mind and heart to accept a completer truth and labour for
a greater ideal. They must be men who will dedicate
themselves not to the
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/Part One.htm
Meaning of Transformation
The integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother can
rightly be described as the yoga of total transformation. The
word "transformation" which has been used by Sri Aurobindo
in expounding the integral yoga of triple transformation has a
distinctive meaning, and although explained briefly else
where, we may refer to the following statement of Sri Aurobindo:
"By transformation I do not mean some change of the
nature — I do not mean, for instance, sainthood or ethical
perfection or yogic siddhis (like the tantrik's) or a
transcendental (chinmaya) body. I use transformation in a
special sense, a change of consciousness radical and complete
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/Notes and references.htm
Notes and References
' Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, SABCL, Pondicherry, 1971, Vol.
2 The Bhagavad Gita (BG), XV.7.
3 Ibid., VII.5.
4 Ibid., XVII.3.
5 Ibid., XIV.2.
6 Ibid., XIV.20.
7 Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Pondicherry, 1971,
Vol. 21, pp. 661-2.
8 Ibid., The Life Divine, Vol. 19, pp. 962-3.
9 Ibid., pp. 889-90.
10 Katha Upanishad, ILL 12-13.
12 Vide., Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, SABCL, Pondicherry, 1971,
Vol. 18, chapter 23.
13 Ibid., p.225.
14 BG, XV.7.
15 Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, SABCL, Pondicherry, 1971, Vol.
16 Ibid., Vol. 19, p. 891.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/Part Three.htm
Analysis of Mental , Vital and Physical Consciousness
in the Human Being30
Sri Aurobindo has provided detailed analysis of the
complexity of our nature, subconscient, conscient,
intraconscient or subliminal and superconscient; but we may
first present a brief analysis of three important parts of our
ordinary nature, namely, the mental, vital and the physical. Sri
Aurobindo speaks of three parts of the mind, — thinking
Mind, dynamic Mind and externalizing Mind. The vital is
divided into three parts, the emotional vital, the central vital
and the lower vital. The physical refers to the material or
physical consciousness or corporeal consciousness and to the
physical body.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/Part Five.htm
Process of Spiritual Transformation : Role of the superconscient Levels of Mind
But even then there are still limitations of
an inferior instrumentation; as a result, the highest spiritual transformation
must intervene on the psychic or psycho-spiritual change. There is thus the
necessity of an upward journey above our mind and an ascent of consciousness not
only into the higher ranges of the superconscient Higher Mind, Illumined Mind
and Intuitive Mind but also of Overmind and spiritual nature in which the sense
of Self and Spirit is ever unveiled and permanent and in which the self-luminous
instrumentation of the Self and Spirit is not restricted or divided
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/Part Four.htm
How the Psychic Consciousness Develops
There are two domains of consciousness, psychic and
superconscient, where we need to look for, if we are in search
of true knowledge and integral knowledge. Psychic consciousness is, as we have noted
earlier, the inmost consciousness
in the individual, and we find that the psychic entity and, its
representative, soul personality, which are in profounder
depths than the subliminal consciousness, are other than our
body, life and mind, and it is they that support our individual
life , mind and body. The psychic entity is the deputy of the
individual self, jivatman, and it is a spark of the divine fire
and divine love which
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/Part Seven.htm
Major change in the Process of Evolution
The manifestation of the supramental transformation
leading to the highest reach of self-perfection would imply a
major change in the process of evolution. There is in the
present process of evolution a control of the pervading
Nescience, but in this new stage the veil thus put on will be
lifted; the evolution at every step will, according to Sri
Aurobindo, move in the power of the Truth-Consciousness
and its progressive determinations will be made by a
conscious Knowledge and not in the forms of an Ignorance or
In other words, the rule of the Inconscient will disappear,
since the inconscience will
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Integral Yoga of Transformation/Part Two.htm
Psychic Transformation
But the work to be done was so enormous, so meticulous
and so perfect that it could be accomplished, in SriAurobindo's view, only by the triple transformation, —
psychic, spiritual and supramental. This implied three major
processes and results. Sri Aurobindo speaks of the first
process as that of the psychic change, the conversion of our
whole present nature into a soul-instrumentation; next or
along with the first, he points out, there must be the spiritual
change, the descent of a higher Light, Knowledge, Power,
Force, Bliss, Purity into the whole being, even into the lowest
recesses of life and body, even into the darkness of our
subconscience; a
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